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Can Pakistan’s this missile render India’s conventional army useless?

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Mar 4, 2017
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Global Village Space |
Due to Kashmir and multiple other issues, the two rivals from birth, Pakistan and India can go to war. Despite facing oversized enemy, the Pakistani army is prepared to initiate quick-small local offensives, before the Indian army can occupy favorable terrain.

The disparity in the armies has forced Pakistan to rely on tactical nuclear weapons to aid their conventional forces.

The Indian Army’s plan, therefore, failed to immediately take the offensive under a doctrine called “Cold Start.” The doctrine is intended to allow India’s conventional forces to perform holding attacks to prevent a nuclear retaliation from Pakistan in case of a conflict. An offensive from India could make the use of tactical nuclear weapons all the more likely.

As a result, Pakistan’s tactical nuclear strikes on the enemy’s armed forces will render India’s conventional army useless.

Analysts believe the animosity between India and Pakistan makes the Indian subcontinent one of the most dangerous places on Earth. The disparity in forces, war plans on both sides, and the presence of tactical nuclear weapons makes a regional nuclear war—even a limited one—a real possibility.

Pakistan and India are two of the largest armies on Earth. Not only are both armies larger in personnel than the U.S. Army, but they have stood at alert facing one another since the dissolution of the British Indian Army in 1947. The two forces have clashed four times since their birth.

Indian Army is the land force of the Armed Forces of India and has the prime responsibility of conducting land-based warfare. The Indian Army maintains the 3rd largest active force in the world. The army numbers 1.2 million active-duty personnel and 990,000 reservists, for a total force strength of 2.1 million. The army’s primary tasks are guarding the borders with Pakistan and China and domestic security particularly in Kashmir and the Northeast.
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Can Pakistan’s this missile render India’s conventional army useless?
Developing tactical nukes to be used on our own soil was genius because it can wipe out any indian offenses with a few missiles and keeps the escalation ladder down as the nukes were used on Pakistans territory so india wont use their own nukes in response. They would not escalate to full blown city busting nukes.
Developing tactical nukes to be used on our own soil was genius because it can wipe out any indian offenses with a few missiles and keeps the escalation ladder down as the nukes were used on Pakistans territory so .
Is there a rule that say in response to pakistan's tactical nukes India wont use their own nukes in response n they would not escalate to full blown city busting nukes.
Developing tactical nukes to be used on our own soil was genius because it can wipe out any indian offenses with a few missiles and keeps the escalation ladder down as the nukes were used on Pakistans territory so india wont use their own nukes in response. They would not escalate to full blown city busting nukes.

Wrong! If pakistan will use tactical nuclear bomb on any single indian solder than their will be response with nuclear bombs only.
Developing tactical nukes to be used on our own soil was genius because it can wipe out any indian offenses with a few missiles and keeps the escalation ladder down as the nukes were used on Pakistans territory so india wont use their own nukes in response. They would not escalate to full blown city busting nukes.
i think we should use big nukes . if we go down we should make sure that wo wont left any monkey worshipper alive.
Is there a rule that say in response to pakistan's tactical nukes India wont use their own nukes in response n they would not escalate to full blown city busting nukes.
Wrong! If pakistan will use tactical nuclear bomb on any single indian solder than their will be response with nuclear bombs only.

Haha, you lot think that we won't escalate? We are willing to live and die by these words of Zia that he said to Gandhi, and it's not just me you can ask any Pakistani about it.

Mr. Rajiv you want to invade Pakistan? Ok fine go ahead! But please remember one thing that after that people will forget Changez Khan and Hilaku Khan and will remember Zia and Rajiv Gandhi only. Because it will not be a Conventional War. Pakistan may possibly suffer annihilation but Muslims will still survive because there are several Muslim countries in the world. But remember there is only one India and I shall wipe out Hinduism and Hindu religion from the face of the earth! And if you don’t order complete de-escalation and demobilisation before my return to Pakistan, the first word of mouth I will utter will be “Fire”!”

You lot have a naive idea that we ain't that suicidal but I assure you, we are. When push comes to shove, when a tiger is cornered, it has no choice but to decimate and obliterate any and everything in its way.
Haha, you lot think that we won't escalate? We are willing to live and die by these words of Zia that he said to Gandhi, and it's not just me you can ask any Pakistani about it.

Mr. Rajiv you want to invade Pakistan? Ok fine go ahead! But please remember one thing that after that people will forget Changez Khan and Hilaku Khan and will remember Zia and Rajiv Gandhi only. Because it will not be a Conventional War. Pakistan may possibly suffer annihilation but Muslims will still survive because there are several Muslim countries in the world. But remember there is only one India and I shall wipe out Hinduism and Hindu religion from the face of the earth! And if you don’t order complete de-escalation and demobilisation before my return to Pakistan, the first word of mouth I will utter will be “Fire”!”

You lot have a naive idea that we ain't that suicidal but I assure you, we are. When push comes to shove, when a tiger is cornered, it has no choice but to decimate and obliterate any and everything in its way.

Sorry I can't read your whole BS story. We only said that against nuclear bomb will response with nuclear bombs only .... Does not matter tactical or strategic nuclear bomb or any.
Global Village Space |
Due to Kashmir and multiple other issues, the two rivals from birth, Pakistan and India can go to war. Despite facing oversized enemy, the Pakistani army is prepared to initiate quick-small local offensives, before the Indian army can occupy favorable terrain.

The disparity in the armies has forced Pakistan to rely on tactical nuclear weapons to aid their conventional forces.

The Indian Army’s plan, therefore, failed to immediately take the offensive under a doctrine called “Cold Start.” The doctrine is intended to allow India’s conventional forces to perform holding attacks to prevent a nuclear retaliation from Pakistan in case of a conflict. An offensive from India could make the use of tactical nuclear weapons all the more likely.

As a result, Pakistan’s tactical nuclear strikes on the enemy’s armed forces will render India’s conventional army useless.

Analysts believe the animosity between India and Pakistan makes the Indian subcontinent one of the most dangerous places on Earth. The disparity in forces, war plans on both sides, and the presence of tactical nuclear weapons makes a regional nuclear war—even a limited one—a real possibility.

Pakistan and India are two of the largest armies on Earth. Not only are both armies larger in personnel than the U.S. Army, but they have stood at alert facing one another since the dissolution of the British Indian Army in 1947. The two forces have clashed four times since their birth.

Indian Army is the land force of the Armed Forces of India and has the prime responsibility of conducting land-based warfare. The Indian Army maintains the 3rd largest active force in the world. The army numbers 1.2 million active-duty personnel and 990,000 reservists, for a total force strength of 2.1 million. The army’s primary tasks are guarding the borders with Pakistan and China and domestic security particularly in Kashmir and the Northeast.
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Can Pakistan’s this missile render India’s conventional army useless?

Yes we have rendered india's military pretty much useless. That is why india cannot take us on despite being more than 7× bigger than us and having the full backing of the West and Russia.........:azn:
The point is that Pakistan is then justified and has cassus belli to nuke Indian territory to abrahamic kingdom come. Be ready for St Peter.
No worries. We have plenty of nukes that can wipe india of the face of the plane. Including thermonuclear capability:


My dear, nuclear is not chicken biryani the way to talk. I m not interest on useless discussion..... But India still will survive after big losses but very much doubt for Pakistan.

Lol no you wouldnt. You wouldnt risk Delhi and Mumbai for a few thousand soldiers dont be silly.

We will if any nuclear bomb against us than India will not response with single nuke.

Any fool only think to drop a tactical nuclear bomb on Indian army
My dear, nuclear is not chicken biryani the way to talk. I m not interest on useless discussion..... But India still will survive after big losses but very much doubt for Pakistan.
Remember. If india and Pakistan exchange nukes Islam will still survive but there would be no more hindutva.

My dear, nuclear is not chicken biryani the way to talk. I m not interest on useless discussion..... But India still will survive after big losses but very much doubt for Pakistan.

We will if any nuclear bomb against us than India will not response with single nuke.

Any fool only think to drop a tactical nuclear bomb on Indian army

If Indian army invades Pakistan then yes Pakistan would. India would never risk losing its country over a few thousand soldiers and would never escalate that far. Answer this question. Are you willing to risk decades of progress and your whole economy for a tactical nuke on Pakistani soil? Are you in some dilusion where Pakistan also doesnt possess Nukes? Why do you think indian army never used their cold start? Nasr completely check mates it.
Sorry I can't read your whole BS story. We only said that against nuclear bomb will response with nuclear bombs only .... Does not matter tactical or strategic nuclear bomb or any.
Sorry didn't knew you were having gow-mutra, will be concise this time. It doesn't matter if you nuke once or twice, there won't be a Hindustan anymore.
My dear, nuclear is not chicken biryani the way to talk. I m not interest on useless discussion..... But India still will survive after big losses but very much doubt for Pakistan.

We will if any nuclear bomb against us than India will not response with single nuke.

Any fool only think to drop a tactical nuclear bomb on Indian army

so is it your official policy? Because last time i checked india did nt have nuclear retaliation policy on killing of soldiers in enemy territory. How will you justify nuclear strike on pakistan , when pakistan did nt use nuke on indian soil? You will just give us further excuse to decimate your cities as well.
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