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Can Pakistan Be Secular?

lol!! Mr think tank got emotional..

no, i didn't

Regarding your moderators, give this crap to someone else. I can use multiple ID's to login, even multiple IPs.

no comment

Though whatever I said is truth. And most your own people on this forum says you are Muslim country and can never be secular.

we have mixed views on here.....it's a forum

Wanna get me banned? Ban all the Indians on this forum, you won't be able to pay for this website. it's a fact.

whether i wanted to or not, i don't have the authority to make such a decision

i have no problem getting views from other sides.....i just don't like nonsense talk. As long as you are within the rules of the forum, then you are free to speak your mind.

this is a fairly democratic forum

Have a goodnight sleep...

Half of the Pakistani members are isolated with their religion. They don't want to live with this world and carry on their local thinking.

A country where people kill their own citizens to impose hardcore Islamic laws can never be secular.
They are enemy to their own religion.

Every minute we the Pakistanis turn arround, there comes another Indian repeating the same question again and again.........

For the last time, hay Indian, we are not killing our own, this has been told trillion times on this forum, go and read it, do not ask silly questions degrading Pakistani and Pakistan.

U are either clueless or spewing your poison.

Friends like u who needs enemies.
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Every minute we the Pakistanis turn arround, there comes another Indian repeating the same question again and again.........

For the last time, hay Indian, we are not killing our own, this has been told trillion times on this forum, go and read it, do not ask silly questions degrading Pakistani and Pakistan.

U are either clueless or spewing your poison.

Friends like u who needs enemies.

Does this sound like spewing poison to you???

Christians being attacked...

Communal Violence in Pakistan: Toba Tek Singh - Sepia Mutiny

Riots due to Political Rivalry...

New riots break out in Pakistan as toll from political unrest reaches 37 - USATODAY.com
Bhutto assassination sparks riots in Pakistan - CTV News
Deadly violence erupts in Pakistan - CNN.com
Pakistan poll ruling sparks riots - CNN.com
Chowk: Current Affairs: Karachi Riots! Who is responsible
DAWN.COM | Metropolitan | Conspiracy being hatched to trigger ethnic riots: Altaf

Some Shia Sunni Related Issues...

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan's Shia-Sunni divide
Tradition of Sectarian Violence in Pakistan Continues-3: Sign of no End by Ajoy Roy
Attack on Shia funeral sparks Pakistan riots - Asia, World - The Independent
Minority Shia Muslim Are Oppressed In Pakistan - Unholywars
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan's Shia-Sunni divide
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Well let me put it very bluntly ...When it comes to religious matters people of South Asia sucks:tdown: because of their high headedness...Ironically they break every rule/guidance of the holy book they believe with the excuse of saving it...We need to learn lessons from western counterparts when it comes to tolerance...Had a 9/11 kind of attack happened in our respective countries by some minority group we would have seen a massive layer of racial attacks where as apart from few odd incidents everything was normal....
Does this sound like spewing poison to you???

Christians being attacked...

Communal Violence in Pakistan: Toba Tek Singh - Sepia Mutiny

Riots due to Political Rivalry...

New riots break out in Pakistan as toll from political unrest reaches 37 - USATODAY.com
Bhutto assassination sparks riots in Pakistan - CTV News
Deadly violence erupts in Pakistan - CNN.com
Pakistan poll ruling sparks riots - CNN.com
Chowk: Current Affairs: Karachi Riots! Who is responsible
DAWN.COM | Metropolitan | Conspiracy being hatched to trigger ethnic riots: Altaf

Some Shia Sunni Related Issues...

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan's Shia-Sunni divide
Tradition of Sectarian Violence in Pakistan Continues-3: Sign of no End by Ajoy Roy
Attack on Shia funeral sparks Pakistan riots - Asia, World - The Independent
Minority Shia Muslim Are Oppressed In Pakistan - Unholywars
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan's Shia-Sunni divide
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Well let me put it very bluntly ...When it comes to religious matters people of South Asia sucks:tdown: because of their high headedness...Ironically they break every rule/guidance of the holy book they believe with the excuse of saving it...We need to learn lessons from western counterparts when it comes to tolerance...Had a 9/11 kind of attack happened in our respective countries by some minority group we would have seen a massive layer of racial attacks where as apart from few odd incidents everything was normal....

Every thread u troll by changing the subject.

My answer to a Indian was to the question asked that we the Pakistanis killing each other. Had nothing to do with you bringing christiand being killed.

There ate more christians killed in india than any other country in Asia.
doyou pride yoursel in telling the old stories thathave been told million times.

It is bad enough that we are facing terrorism by some foriegner who have come to our land, than you come along and not only troll the thread also put dispicable thing of killings of innocents.

For your info there are more Muslims deaths from these forienger than christians, let me repeat here millionth time that death of a innocent is like a death of whole humaity.

If i were u i would be ashamed to do this kind of dispicable thing mentioning single incidant which does not even belong to this thread.
Well mostly secular parties in Pakistan are more popular than religious parties
religious parties always needed an alliance like IJI or MMA to get enough support to get in power on the other hand secular parties (like PPP) never needed an alliance of 10-20 parties to get in power
In an Islamic country Sovereignty belongs to Allah alone, whose authority is Supreme.. I true Muslim will never wish to have its country declared a secular state... Pakistan is an Islamic State and will remain Islamic state Insha Allah and Sovereignty will always belong to Allah alone....
So when you feel you've been wronged, you don't go to the State, you gang together with your friends and mete out justice as you will, to the best of your ability?
10000000 times more links could be provided on hindustan, so don't even go there

And Did i deny that??? I was replying to ASQ empty rhetoric...read on your own...

For the last time, hay Indian, we are not killing our own, this has been told trillion times on this forum, go and read it, do not ask silly questions degrading Pakistani and Pakistan.

and may be you missed reading my post...This is what i wrote in P.S

Well let me put it very bluntly ...When it comes to religious matters people of South Asia sucks:tdown: because of their high headedness...Ironically they break every rule/guidance of the holy book they believe with the excuse of saving it...We need to learn lessons from western counterparts when it comes to tolerance...Had a 9/11 kind of attack happened in our respective countries by some minority group we would have seen a massive layer of racial attacks where as apart from few odd incidents everything was normal....

I hope i clarified to your satisfaction...
Every thread u troll by changing the subject.

My answer to a Indian was to the question asked that we the Pakistanis killing each other. Had nothing to do with you bringing christiand being killed.
Then you should take some English Lesson's or ask someone to review your post before you hit Submit button...I cannot guess what is in your head and had to rely on what you write....This is what you wrote so kindly explain how what you wrote and claiming match???

For the last time, hay Indian, we are not killing our own, this has been told trillion times on this forum, go and read it, do not ask silly questions degrading Pakistani and Pakistan.

There ate more christians killed in india than any other country in Asia.doyou pride yoursel in telling the old stories thathave been told million times.

No i have no pride in telling such stories...However when someone paints a rediculous picture that i am better then you without knowing the facts i feel i should show him the other side of the coin....

It is bad enough that we are facing terrorism by some foriegner who have come to our land, than you come along and not only troll the thread also put dispicable thing of killings of innocents.
If this is what you think then you are living in fools paradise...You are facing terrorism because some foreigner have come to your land?? Utter BS!!!

For your info there are more Muslims deaths from these forienger than christians, let me repeat here millionth time that death of a innocent is like a death of whole humaity.
And what part of my post made you believe that i do not believe in it??? Every now and then you bring in issues like Gujrat and when you are showed similar links about Pakistan you are jumping up and down...

If i were u i would be ashamed to do this kind of dispicable thing mentioning single incidant which does not even belong to this thread.
You should be ashamed of being hypocrite by pointing issues showing ugly things of other side and behaving crazy when treated in same way...Also you should be ashamed of making false claims about communal harmony in Pakistan...
we have extremists on both sides who are busy imposing their damn way on us. its their fight which is effecting the fabric of society. one group says that we should stop our women from goin out and the other one says we should not mind our sisters sittin drunk at some corner in an empty street and gettin abused.

and its gettin so disappointin for me. u talk to one and they will label u and mullah and u talk to this mullah group and they will label u as party boy.

feel sorry for this in-between population of pakistan.
its very obvious that none of these two extreme groups really understand the ideology of pakistan. i suppose Quaid e Azam expected too much from his fellow leaders who never understood his thinking process which was based on Iqbal. well forget Quaid, some even call Iqbal as kafir.

ideology of pakistan is too much of an ideal to be carried fwd by current tiny pakistani brains :(
So when you feel you've been wronged, you don't go to the State, you gang together with your friends and mete out justice as you will, to the best of your ability?

i read all of your post in this thread and i was thinking to ask you a simple question... you want pakistan to be secular but why not ask Isreal to be secular???? why Isreal is a jewish state then????
does pakistan knows the sole meaning of secularism & democracy,still doubt it....

I think you are the same guy who got banned yesterday for trolling with the nick of GEN-INDIAN, now you are back with a different nick, this time try to behave well and stay in limits.
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