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Can India lead Asia?

India would like to often? Not so easy, first against china. No Chinese support can often?
india can't be the leader of asia , there are several reasons for that , first that we have a neighbour called china which is more powerfull and much more developed than us , we don't even have friendly a neighbourhood , we have problems with china and pakistan , and several other nations like sri lanka and nepal will never want us as their leader , so it would be better if we work on our economic growth and poverty rather being a superpower , we are still just a regional power , our aim should be to control indian ocean , build good relations with our neighbours and counter pak .
Asia is multipolar and will remain multipolar. No country in Asia will be in a position to have the exclusive rights to lead the continent but will possess their 'sphere of influence' in the continent. For India it will be the Indian Ocean.
India would like to often? Not so easy, first against china. No Chinese support can often?

What???:what: I thinkit'll be better if you type in Mandarin and get some other member to translate it for us.
What???:what: I thinkit'll be better if you type in Mandarin and get some other member to translate it for us.

India would like to? Not so easy. First you are up against China, and you have no Chinese support***
印度?怎么可能呢、?印度这么落后,印度等级分化严重,绝大部分的人都处于贫穷 挨饿 的状态。 医疗卫生极差,贪污腐败严重,国内动乱不堪,几个分裂 武装帮派不是的袭击军队警察,恐怖袭击更是时有发生,你们说这样的一个国家内患都还没能解决好还能领到亚洲?第一个不服的就是日本 然后越南“越南70年代打完了法国,很嚣张,忘恩负义的越南忘了中国以前的帮助,军事主义急速膨胀,自称亚洲军事强国世界第三开始以恩报怨,侵略中国,当时还是七天拿下广西一个月打到北京,笑话的是中国差点拿下了越南的首都河内。所以第二个不服的就是越南 第三个 韩国 第四个 中国也不会同意的。 在印度举行的2 010年英联邦运动会,建了几年都弄不好,贪污腐败严重,场馆建了一半就倒了下来,环境卫生差 弄的有些国家的运动员都自主放弃去印度参加比赛。你说这样的国家能领导亚洲?
The concept 'Asia' make no sense,keep in mind far-east/sub-continent/middle-east are different when making sentences.
The concept 'Asia' make no sense,keep in mind far-east/sub-continent/middle-east are different when making sentences.

You're right. It's the convergence of India and China in South Asia that causes friction. Else there are clear demarcations of the areas within Asia.
Is it me or the author did not have up to date information? Did he check these basic facts before he publish the article? The current foreign exchange reserves of China is at 3.2 trillions, and her GDP is 3.5 ~ 4 time bigger than India.
Is it me or the author did not have up to date information? Did he check these basic facts before he publish the article? The current foreign exchange reserves of China is at 3.2 trillions, and her GDP is 3.5 ~ 4 time bigger than India.

So What????
So What????

What do you mean so what? as an author, you want the most up to date information. If the author wants his or her work to be credible, then he or she must provide the most accurate information. I am not arguing with anyone here. I just want to point out the information is not accurate.
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