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Can India lead Asia?

than why indian is investing billions of dollars in defence industry if india dnt want to lead asia ?? dnt tell me indians are investing cz they got security threat from pakistan china and the so called maoist :P

We are spending lots of money because we can afford. Even Australia and Brazil are spending money. What threat Australia or Brazil are facing ?

Also, We have 2 threat China and Pakistan. We need to have strong defend to face both. we are doing that only. If Both China and Pakistan will stop improving their defence, we will also do the same after all 100's of billion $ is big money. China has 200 jets in Tibet. Why?? For entertainment ?? Simply against India. Hence, We are also deploying 200 modern jets near Tibet border.

Also, Pakistan or China may attack India and we need to have very strong defence to protect ourself and offence more at same time. Simple!!

Pakistan already said many time, We will use Nuke against India. We are spending big money for 2nd strike and ABM to Kill BM with Nuke to protect ourself and Retaliation at same time with larger offence.
than why indian is investing billions of dollars in defence industry if india dnt want to lead asia ?? dnt tell me indians are investing cz they got security threat from pakistan china and the so called maoist :P

History has taught us to be wary of our neighbors. Apart from that, military expenditure needs to be the proportionate to the economic development. So we are doing pretty well for ourselves.
India can be one of the leaders in Asia! But India cannot lead Asia, especially not with this current GoI!
than why indian is investing billions of dollars in defence industry if india dnt want to lead asia ?? dnt tell me indians are investing cz they got security threat from pakistan china and the so called maoist :P

Billions might sound huge to you but it's small percentage of actual GDP. India shouldn't spend more than 2.5% of GDP on defense and I mean defense.
Not sure on whole of asia, maybe South and Central asia perhaps (with USA help maybe)
than why indian is investing billions of dollars in defence industry if india dnt want to lead asia ?? dnt tell me indians are investing cz they got security threat from pakistan china and the so called maoist :P

India is modernising & updating it's armed forces, just like Pakistan is doing!
Are you high?? I won't comment on the first part because I agree that's something which hampers our growth.
2. Assuming that Muslims in India are not the rational and patriotic community I know them to be. You think they are the only ones who will breed and increase their population in 50 years while the other communities sit back and dwindle into minority?
We were having some really intelligent discussion here till you posted this crap.

1. You and "jdme" should read the demographic graph for the past decades, and then post your comment in an academic manner.

2. Living habits, food habit, culture, etc have almost wiped off Buddhists. Hindus are also dwindling. Hindus practice celibacy and like call it off at one stage in life. Practices like cohabitation on certain days of the week only, etc are not helpful for any population growth. Widow remarriage is still socially ostracized in the rural areas. Compare that to the Muslim virility and you know why Hindus are loosing out to the Muslims.
2. Living habits, food habit, culture, etc have almost wiped off Buddhists. Hindus are also dwindling. Hindus practice celibacy and like call it off at one stage in life. Practices like cohabitation on certain days of the week only, etc are not helpful for any population growth. Widow remarriage is still socially ostracized in the rural areas. Compare that to the Muslim virility and you know why Hindus are loosing out to the Muslims.

If the above is true in the coming future , BD will sink under their own weight. You are already the 9th populous country in the world.

Get IDEA 3G Mera Bhai :azn:
Is there any defense pact b/n Pakistan & BD and stop smoking whatever you are smoking.

Let me explain this to you. When a Muslim child is born anywhere in the world, the Azan is called into his ears. Then and there the child is bound under a defense pact with the Ummah.
Was this before or after collapse of USSR? Did USA ever led Asia?

U.S.S.R. has collapsed for more than 20 years. You do not remember that is two decades already since then???
Let me explain this to you. When a Muslim child is born anywhere in the world, the Azan is called into his ears. Then and there the child is bound under a defense pact with the Ummah.

Yeah Right. Where was this 'so called defense pact' when Shias & Sunnis were killing eachother during Iran Iraq war, Iraqis were killing Kuwaitis in 1st gulf War, Arab Muslims were killing Black Muslims in Darfur etc. Not to mention the Muslim on Muslim terrorism.
... India’s GDP is about half that of China. Its military muscle is also weaker than China’s.


I love how articles distort the truth. India's GDP is less than 2/7 of China, not even close to half. China 2010 GDP: USD 5.8 trillion. India USD 1.5 trillion.
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