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Can India lead Asia?

India need not lead other countries. If everybody keeps our own house clean and prosperous, why should somebody needs a leader?
Buy F-18s and then in return US will help India to get permanent seat in UN , rule Asia with veto power. :azn:

Veto power will not hand over power to rule anybody. Does England and France with veto power rules the Europe? Big NO. Does China with veto power rules Asia? A very big NO...
1. More than half of Indians are fighting against her. According to MMS one-third of India is under the Maoist insurgents. India, at this rate, cannot even manage herself.

2. Yes, wait another 50 years when the Muslims of India would emerge as the majority community. Because of the Muslim tradition/history/habit of being rulers and because, by that time Muslims in SA and all over the world would have emerged very powerful, Muslim India would become a power again. Like the Mughals perhaps - with the active cooperation of the Rajputs, the most powerful community in India.

Gem of the posts... :woot:
You are awful, ooppsss... sorry you are awesome ...

Again the same superiority complex and the martial race theory. :hitwall:
Wake up and small the coffee.

How are you going to rule the world when you are not able to rule yourself properly? Remember the pre-1971 happenings in your region? You are not able to save yourself from your muslim brothers and needed enormous help of a non-muslim country to save yourself from your muslim brothers?

There are many muslim majority countries in the Asia already and many of them are very wealthy. Why are they not so powerful and not able to lead Asia?

Cat closes it's eyes and thinks that world bacome dark. But any way, It is fine if the dreams makes you feel happy.

Happy (day?)dreaming... :tup:
Let me explain this to you. When a Muslim child is born anywhere in the world, the Azan is called into his ears. Then and there the child is bound under a defense pact with the Ummah.

Who saved you when your country was harrased and tourtured by your own muslim brothers? Whome did you run for help, who have hosted millions of refugees and who saved you from those murderers?
Who saved you when your country was harrased and tourtured by your own muslim brothers? Whome did you run for help, who have hosted millions of refugees and who saved you from those murderers?

Try not to take that guy too seriously.
If the above is true in the coming future , BD will sink under their own weight. You are already the 9th populous country in the world.

Get IDEA 3G Mera Bhai :azn:

1. No, BD will not sink. It will spread into its natural/historical habitat extending from the Rajmahal Hills to the Arakan Yoma extending up to and including Andaman - Nicobar.

2. But come back to the topic. Can India lead Asia when she cannot even lead herself?:chilli:
1. No, BD will not sink. It will spread into its natural/historical habitat extending from the Rajmahal Hills to the Arakan Yoma extending up to and including Andaman - Nicobar.

2. But come back to the topic. Can India lead Asia when she cannot even lead herself?:chilli:

Yes, we can't lead ourselves. You're the superpower, happy now? lol
1. No, BD will not sink. It will spread into its natural/historical habitat extending from the Rajmahal Hills to the Arakan Yoma extending up to and including Andaman - Nicobar.

Keep off the weed dude.Its damaging your brain.

2. But come back to the topic. Can India lead Asia when she cannot even lead herself?:chilli:

Pure Jealousy

Population in Bangladesh is still a problem nonetheless. This similarly applies to India. It's in fact a global problem. So far, I have not seen any country being inspired by Bangladesh. Bangladesh simply didn't apply its cultural influence.

As I have said before, India is the underdog in the world of super powers with many problems of its own. So in a word - no.
India's population is not like what it is assumed. this land is resourceful to accommodate many(Indians :d ). that's why we faced invaders in the past. vast amount of land supporting human settlement is in India unlike many countries.

so, if you saw a pic of crowded Bombay suburban Train or Culcutta market..don't generalize.
India's population is not like what it is assumed. this land is resourceful to accommodate many(Indians :d ). that's why we faced invaders in the past. vast amount of land supporting human settlement is in India unlike many countries.

so, if you saw a pic of crowded Bombay suburban Train or Culcutta market..don't generalize.

Still, 1.2 billion and counting is a lot. With today's technology, repelling any invader is possible nowadays. And the world is so globalized.

This will lead?

Population in Bangladesh is still a problem nonetheless. This similarly applies to India.
BD is the 9th most populous country while India is 33rd. You have a far more serious problem than India.
List of sovereign states and dependent territories by population density - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes I agree that population growth should be curtailed
It's in fact a global problem.
Sorry to disagree. The indigenous population of may countries like Ukraine, Japan,Russia are decreasing and ageing.

So far, I have not seen any country being inspired by Bangladesh. Bangladesh simply didn't apply its cultural influence.
As I have said before, India is the underdog in the world of super powers with many problems of its own. So in a word - no.

Russia has Chechen problem & China has Uighur problem.Also Information coming from China is very much censored and suppressed..but that didn't stop these countries from becoming UNSC permanent members. Also we are not in the race to become superpower.
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