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CAC head designer explains the capability of JF-17 at Dubai Airshow


Nov 13, 2009
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A secondary link (thanks to houshanghai): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7tuiaeS_kc

The above video is Mr. Yang Wei, director of the JF-17 and J-20 projects, presenting the JF-17 to the media at Dubai Airshow. For those that are interested in various sub-systems on the aircraft, Yang explains the radar, cockpit, powerplant, targetting pod and EW suite individually. This one's a bit of a rare gem, since he did the entire thing in English.

The above video is Mr. Yang Wei, director of the JF-17 and J-20 projects, presenting the JF-17 to the media at Dubai Airshow. For those that are interested in various sub-systems on the aircraft, Yang explains the radar, cockpit, powerplant, targetting pod and EW suite individually. This one's a bit of a rare gem, since he did the entire thing in English.
Would appriciate if a translation is posted...(google translate is really bad at translating chinese)
It's nice that he comes across as a very humble and unassuming person from the video. He actually seems a little nervous, as we all would in front of a large audience.

This is a very informative presentation nevertheless. It seems that some critical specs of JF17 are higher than previous estimates. For example, the combat range(flight without drop-tanks) is 1800 km, rather than the ~1100km that Indian "wikipedia warriors" keep editing to, on the wiki. Ofcourse, the range changes based on how much weapons/load the aircraft is carrying(alot of targets covered on the Indian side, within that range). Also, the endurance of 3.5 hours without ariel-refueling is much better than the ~45 minutes on our F-7s. I'm not sure what F-16's endurance is, but it would be interesting to know if JF-17 is equal to that, or possibly more.
A quick question. What kind of Network capability thunder has? Can two Thunders can share sensor data with each other?
A quick question. What kind of Network capability thunder has? Can two Thunders can share sensor data with each other?

Yup that is exactly why data link is being upgraded in BII & ZDK-03 are brought in for....
also Presence of IFF system ensures "No Friendly Fires"
At around 8 minutes, HE should NOT have said 3rd generation A/C. I know chinese '3rd gen' is = to western '4th gen A/C' but since he is addressing WESTERN audience and the world, he should have said it is a 4th gen A/C and 4th gen cockpit.

Now the audience will think it is "3rd" gen aircraft! DAMN IT!
the audience is not general public, rather professional delegates and defense journalists who do understand the difference of Chinese aircraft generation terminology.
At around 8 minutes, HE should NOT have said 3rd generation A/C. I know chinese '3rd gen' is = to western '4th gen A/C' but since he is addressing WESTERN audience and the world, he should have said it is a 4th gen A/C and 4th gen cockpit.

Now the audience will think it is "3rd" gen aircraft! DAMN IT!

If the audience is that stupid, let it be.

No 3rd Gen aircraft offers this type of Technology.....so they should use a little common sense that this aircraft is definitely more than a 3rd generation.

Secondly, the name itself gives it out, 17 is more than 16.....and PAF deliberately kept 17, to show this is ahead of the F-16s........noting that PAF is the only airforce in the world to have flown both F-16s and JF-17s, and hence can compare and contrast like no other.
If the audience is that stupid, let it be.

No 3rd Gen aircraft offers this type of Technology.....so they should use a little common sense that this aircraft is definitely more than a 3rd generation.

Secondly, the name itself gives it out, 17 is more than 16.....and PAF deliberately kept 17, to show this is ahead of the F-16s........noting that PAF is the only airforce in the world to have flown both F-16s and JF-17s, and hence can compare and contrast like no other.

if we consider names then F-111 nighthawk should be far better than f-22 n F-35.
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