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Bypassing Advani, BJP appoints Modi as the chief chairman of 2014 polls

That is exactly what's bound to happen. No single party can form government. Coalition parties are a fickle sort. What their vote bank says, they will preach.....atleast when it comes to propping leaders.

BJP boys are putting a lot of faith in social networking, forgetting the fact that most of awam in there are either too young to vote or too comfortable to care.

10% of India population has access to net and I think that population is mostly consists above 18 and so eligible for casting vote.And even if your vote share is 35% you can easily win the elections so try to be bit logical and figure out the inevitable.10% is way too much to tip the balance in BJP's favour.
why advani is being sidelined, why not announce he will be president of India if BJP wins?

Just an generation GAP....Advani was same version of Modi 20 years ago when he lead demolition of Babri Mosque....And the same idiot is not preaching that Modi should not be lead the show beacuse Modi is blamed for 2002 riot....

Bottomlime is that BJP is just went by the gallery to appoint Modi beause BJP do not have any alternative than him, but that does not mean that BJP is going to win with Modi...It is just the beginning for Modi...Of course if Modi has to be a PM then he has to create a more accomodating image with different group of people and society...Or else it will only dream for BJP to come to power...
So majority of Indian people want to vote a Hindu Extremist Narendra Modi to power? Shame on you people?

Dude...we are already asahmed with allowing Congress to rule for 65 years...This shows that how much worthless political class we have in our country...SO having reached to such a low where we have to see Rahul Gandhi as a PM one day, so it is better to see Modi as a PM....

And regaring Hindu extremist image, beleive me, the politican are most selfish people on this earth. They build image to get benefit...Modi build Hindu nationalist image because that suits to his popularity in Gujurat....But I am sure that kind of image do not go well through out India.....And I know very well that Modi is a smart and selfish politican....He can quickly turn into secular face to rise in political space... And he should do so that at least we can see this Gandhi familly should left in their past in Indian political space.
Just an generation GAP....Advani was same version of Modi 20 years ago when he lead demolition of Babri Mosque....And the same idiot is not preaching that Modi should not be lead the show beacuse Modi is blamed for 2002 riot....

Bottomlime is that BJP is just went by the gallery to appoint Modi beause BJP do not have any alternative than him, but that does not mean that BJP is going to win with Modi...It is just the beginning for Modi...Of course if Modi has to be a PM then he has to create a more accomodating image with different group of people and society...Or else it will only dream for BJP to come to power...

where is vajpaayi? never heard of him lately
@Rajaraja Chola

OFFTOPIC: dude there should be a serial on colors/life ok on RAJARAJA CHOLA ,north indians should know about our southern glory which expanded india to far east asia .

There are topics already discussed about Chola Empire buddy. And i think I am doing my bit from my username. Thanks.!
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where is vajpaayi? never heard of him lately

Vajpayee sahab has retired from active politics for all practical purposes owing to his age and indifferent health. However he is stil consulted in matters of concern as and when required.
Vajpayee sahab has retired from active politics for all practical purposes owing to his age and indifferent health. However he is stil consulted in matters of concern as and when required.

He can't speak ,how can he be consulted ?:confused:
There are topics already discussed about Chola Empire buddy. And i think I am doing my bit from my username. Thanks.!

We had a good portion on the Cholas in our school history books..but ya..very few people tend to remember..Everyone just get hammered with Mauryan..Mughal and then Gandhi.

People forget the vastness of the empire we carved out in the South and S.E. Asia.
Modi named BJP's poll campaign committee chief

BJP chief Rajnath Singh today announced Gujarat chief minister and party stalwart Narendra Modi as chairman of central campaign committee for 2014 at the party conclave being held in Panaji.

Rajnath at BJP's National executive meet said, we have decided to appoint Narendra Modi chairman of the central campaign committee.

Rajnath Singh announced the decision of Modi’s elevation at a crowded press meeting amidst shouting of victory slogans by the Modi supporters with drumbeats and clash of cymbals.

Modi will address BJP workers shortly.

Here's what Rajnath said:

Narendra Modi will be head of BJP election campaign committee: Rajnath Singh

Upcoming 2014 election is a challenge for BJP and we are confident we will come to power next year: Rajnath Singh

Every political party treats elections as a big challenge; the entire country is looking towards the BJP with expectation: Rajnath Singh

This is an unanimous decision: Rajnath Singh

15 mins before. Breaking news
Advani please retire and give way to modi.:ashamed:
So majority of Indian people want to vote a Hindu Extremist Narendra Modi to power? Shame on you people?

Ohhh common the party who created islamic militant Taliban was in power till some months ago and now comes the one who recognized it .

Noon league saves LEJ (killer of shias) in punjab and now its in POWER!
Noon leauge supported and hided facts about gojra masscre
noon league is supporter of self blowing jihadis

your MOST LEFTIST party made ahmadias non muslims and you talk about secularism to us ?

do you know that VP of bjp is a muslim ? can any of your jammats do that? do you know BJP NEVER made any changes to indian constitution that does bias against muslim ?

why hate bjp then ? Isn't it was vajpayee and bjp who were keen to resolve issues rather than congress??
Sir please EDIT your comment it is disrespectful to my country men

relax. That comment are for the pakistanis who jump at the name of MODI that he is a mass murderer and then gives refuge to OBL .. pathetic denialistanis !
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