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Brothers take a drive with their full-grown pet LION in back of car


Dec 6, 2018
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Brothers take a drive with their full-grown pet LION in back of car

28 March 2019 | https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/wo...amzah-hussain-hassan-car-pet-karachi-pakistan

TWO brothers who have been raising an African Masai lion since he was a kitten have become overnight celebrities.

Hamzah and Hassan Hussain, from Karachi in Pakistan, welcomed Simba into their home when he was just two weeks old.

They took him in after his mother stopped feeding him, and not only do they share a house with the fearsome creature – the pair take him out for rides in their car.

If they park up to go and get drinks, it’s not likely that they would need to put the car alarm on.

On the downside, there is no commercially-available litter tray on the market big enough to contain the output of a 26-month-old lion.

Additionally, male big cats – like their domestic cousins – tend to spray their urine and they have a powerful musky odour.


SAFETY FEATURE: No-one's going to try to steal the car with Simba in the back seat (Pic: Barcroft)


CRUISING: Simba gets plenty of attention from other drivers (Pic: Barcroft)

This is instinctive "marking" behaviour that the animals can't really be trained out of.

Hamzah and Hassan’s house will probably have quite a strong whiff to it.

Several online commenters have pointed out that it is not only unwise to try to keep such a powerful wild animal in a house, it’s also rather cruel.

A lion needs ample opportunity to roam and express its wild nature.

Even while playing, a lion’s huge size and strength can make them a significant threat.


GROWL: Just don't change the radio station they're playing Simba's jam (Pic: Barcroft)

Amazingly, lions and tigers can be purchased as pets in some states in the US.

A law was passed in 2004 to restrict the trade, but it still carries on.

Experts estimate that there are thousands of tigers kept in private homes and other facilities in the U.S., possibly more than the number of tigers still left in the wild.

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These idiots should be put behind the bars before they create any further trouble for the people.

Yep just insane beyond belief. These are beautiful creatures but deadly predators and you simply cannot tame them or take the predatory instinct out of them.
They are a time bomb and can go off at any time. They cannot be kept as pets. It's the same for any other big predator e.g. bear, other big cats, crocodile etc.

Take a look at what this superstar bear did;

This was expert Randy Miller's cousin who died.
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This is pakistani begarati to show off then end up dead. we have a culture of showing off. One day when theirs no food the brothers will become food.
Yep just insane beyond belief. These are beautiful creatures but deadly predators and you simply cannot tame them or take the predatory instinct out of them.
They are a time bomb and can go off at any time. They cannot be kept as pets. It's the same for any other big predator e.g. bear, other big cats, crocodile etc.

Take a look at what this superstar bear did;

This was expert Randy Miller's cousin who died.
I normally have no sympathy for these idiots so if the beast decides to make a snack out of them, I won't care any more or less but I do care about rest of the people. If the beast decide to go out of the car, it is not so difficult...just a slap with his paw will send the door of the car flying and then surrounded by dozens of unfamiliar people and traffic will make him go crazy and he may attack the people. This is clear violation of the public safety.
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They do know that u cant just take a wild kitten and raise and assume it will act like a pet? Animals need to de domesticated for decades to build and shape the animals mind into thinking like a pet.
Lions behave just like Cats but , even cats scratch you when they are angry , and in case of Lion that normally means a broken neck or limb for human
The lion might not eat them, but the lion can badly maul any other family member visiting or stranger or guest. Even if they chain the lion up, its hard to control it. The lion can break free easily from their grip. Cage is safe though. At the end of the day, lion is a wild animal and has instincts to hunt and chase prey. There is no guarantee of its behavior neither a suitable prediction when its wild nature takes over.
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