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Brother-in-law of Chinese Nobel winner jailed for 11 years


Nov 18, 2010
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Brother-in-law of Chinese Nobel winner jailed for 11 years

(Reuters) - A Chinese court on Sunday sentenced the brother-in-law of jailed Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo to 11 years in prison on charges of fraud in a case that rights activists have called another example of official retribution on the Liu family.

Supporters of Liu Hui say his case was trumped up, aimed at thwarting the increasing attention by the rights community on the plight of Liu Xia, who has remained under effective house arrest since her husband Liu Xiaobo won the Nobel Prize in 2010.

The court in Huairou, a one-hour drive northeast of Beijing, convicted Liu Hui, a manager in a real estate company in the southern city of Shenzhen, on charges of defrauding a man called Zhang Bing of 3 million yuan ($490,000) with another colleague, lawyer Mo Shaoping told reporters.

"As Liu Hui's defense attorney, I definitely do not approve of this verdict, because we see this fundamentally as a civil issue, and it fundamentally does not constitute criminal fraud. Also, there is not sufficient evidence," Mo said.

Liu Hui has maintained his innocence, according to his lawyers.

In a rare statement to media, a weeping Liu Xia told reporters from the front passenger seat of her car as she drove away from the courthouse that she was extremely angry with the verdict and vowed to launch an appeal.

"I absolutely cannot accept this. This is simply persecution," she said. "This is completely an illegal verdict."

Liu Xia said she had "completely lost hope" in the government.

"I can't even leave my house."

After about two minutes, security forced journalists away from the car, which moved off.

Liu Hui was out on bail last September, but then arrested again in January, after several rights activists and foreign reporters forced their way past security guards late last year to visit Liu Xia, one of his other lawyers, Shang Baojun, told Reuters before the verdict.

Raphael Droszewski, a first secretary at the European Union Delegation to China, told reporters outside the courthouse that the EU was deeply concerned by Liu Hui's sentence. He called for Liu Xiaobo's release and the ending of restrictions on Liu Xia.

"As it is clear Liu Xia is under house arrest, the EU urges the Chinese authorities to end all forms of extra legal restriction on her," he said.


The ruling is seen as a setback for hopes for political reform from new Chinese President Xi Jinping, whose government has detained anti-corruption activists and tightened free expression on the Internet following his appointment in March.

"Everything related to the Liu Xiaobo case previously could have been seen as the legacy of the previous leadership," said Nicholas Bequelin, a researcher at Human Rights Watch, a New York-based advocacy group.

"But with this sentence the new leadership buys into this suppression and persecution of the family. It deems the prospect unlikely that the government is amenable to the release of Liu Xiaobo, or will make any concessions on the case."

The case will also renew international criticism of the plight of Liu Xiaobo's family.

The verdict was handed down within hours of Xi and U.S. President Barack Obama completing an informal summit in California. U.S. and European diplomats were present outside the courthouse in Huairou, a one-hour drive northeast of Beijing.

Speaking in California after the summit, China's top diplomat, State Councilor Yang Jiechi defended the country's achievements in human rights as "there for all to see".

"With China's economic and social development, human rights causes in China will enjoy even greater progress in the future," Yang told reporters, though he did not refer directly to the Liu Hui trial.

Liu Xiaobo, a veteran dissident involved in the 1989 Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests crushed by the Chinese army, was jailed for 11 years in 2009 on subversion charges for organizing a petition urging the overthrow of one-party rule.

His wife Liu Xia is rarely allowed out and is almost never allowed to receive visitors. She has not been convicted of any crime.

Brother-in-law of Chinese Nobel winner jailed for 11 years | Reuters
In China the CCP does these atrocities on guys and families who oppose CCP oppressive policies. Just like Soviet union which used to deport the families of accused to Siberia never to be returned.
So criminals cant be judged for fraud, if their dissident relatives have received laughing stock tier nobel prices from American warmonger to promote destabilization of competing economies and military powers?

Corrupted Indian slaves seem to agree.
So criminals cant be judged for fraud, if their dissident relatives have received laughing stock tier nobel prices from American warmonger to promote destabilization of competing economies and military powers?

Corrupted Indian slaves seem to agree.

Hehe, I guess any relatives of any "rights" activists cannot be convicted of any crime or the CCP would be accused of retribution.
I mean "brother-in-law" can cover lots of people. Some people have lots of "brother-in-laws" since the English term does not distinguish sister's husband, wife's brother, wife's sister's husband, etc etc, lol

I guess I need to get connected with some rights activists so I might raise this as "legal defense." lol
Nobel peace prize...you know, the same prize that was given to Obama before he even went to office and then awarded to European Union right before they sent mercenaries and militants to Syria? At this point getting a Nobel "peace" prize is quickly becoming a black mark on one's reputation consider who some of the recent recipients are.
Nobel peace prize...you know, the same prize that was given to Obama before he even went to office and then awarded to European Union right before they sent mercenaries and militants to Syria? At this point getting a Nobel "peace" prize is quickly becoming a black mark on one's reputation consider who some of the recent recipients are.

only in the chinese head would it be a black mark. Thank you for the propaganda contribution, the check is in the mail from beijing.
only in the chinese head would it be a black mark. Thank you for the propaganda contribution, the check is in the mail from beijing.

Touched another nerve, didn't I? You really should find a more stable and better paying job or failing that, go back to school and finish your degree.

Anyways, it is not that surprising to see you rushing in to defend a con-artist and attempts to blow it into a political problem because the criminal's relative just happen to be awarded the least reputable one out of all Nobel prize. Is there a rule says that if your relative gets a Nobel prize, then their relatives cannot be tried in court?
Touched another nerve, didn't I? You really should find a more stable and better paying job or failing that, go back to school and finish your degree.

Anyways, it is not that surprising to see you rushing in to defend a con-artist and attempts to blow it into a political problem because the criminal's relative just happen to be awarded the least reputable one out of all Nobel prize. Is there a rule says that if your relative gets a Nobel prize, then their relatives cannot be tried in court?

how can you touch a nerve on propaganda :). You need to go back to china bro-- you are in the wrong country to propagate your brainwashing .

I don't know to laugh or just shake my head, when you state- that a relative of a person you guys deem criminal, is also a criminal... LOL

what is wrong with you guys! LOL
what are you doing in the US dude, your brainwashing is antithetical to everything we stand for.
how can you touch a nerve on propaganda :). You need to go back to china bro-- you are in the wrong country to propagate your brainwashing .

I don't know to laugh or just shake my head, when you state- that a relative of a person you guys deem criminal, is also a criminal... LOL

what is wrong with you guys! LOL
what are you doing in the US dude, your brainwashing is antithetical to everything we stand for.

Well, considering how desperate you were the last time to lump things you don't like to "paid propaganda", I would have to say I touched a nerve. Here, not even two posts in, you are already bubbling and rushing into defending a con-artist and try to turn "Is there a rule says that if your relative gets a Nobel prize, then their relatives cannot be tried in court?" into "that a relative of a person you guys deem criminal, is also a criminal". That's a rather huge leap of logic, most likely one that took a dive off a cliff, rolled around in the ravine and possibly fell through a wormhole on the way.

Of course, I would be the anti-thesis of you stand for. You stand for misinformation and political conspiracy theory with generous amount of smear. A lot of people would be anti-thesis of what you stand for, but then again I have never seen you posting a single post that involve actually technical discussion or anything that require scientific knowledge, I guess that is the best you can offer.
Well, considering how desperate you were the last time to lump things you don't like to "paid propaganda", I would have to say I touched a nerve. Here, not even two posts in, you are already bubbling and rushing into defending a con-artist and try to turn "Is there a rule says that if your relative gets a Nobel prize, then their relatives cannot be tried in court?" into "that a relative of a person you guys deem criminal, is also a criminal". That's a rather huge leap of logic, most likely one that took a dive off a cliff, rolled around in the ravine and possibly fell through a wormhole on the way.

Of course, I would be the anti-thesis of you stand for. You stand for misinformation and political conspiracy theory with generous amount of smear. A lot of people would be anti-thesis of what you stand for, but then again I have never seen you posting a single post that involve actually technical discussion or anything that require scientific knowledge, I guess that is the best you can offer.

a con artist according to the chinese and his propaganda machine, is neither technical or a scientific claim. rather calling a dissenter a con artist is a meme used on every dissenter by you guys. and the world knows...

when 99% of the world considers Nobel prize institution as a respectable organization, the 1% (chinese ) not considering it as such is propaganda talk. and the world knows...

It is your state run media mouth that has worldwide reputation of being a propaganda machine of misinformation and lies. Your shrilling that 99% are lying is dismissed rightfully as yet another chinese propagandist. and the world knows....

Go home...and enjoy that paid propaganda. It won't work in the US.
a con artist according to the chinese and his propaganda machine, is neither technical or a scientific claim. rather calling a dissenter a con artist is a meme used on every dissenter by you guys. and the world knows...

when 99% of the world considers Nobel prize institution as a respectable organization, the 1% (chinese ) not considering it as such is propaganda talk. and the world knows...

It is your state run media mouth that has worldwide reputation of being a propaganda machine of misinformation and lies. Your shrilling that 99% are lying is dismissed rightfully as yet another chinese propagandist. and the world knows....

Go home...and enjoy that paid propaganda. It won't work in the US.

Right...because your entire justification of defending fraud is because...it is court ruling from another country? Again, many people would be anti-thesis of what you are, because what you have is simple paranoid hate of another group people to be point that you couldn't help but to rush into posting smears, but like I said, you have shown zero-aptitude for scientific discussion and from I see here didn't even bother to see the court evidences, so it is not surprising. That, and since you are so hanged up on "paid propaganda", I couldn't help but to wonder if this is something that resonated with you.

While Nobel prize is certainly a respectable reward, the Nobel peace prize in the recent year certainly isn't, unless you consider Obama to be promoting world peace.
how can you touch a nerve on propaganda :). You need to go back to china bro-- you are in the wrong country to propagate your brainwashing .

I don't know to laugh or just shake my head, when you state- that a relative of a person you guys deem criminal, is also a criminal... LOL

what is wrong with you guys! LOL
what are you doing in the US dude, your brainwashing is antithetical to everything we stand for.
For the Chinese members here, that is the system they grew up in and all they know. The Party believes that dissent from official Party lines are not only genetically transferable, but through osmosis as well. That is why family members are routinely 'discovered' to be involved in some crimes quickly after the political dissident is charged and imprisoned.
How do you call that? All in the family......

Boy the way Glen Miller played
Songs that made the hit parade.
Guys like us we had it made,
Those were the days.

And you knew who you were then,
Girls were girls and men were men,
Mister we could use a man
Like Herbert Hoover again.

Didn't need no welfare state,
Everybody pulled his weight.
Gee our old LaSalle ran great.
Those were the days.
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