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British girls flock to Syria to wed soldiers fighting against Bashar al-Assad regime


Nov 6, 2013
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BRAINWASHED British girls are flocking to war-torn Syria to shack up with Muslim terror fanatics.



By Richard Spillett/Published 18th February 2014
SMUGGLER: Nawal Msaad has been charged for terror offences over trying to sneak over £16,500 to Syria in her underwear [SOCIAL MEDIA]

The so-called “Jihadist groupies” have been marrying extremists they have met online.

And the girls follow the hundreds of British men now fighting in rag-tag rebel groups bidding to topple Syrian leader President Bashar al-Assad.

Experts say the fanatical gangs attract female followers by posting heroic-sounding messages and photos online.

At least four British women – two from Portsmouth, one from London and one from Surrey – are known to have been married in the war zone. But researchers from King’s College, London, reckon the total is much higher.

One Jihadist fighter from Portsmouth was asked by a female fan: “How can a sister ask for marriage? Are you interested? After asking Allah of course.”

Another woman vowed to have as many children as possible, offering to “make soldiers of Allah, for the sake of Jihad”.

It is thought that the wannabe wives fly out to tourist destinations in Turkey first to avoid suspicion.

Some of them “marry” over Skype before travelling.

British student Nawal Msaad, 26, has been charged with terrorist offences for allegedly carrying £16,500 in her underwear for a fighter in Syria.

It emerged yesterday that a convicted suicide bomber who planned a terror attack in the UK was also caught attempting to get into Syria.

The unnamed man tried to board a plane to Turkey shortly after he was released from a lengthy jail term for a bomb plot in Britain.
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