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Britain and Spain spat over disputed Gibraltar amid claims of bullying

Gibraltar was always a bone of contention between the Iberians and Brits.

I still wonder how come it has taken this turn after years of neglecting the issue.

The crisis is really pitting European countries against each other.

Well it is due to fishing vs diving dispute and end of the day the EU Courts will resolve it. The Island maybe UK on paper but the working population is Spanish who live across the border and they suffer too. Nothing to get ours knickers in a twist.
The only thing Gibralter is known to the world is due to Tariq Bin Zayad (Jibralter = Jabl-e-Tariq)

That's a tiny piece of land in 2013... Why would two strong nations would go for a war over that 30,000 population or about 2.6 square miles of Area. Come on, 2.6 square miles isn't anything to talk about a war.

As far as i know, Gibraltar was given free opportunity to reunite with Spain in last 100 years but they always chose to remain with UK. If there was such a need from within Gibraltar, UK would happily abdicate Gibraltar from her union. Spain can't afford a war for such a pity land, definitely not when it's in the most difficult phase of her life since decades due to economic crisis.

Spain should lobby within Gibraltar and try to create an influence within it's people instead of taking one-on-one with UK. In such a case, Spain already knows that the whole world will side with UK and it's only going to worsen the situation for Spain.

PS: I am speaking hypothetical scenario as we all are very well aware that nothing is going to happen.
You should see the stories that come out of Spain lately, new(!) military sub if submerged cannot surface anymore due to overweight, skyscraper with 40+ floors and no elevator because they forgot to plan it etc.....it's comical.
LOL spain should concentrate on its own economy, if things go pear shape with Britain, they don't want 3 million brit expats going bananas in spain.
LOL spain should concentrate on its own economy, if things go pear shape with Britain, they don't want 3 million brit expats going bananas in spain.

Classical stuff,when economy is in the gutters invent some outside enemy to divert attention.
Classical stuff,when economy is in the gutters invent some outside enemy to divert attention.

Yep, that has been happening for hundreds of years, and yet still humanity has learn naught. Same thing happened during the Falkland wars. Rule Britannia!

But seriously, What will spain get out of taking Gibraltar? its just a piece of rock, reminds me of that glacier Pakistan and India fight about.
Yep, that has been happening for hundreds of years, and yet still humanity has learn naught. Same thing happened during the Falkland wars. Rule Britannia!

But seriously, What will spain get out of taking Gibraltar? its just a piece of rock, reminds me of that glacier Pakistan and India fight about.

They won't get nothing,they just try to get attention but it's to late for that ,when you have 25% unemployement the average spaniard doesn't give a flying f5ck about Gibraltar.
Their dispute threatens the future of Eurofighter Typhoon project. The Iberians and Brits are partners on that, apart from many other EADS projects.
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