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Breaking News: U.S. deploys fifth warship near Syria


Jun 4, 2009
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United States
Today, currently US five warships and submarines has deployed near Syria according to CNN, Military officers has discussed with lawmakers during 90 minutes meeting.

U.S. deploys fifth warship near Syria

August 30 2013


WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon is moving a fifth warship armed with cruise missiles to the eastern Mediterranean Sea, giving the U.S. more firepower for a possible attack on Syria in response to alleged use of chemical weapons, a defense official said.

The guided-missile destroyer Stout is expected to arrive in the area Thursday, joining four other missile-carrying U.S. destroyers within range of Syria.

Each can carry up to 90 cruise missiles, though experts say they are likely carrying about half that number. Cruise missiles have a range of nearly 1,000 miles, allowing the vessels carrying them to stay well out of range of Syria's anti-ship missiles, even when they launch the missiles.

Meanwhile, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the United States would not act alone in any attack on Syria.

“We continue to consult with our allies,” Hagel said at a news conference in Brunei after a meeting of regional defense chiefs in Indonesia. “And as I think has been made very clear by President Obama -- and I have said it on a number of occasions -- if any action would be taken against Syria, it would be an international collaboration.”

Obama administration officials are scheduled to brief lawmakers late Thursday on the intelligence that U.S. officials say indicates Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government used chemical weapons in an Aug. 21 attack that is believed to have killed hundreds of people in rebel strongholds on the outskirts of Damascus.

The Obama administration has been moving toward a strike against Syria in response to the alleged attack, but when such a response might occur remains unclear.

The Syrian government denies using chemical weapons in the war and has pointed the finger at rebels, who have been engaged in a civil war with regime forces since early 2011.

United Nations chemical weapons experts now in Syria to investigate the alleged attack are expected to leave by Saturday and report to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the Security Council on Sunday or Monday

U.S. deploys fifth warship near Syria - latimes.com

Fifth US warship deployed to Syria ? RT USA

Assad must down and Iran terrorists should run away....:woot:
The US forces are like the autumn sun, though still blazing, but the intensity is much diminished.

The Brits has just returned the deputy sheriff badge to the US. What is left are the Frenchees, the deputized goons who don't even have enough soldiers of their own. They resort to hiring foreigners to do their bidding, the so called foreign legion.

The favourite Frenchee maneuver is put their hands up, turn and run.
The US forces are like the autumn sun, though still blazing, but the intensity is much diminished.

The Brits has just returned the deputy sheriff badge to the US. What is left are the Frenchees, the deputized goons who don't even have enough soldiers of their own. They resort to hiring foreigners to do their bidding, the so called foreign legion.

The favourite Frenchee maneuver is put their hands up, turn and run.

another Chinese lackey in a western country praying that his mother ship can continue to kill 100's of of Muslims , so they can keep their oil!

"Us forces is like the autum sun"-
:lol: there used to be a guy who sounded like you


"There are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!"

"My feelings - as usual - we will slaughter them all"

"Our initial assessment is that they will all die"

"I blame Al-Jazeera - they are marketing for the Americans!"

"God will roast their stomachs in hell at the hands of Iraqis."

'We have destroyed 2 tanks, fighter planes, 2 helicopters and their shovels ( :rofl:) - We have driven them back."

"Surrender or be burned in their tanks."

"No I am not scared and neither should you be!"

"We have them surrounded in their tanks"

Britain "is not worth an old shoe."

Of U.S. troops: "They are most welcome. We will butcher them."

"We will welcome them with bullets and shoes."

"Washington has thrown their soldiers on the fire"
a white Canadian who always defends china and promotes its policies here from day one. Yes of course ! how do I have been so wrong.:no:

We got the Chinese members who constantly defend the western countries, although we don't like them, but their Chinese origin is undeniable.

So don't confuse the political stance of armchairPrivate with his ethnic background.
He is a White Canadian, you China-obsessed troll.

Look at his self-assessment statement as his signature:

The most frequently banned member on PDF for making the most salient and thought provoking posts!

Do I need to say more?

Total cartoon! :rofl:
Look at his self-assessment statement as his signature:

The most frequently banned member on PDF for making the most salient and thought provoking posts!

Do I need to say more?

Total cartoon! :rofl:

Whatever, he is white, while you are not, you Indian white wannabe.
We got the Chinese members who constantly defend the western countries, although we don't like them, but their Chinese origin is undeniable.

So don't confuse the political stance of armchairPrivate with his ethnic background.

we do? who...1 of 10,000 here. :no:
Whatever, he is white, while you are not, you Indian white wannabe.

the only ones who keep calling themselves white here every time on these forums, over and over again are you guys. Chinese love to talk about the color of peoples skins. :P

:what: :undecided: :rofl:

Did you get who I referred to? Did you look at JayAtl's signature?

Don't be another JayAtl please, more than one difficult to handle. :lol:

LOL you got disrespected by him while on your knees for him :rofl:
the only ones who keep calling themselves white here every time on these forums, over and over again are you guys. Chinese love to talk about people skin and colors. :P

LOL you got disrespected by him while on your knees for him :rofl:

So far, you sound like the MOST RACIST person here.
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