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Breaking: Afghan Mullahs declare Jihad against Pakistan .


Jul 14, 2011
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Afghan clerics declare Jihad against Pakistan amid growing violence

Outraged with a series of deadly attacks in capital Kabul the Afghan religious clerics declared Jihad against Pakistan by gathering in the scene of truck bombing in Shah Shaheed area where at least 15 people were killed and near 400 others were wounded last week.
The religious clerics condemned the deadly attack and blamed certain elements in Pakistan for being involved behind the attacks.

A member of the religious clerics council Mawlavi Ahmad Gul called on all parties involved in the ongoing violence and war in the country to let the Afghan people live in peace.
He said the Afghan people are Muslims and insisted that Jihad is eligible against Pakistan’s military intelligence – Inter Service Intelligence and Punjabi military, insisting the country’s army and intelligence is directly involved in the ongoing violence and savagery in Afghanistan.

This comes as the National Directorate of Security (NDS) said Wednesday that specific elements within the Pakistani army was behind the deadly attacks in capital Kabul, apparently gesturing towards the country’s military intelligence – Inter Services Intelligence (ISI).
NDS spokesman Haseeb Sediqi told reporters that the attacks were carried out by the elements of the Pakistani army with the help of their mercenaries – Haqqani terrorist network.
The former Afghan President Hamid Karzai called on United States and the West not to support Pakistan’s military intelligence – Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), blaming it for sponsoring terrorism in Afghanistan.

Speaking among the gathering of Afghans youths to celebrate the International Youth Day, the former Afghan President said politicians and military leaders of the United States, United Kingdom and other countries admitted in the past that Pakistan’s military intelligence is the founder and sponsor of terrorism.

Karzai further added that the US and Western leaders must stop supporting the sponsors of terrorism if they agree with the fact that ISI is supporting terrorism in the region.
A prominent Afghan military official Gen. Abdul Raziq has said the Taliban group is plotting and coordinating attacks in Afghanistan with direct support of Pakistan.He was speaking to reporters following the capture of Nawzad district from the Taliban militants in southern Helmand province.

Gen. Raziq is the provincial police chief of southern Kandahar province and leads the fight against the Taliban militants in the neighboring Helmand province.He said Punjabi militants and mercenaries of Pakistan are fighting in southern Afghanistan and the reason behind prolonged violence in Helmand is due to low number of the security forces deployed by the security institutions.

Afghan clerics declare Jihad against Pakistan amid growing violence - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan News Agency
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How worried should we be?? They already have TTP in their protection .
Looks like Raw is winning at moment.....they were against ISI n NDS Mou....they were unhappy with ghani being pro pakistani......they were unhappy on the growing cooperation between Pakistan n Afghanistan.......they wanted to spoil pak afghan relation....the only way for them was to increase terrorism and blaime Pakistan to create bitterness......2015 january to june......ISI in afghanistan was on top n raw was recovering from shock.......From JUNE TO AUG.....raw makes a comeback.........specially after mullah umar death .....tables are turned..........hope we got a counter strategy
Looks like Raw is winning at moment.....they were against ISI n NDS Mou....they were unhappy with ghani being pro pakistani......they were unhappy on the growing cooperation between Pakistan n Afghanistan.......they wanted to spoil pak afghan relation....the only way for them was to increase terrorism and blaime Pakistan to create bitterness......2015 january to june......ISI in afghanistan was on top n raw was recovering from shock.......From JUNE TO AUG.....raw makes a comeback.........specially after mullah umar death .....tables are turned..........hope we got a counter strategy
Ghani is still Pro Pakistani but for the time being he is towing the Popular Anti-Pak line to stay relevant and in power.
What else can be expected from a puppet state and fake mullas.
Looking at the inaction of Pakistan politicians, it leaves no room for discussion about the need for military take over.
Mullah sahab No jihad against Haqqani Network and Afghan taliban ? Are you afraid if you speak against them they will hunt you down ?
un k sath to romance chal raha hai.......dialouges chal rahay hain.....kabhi qatar kabhi china kabhi muree.....un k khilaf jihad ka fatwa de k marna hai?????
From JUNE TO AUG.....raw makes a comeback.........specially after mullah umar death .....tables are turned..........hope we got a counter strategy

Good observation, there are forces whose bread and butter runs on creating chaos, so they will do their best to retain their "rozi rotti"; now on the question of what significance this latest rhetoric of these Afghan Mullahs will have in future?...I reckon not much as their handlers have their hands full at the moment...lot of money is being pumped to instigate propaganda but this time it will not be a cake-walk.
Afghan taliban declare Jihad against Gov , Isis declares Jihad against Afghan taliban , Afghan taliban declare jihad against ISIS , Haqqani Network declares jihad against gov , TTP declares Jihad against pakistan ,Mangal Bagh declares jihad Lasker-i-Islam , afghan clerics declare jihad against Pakistan , Junaid Jamshed declares Jihad against Women . So many Jihads so little time .
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