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BrahMos Fired From Indian Frigate Tarkarsh


Oct 25, 2010
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BRAHMOS Statement: The BRAHMOS supersonic cruise missile was successfully test fired from the Indian Navy's newest guided missile frigate INS Tarkash off the coast of Goa today.The missile performed high-level "C" maneuvere at pre-determined flight path and successfully hit the target. The surface-to-surface missile, having a range of 290-km, was test launched from the Russian-built Project 1135.6 class warship at 1100 hrs on the 22 of May 2013.

The launch was carried out by Indian Navy as part of Acceptance Test Firing (ATF) of the ship. Indian Navy commissioned INS Tarkash on 9 November, 2012. The warship along with two other frigates of the class - INS Teg and INS Trikand have been built as part of a $1.6 billion contract signed between India and Russia in July, 2006. INS Teg was commissioned on 27 April, 2012 and the commissioning of INS Trikand is expected soon.The advanced warship has been fitted with an upgraded multi-role combat suite to make it one of the most potent platforms of the Indian Navy.

The weapons suite of INS Tarkash includes surface-to-air and surface-to-surface missile systems, 100 mm medium range gun, close-in weapon system, torpedo tubes and anti-submarine rockets. The BRAHMOS surface-to-surface missile system is capable of engaging targets at extended ranges at supersonic speed. All the three ships will be equipped with 8 vertical launched BRAHMOS missile system as the prime strike weapon. The new missile frigates are designed to accomplish a wide range of maritime missions, primarily hunting down and destroying large surface ships and submarines. The vertical launch configuration of BRAHMOS enhances the stealth capabilities of the ship as the missiles are under the deck and not exposed. The Universal Vertical Launcher (UVLM) being used in these ships has a unique design, developed and patented by BrahMos Aerospace. The same also ensures manoeuvering of the missile in any direction after launch, independent of ship movement, thereby providing the surprise attack concepts to the ships.

Livefist: BrahMos Fired From Indian Frigate Tarkarsh
About shtil sam system,did u notice that russia has introduced 2 new systems in its new frigate.The redut vls sams and rpk-29 ASW missile.We are still using shtil sam and rbu-6000 rocket launcher asw weapon.I hope in future IN will consider upgarding these weapons.Especially the REDUT VLs SAM system.
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