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Boys in Indian youth delegation harass girls, cause uproar in China tour

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one can sample your upbringing as a traitor:whistle:

There are many people who get married across the border and there are many who get settled in another country and never return back to their homeland and there are many who criticize their country so heavily that one starts to get baffled about their state of mind , are all those traitors ? if so shall we start to abuse or individually attack on their personal lives?

You are new here and let me tell you one thing there are many Pakistani members here who criticize Pakistan so heavily that you can put them on par with most of the indians here but we never attack on their personal lives, neither we involve there families or call them traitors . I dont want to mention the name of those guys , few of them are on vacation as well but you will come to know with your stay here

What you think about your country doesnot necessarily means the other countrymen will also be thinking in proximity to that , there are certain things that vary .....

I think you haven't heard pervez hoodbhoy or likes otherwise you would have learned it
ok ok as if all the so called GENTELMEN on this forum never passed any comments on seeing some girls.. :lol: u all did things in your age ad now when the young boys indulge in some fun.. you have your principled stands and you all become saint now :lol:

and the word chinki is so popular in India that it will not even be considered as racist by anyone. (offcourse other then the chinese :lol:)

is this really a point of discussion? there will be boys everywhere who will do this. I mean you can rebuke them, and tell their parents and nothing more. Move on. and they learn as they grow. I mean those who want to take cheap shots on India dont need to be so desperate now so as to depend on threads like this for their satisfaction really. Go and take out your frustration on some defence thread. :lol:

Ok good next time when these asss hole harass your sistess or your female relatives we will all clap our hands and say boys will be boys happy now?
@ Indian posters

Guys atleast have respect for a women , no matter from where she belongs but still she is a women and must be respected , abusing her or saying bad things regarding her family or whatever is absurd . Its not like she is only involved in commenting on indian news that have something negative but she also has posted various negative threads about Pakistan as well and commented as well .

She chops and changes flags , on one day she will be against india and on next day she will be against Pakistan but thats her freedoom of speech here on the forum, so let the mods decide, if mods dont have problem then why are you taunting her and trying to engulf her right to freedom of speech

people like is dangerous for any country ... be it India , pakistan......

we should not concern about traitors .......
Yara, isn't that a bit TOO harsh? They need to be disciplined, but, a labor camp?
These guys as i made it are from the families of well to di elites who have never known word labour.then they need to experience it to bring them on right path. if u think labour camp is harsh punishment think about the women they abused how much harsh those words would have been on woman's mind .they really sacred the psyche of the women by abusing them .so no punishment is harsh for them.
@ajtr..I changed channels bcs I could not bear to watch that video and changed back when the discussions began..but you posted that video in its uncut form on a forum..So much for your concern for women.
OK then don't watch the next Indo- SL cricket match as according to her you are indirectly funding terrorist activities in India by watching cricket matches.
I already asked her not to comment on cricket as I find her reasons illogical.

But isn't it worth looking another angle and then decide to discard rather than taking the basis on prejudice and looking at the argument.

Isn't the money Srilankan govt. earn, the same govt. which is questioned for Human Rights Violation.

She says bollywood is funded by underworld, didn't we find the evidence back few decades ago....may be she is wrong this time but can't we discuss it before calling her names.

Disagree with her, put her on ignore list, no one is forcing us to read her post, report her if you want to, but calling her names, making duplicate ids to target her (vulgar ones). That's just crossing the line.

Bac kup your arguments with stats, articles, facts not responding without one just to go against the flow.
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