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Bomb kills Syrian defense minister

If Syria's President Assad Government starts to fall and the FSA gets an Edge, the Alawites have a carbon copy plan of their own state they won't let the Sunnis rule them, protected by the Mountains and reports Syrian Chemical weapons are moving around.

Syria is becoming another Iraq.

Actually i read that the Iraqi ambassador to Syria called on Iraqi citizens to return home as Iraq seems to be safer now then Syria. Go figure....
So the general American is less oppressed and more reasonable than a Syrian rebel. If they had gone harming other citizens, I am sure there would have been a retaliation. Not a civil war - but people would have died.

It is funny that you bring up civil war - in the American version, the world still worships the man with the right cause but who used unconstitutional means to kill his own people (Lincoln), but demonizes the man who stood for the wrong ideas but was within his constitutional right to secede (Davis). Whom would you support if that were a modern day event? The rebels (Confederates) or the president inflicting war on his own people?

Unconstitutional when the Confederates started the war by attacking Fort Sumter. I wouldn't be defending the states that prefers slavery unless you admired Davis.
Good job.

These morons have massacred atleast 16,000 Muslims (majority). Assad must be taken down next. So finally the Syrian rebels are supplied with more munition including anti-tank mines, anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft artillery and explosives.
He tried on 9/11, remember the 4th plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. We got him first. You should thank Osama for allowing us to take the gloves off in assassinations. Thank God for Osama.
He targeted innocents with the other planes . He could have planned one more plane to attack white house . One plane cant kill president , he knew pretty well . A presidents life is worth more than 2000 individuals :D what you say ?
Unconstitutional when the Confederates started the war by attacking Fort Sumter. I wouldn't be defending the states that prefers slavery unless you admired Davis.

Did you even read my post? I said Lincoln's unconstitutional means are justified in hindsight because he stood for what was right. And unconstitutional means were adopted by Lincoln long before Fort Sumter. And for the record, Lincoln won the republican nomination on the promise that he will not abolish slavery. But those lies are justified because of what he stood for.
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