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Body formed to ascertain gravity of drought like condition in Tharparkar


Sep 7, 2010
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Body formed to ascertain gravity of drought like condition in Tharparkar

Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah has constituted a high power committee headed by Sindh Minister for Food Mehtab Dahar with a representative each from Revenue, Relief and Food departments to ascertain the volume of relief with reference to the gravity of drought like condition in district Tharparkar.

The committee is also assigned to ensure supply of wheat to the people of Tharparkar district at 50 per cent concessional rate within a week's time without fail.

This he directed while presiding over a meeting to discuss and decide a strategy to meet the drought like condition in district Tharparkar, held here at the CM House here on Friday, said a statement.

Addressing the meeting, the CM Sindh directed the Relief Department for providing outstanding Rs 400 million to the provincial Food Department and also asked the Secretary Finance to arrange additional amount to meet the requirements whatsoever recommended by the committee.

The CM Sindh directed the members of committee to prepare a strategy for schedule of wheat distribution with consultation of Local MNAs and MPAs to avoid any pilferage as experienced in the past.

He warned that whosoever is found involved in stealing the privilege of the poor famine affected people would be taken to task.

He said that PPP being the party of poor people will safeguard the rights of people at any cost.

He said that since 1971 PPP had been serving the people of Tharparkar areas whenever it came to power and it is still striving hard to convert poverty-hit area into prosperous one.

He expressed the hope that within few years many avenues of opportunities of income and employment would be available to the people of Tharparkar by successful implementation of Thar coal power projects.

Syed Qaim Ali Shah while taking strict notice of the reports about illegal transportation of wheat outside the province because of its low rates in Sindh, directed the Sindh Chief Secretary for extending and strictly implementing the Section 144 Cr. PC imposed to forbid transportation of wheat outside the province.

He directed the Sindh Police, Rangers and provincial Food Department to enforce strict vigilance on loop- holes in the smuggling of wheat, as indentified specially at Hub, Jacobabad and Shahdad Kot.

The CM Sindh also tasked the committee to make their recommendation for fixation of next target of wheat procurement and also to re-visit the support price of wheat production with consultation of growers' bodies.

He said the Sindh Government wants to give incentives and relief to the growers' community as they are the big source of income, employment and production of grain and cash crop.

He said that due to grower- friendly policies we made the province self-sufficient specially in wheat production.

Because of ineffective policy of last caretaker government, wheat procurement target was not achieved, however the present provincial government under its fool proof strategy has ensured not only food security in the province but also enabled itself to provide relief to the poor people of Tharparkar district, he added.

Sindh Minister for Food Mehtab Dahar while briefing the meeting said that about 6000 tons of wheat has been made available to meet the requirement of immediate nature upto March 2014 in Tharparkar District.

He said that after ascertaining the gravity of famine in Tharparkar district, his department would be ready to increase the supply as per recommendation of the committee.

He said that at present per month distribution of 1,80,000 tons is being among the flour mills regularly.

He said that he has made such a strategy which could maintain the demand and supply position of wheat up to coming crop in 2014.

Sindh Minister for Food Mehtab Dahar, Sindh Chief Secretary Sajjad Saleem Hotiyana, Additional Chief Secretary Food Naseer Ahmed Jamali, Principal Secretary to the CM, Rai Sikandar and other officers attended the meeting.

Body formed to ascertain gravity of drought like condition in Tharparkar
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