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BNP trashes report on ISI-Khaleda funding


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BNP trashes report on ISI-Khaleda


Star Report

The main opposition BNP has rejected a report on a Dubai-based newspaper, according to which Pakistan's intelligence agency Inter-Services Intelligence gave Khaleda Zia Rs 50 million prior to the 1991 parliamentary election.

"It's absolutely false and ridiculous. It is beyond imagination that a party like BNP would take money from a foreign organisation for election campaign," Rafiqul Islam Mia, a member of BNP standing committee, said when The Daily Star brought his attention to the report published in Khaleej Times.

Rafiqul back in 1991 was also an influential member of the national standing committee, the highest policymaking forum of the party, and party Chairperson Khaleda Zia after winning the polls appointed him as a minister.

Alluding to a report about ruling Awami League and the 2008 elections published in the July 2011 copy of The Economist, the BNP leader said, "An influential international newspaper has recently published a story about a major political party of our country. This one [in Khaleej Times] might have been intended to counter that one."

The Dubai-based newspaper carried the news on Saturday under the headline "Asghar Khan's petition finally comes up for hearing".

The report mainly deals with a petition filed by Pakistan's former Air Force commander-in-chief Air Marshal Asghar Khan against 140 million Pakistani rupees doled out by the establishment through the ISI to a select group of anti-Benazir Bhutto politicians in 1990.

The report adds, "Another Rs 50 million was allegedly paid to Bangladesh's Khalida (Khaleda) Zia to help her in polls against Hasina Wajid's (Wajed's) Awami League generally perceived by Pakistan's security establishment as pro-India".

Asked about the report, Lt Gen (retd) Mahbubur Rahman said it was BNP who had brought back multiparty democracy and parliamentary democracy in the country. So, this is beyond question that BNP would not take money from anyone for election campaign.
The real report where this funding issue has been brought.

Asghar Khan’s petition finally comes
up for hearing

Asghar Khan’s petition finally comes
up for hearing

Afzal Khan (Dateline Islamabad)

3 March 2012
After a very long wait the petition filed by Air Marshal Asghar Khan against funds doled out by the establishment through the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to a select group of anti-Benazir Bhutto politicians in 1990 finally came up for hearing before the Supreme Court on Wednesday.

The case was, however, adjourned because of absence of certain key witnesses amid warning by the Chief Justice that notices must be issued to former chief of ISI Gen. Asad Durani, and former chief of Mehran Bank Younus Habib to appear before the court in the next hearing on March 8. By his own admission, Gen. Durrani had directly delivered the money to individual politicians and groups including Pakistan Muslim League’s Nawaz Sharif as ordered by the “boss”, meaning the then army chief Gen. Mirza Aslam Beg. In turn Gen. Beg had named the ‘chief executive’ (President Ghulam Ishaq Khan) for supervising the entire exercise. Nobody thought of ethnical or legal violations of their secret proceedings. Its sinister purpose was to defeat the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) under Benazir Bhutto in the 1990 elections. A total of Rs140 million was disbursed after Mehran Bank illegally advanced it to the ISI account. Another Rs50 million was allegedly paid to Bangladesh’s Khalida Zia to help her in polls against Hasina Wajid’s Awami League generally perceived by Pakistan’s security establishment as pro-India.

The ISI had brought together various conservative and religious parties and groups under the banner of Islami Jamhoori Ittehad (IJI) to collectively face the PPP. It effectively checked the Benazir tide in 1988 denying her absolute majority. She got 92 seats against 54 by the IJI while 102 votes were needed to form the government. In Punjab, the major battleground, the IJI got 109 seats against 105 of the PPP while 44 were elected as independent. President Ghulam Ishaq Khan withheld invitation to Benazir to try to constitute a coalition until Nawaz Sharif succeeded in luring the independents to lead the provincial government. Ishaq Khan finally dismissed Benazir government in less than two years and ordered fresh elections in 1990 for which financial support was provided to IJI politicians. Apart from that, arrangement to completely demolish the PPP was tightened by establishing an election cell in the Presidency under Gen. Rifaqat. Benazir could get only a limited number of seats from Sindh and helplessly declared that the elections were massively “stolen”. It is a shameful chapter in country’s history in which the ‘troika’ of President, prime minister and army chief joined hands to secure desired results through brazenly dubious means. Gen. Durrani and Gen. Beg acted in direct contravention of their oath and willingly obeyed illegal orders.

Asghar Khan filed a petition against the illegal disbursement of funds to the IJI politicians. Gen. Durrani in his testimony gave details of amounts given to each leader. The court reserved further action after recording initial evidence. The resurrection of the case has vindicated Supreme Court’s credentials as a neutral and independent entity not leaning against or towards any party. The court is unlikely to punish anybody but would once again expose the interference of security establishment in political matters in violation of the constitution. Imran, who has pressed for revival of the case, apparently wants to retaliate against PML-N for its campaign against him that he is being propped up by the ISI. The case will instead expose Sharif and his allies for receiving money from agencies. It will also show to the nation how the establishment operates to ensure that political system does not stabilise.

Former ISI chief Gen. Hamid Gul unabashedly takes credit for fathering the IJI in 1988 to stem Benazir’s tide. “She would have swept the polls,” he once admitted. A weak coalition under Benazir became an easy prey for Ishaq Khan to be sent home packing within less than two years. The decade of 1990s saw similarly fragile arrangements alternating after every two years and being dispensed with by the president in collaboration with the army chief. Democracy was thus not allowed to take firm roots and was given bad name for incompetence and corruption.

The Supreme Court has been persistently dared and even criticised by the PPP for reluctance to take up the petition because it targets the security agencies and their once favourite politician Nawaz Sharif. Imran recently moved the court to revive the hearing. Theoretically such a hearing has only a historical importance and provides an opportunity for exposing Shairf. But the recourse to past history only diverts attention from real issues confronting the people.

Winston Churchill had once warned politicians: “I consider that it will be found much better by all parties to leave the past to history, especially as I propose to write that history myself.” While Imran will be able to avenge the ‘campaign of vilification’ launched against him by Nawaz Sharif’s PML-N that he is being propelled by the ISI, the PPP shall have the opportunity to expose Sharif who continues to target Asif Ali Zardari for his alleged corruption. However, if, beyond these short-term gains, the case serves a higher purpose of ensuring cleaner and untainted politics in the future, the hearing of Asghar Khan’s petition would promote a noble objective.

Another propaganda fart off by the BAL stooges. No matter what they do their end is near. People have become aware now and
knows who the real puppet is.
Explain ISI funding, Hasina asks Khaleda

Explain ISI funding, Hasina asks Khaleda

No way to stop war crimes trial, she says

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Front Page
Thursday, 08 March 2012
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DHAKA, MAR 7: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday called upon her arch rival Khaleda Zia to explain in public why she had taken money, as had been alleged, from Pakistani intelligence agency.

Referring to media report that Khaleda took money from Pakistan’s Inter Service Intelligence before 1991 elections, the prime minister said the opposition leader was serving the interest of a country, which conceded defeat to Bangladeshies in 1971 war of liberation. “She (Khaleda) has sold the country’s (Bangladesh) interest to Pakistan by taking the money. She must answer as people want to know why she had taken funds from ISI (Inter Service Intelligence),” the prime minister said.

Hasina, also the chief of ruling Awami League, was addressing a crowd of several hundred thousands party supporters before they started a colourful procession from Suhrawardy Udyan marking the 41st anniversary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s de-facto declaration of Bangladesh’s independence in 1971 in his historic March 7 speech.

The AL chief said that the people would never pardon the opposition leader as she was trying to make Pakistan happy by taking the side of war criminals who collaborated with the then Pakistani occupation forces and killed freedom loving people, and looted numerous homesteads.

Hasina reiterated her pledge for holding the war crimes trial saying that the opposition leader would not be able to save the perpetrators of the crimes against humanity committed during the liberation war.

“Do you want to protect the war criminals? You will not be able to save them. War crimes trial will take place on Bangladesh soil, God willing,” the prime minister said pointing to opposition leader Kahleda Zia’s alleged attempt to foil the on-going trial.

The Ziaur Rahman government awarded the killers of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman with diplomatic jobs after they were given indemnity.

“Those killers were executed, and the war criminals will also be tried,” she said.

The crowd also chorused for speedy trial of the “branded” criminals who collaborated with the Pakistani forces to unleash atrocities on civilians during the war.

People from different parts of the capital and its adjoining areas thronged beside the Udyan (formerly known as Race Course Ground) from where Bangabandhu had made the clarion call for Bangladesh’s liberation which inspired the nation to win victory in the following nine-month armed struggle culminating on December 16, 1971.

The Awami League’s programme is apparently a showdown against the Bangladesh Nationalist Party’s planned march towards Dhaka on March 12 over its demand for revival of constitutional provision of caretaker administration to oversee the next general elections.

The ruling party terms opposition programmes a ploy to foil the war crimes trials.

The crowds congregating at the meeting venue in front of Institution of Engineers Bangladesh, spilled over to Paltan crossing, Doel crossing, Teacher-Student Centre and Shahbagh and Kataban crossing. The AL rally caused huge traffic congestion at all thoroughfares in the capital since noontime.

After the prime minister formally inaugurated the procession at around 5.30 pm, the activists marched towards Bangabandhu Bhaban, where the parade eventually terminated in the evening.
The prime minister arrived at the podium at 4.45 pm and assured the crowd that her government was keen to keep its pledge to try the perpetrators of 1971 atrocities.

Hasina expressed her gratitude to the electors as they overwhelmingly mandated her party in 2008 election to assume office paving the ways for the war crimes trial.

The opposition has chosen the month of December and March for movement to protect the collaborators, Hasina said.

“These months are memorable in our history for victory and independence. People will not allow you to implement your design,” she said adding that her government would never allow any foul play with the country’s independence and sovereignty.

The prime minister also called upon her party activists to remain united for smooth holding the war crimes trial as, what she said, the opposition parties were hatching conspiracies to halt the trial at any cost.

Presided over by Awami League presidium member Syeda Sajeda Chowdhury, the rally was addressed, among others, by the party’s advisory board members Amir Hossain Amu and Tofail Ahmed, presidium members Matia Chowdhury and Suranjit Sengupta, General Secretary Syed Ashraful Islam and Assistant General Secretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif.

Referring to the media reports, AL General Secretary and LGRD Minister Syed Ashraful Islam said Khaldea Zia was a “paid agent” of Pakistani intelligence agency.

It has been revealed that she took 50 million rupees during the 1991 election, said the AL leader adding that how much money she had taken during the 1996, 2001 and 2008 elections would also be disclosed someday.

AL activists from different wards and adjacent areas of the capital started gathering at the Engineers Institution area from the morning turning the venue into a human sea.

Chanting slogans the processionists marched towards the venue carrying colourful banners and festoons. Wearing tea-shirts designed with the portrait of Bangabandhu, the ruling party activists filled the Shahbag area before the arrival of the party president and prime minister Sheikh Hasina.
Many of the processions had by band parties which added a festive mood to the programme.

Earlier, the day’s programme started with paying rich tributes by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by placing wreaths at his portrait in front of Bangabandhu Memorial Museum at Dhanmandi in the city.

She first laid a wreath at the portrait of Bangabandhu as the prime minister.

After placing the wreath, she stood in solemn silence for sometimes as a mark of respect to the memory of the the architect of the independence.

Flanked by central leaders of the party, Hasina, also the president of Bangladesh Awami League, placed another wreath at the portrait on behalf of her party.

Ministers, state ministers, AL advisory council members, PM's advisers, lawmakers and central leaders of the party and its associate organisations were present on the occasion.

Later, leaders and workers of Awami League's associate organisations including, Juba League, Chhatra League, Mahila Awami League, Sramik League, Krishak League, Juba Mahila League and Swechchasebok League also paid homage to Bangabandhu by placing wreaths at his portrait on the occasion.
Syed Ashraful Islam said Khaldea Zia was a “paid agent” of Pakistani intelligence agency.

So its a fair game now... Hassina is a paid agent os RAW and Khaleda Zia is a paid agent of ISI ...:P

On all the Bangladeshis are .....??? :angry: :hitwall:
There has to be an alternative to the corrupt Awami League Evil Empire.
From 1991 to 2012, long 12 years Hasina did not say a word about it. But only when bag full of indian cash in Awami pocket was exposed this propaganda story surfaced. Motive of such propaganda is very clear. And Khaleej time had been heavily influenced by indians living in dubai although in clever move they choose to use Pakistani scapegoat.
From 1991 to 2012, long 12 years Hasina did not say a word about it. But only when bag full of indian cash in Awami pocket was exposed this propaganda story surfaced. Motive of such propaganda is very clear. And Khaleej time had been heavily influenced by indians living in dubai although in clever move they choose to use Pakistani scapegoat.

That because former ISI officers revealed that in Pakistani court on March 3, 2012. Read post #3 by Captain planet. :rolleyes:

Another Rs50 million was allegedly paid to Bangladesh’s Khalida Zia to help her in polls against Hasina Wajid’s Awami League generally perceived by Pakistan’s security establishment as pro-India.
Awami dalals are pissing in their pants in fear of march 12 dhaka Cholo movement which inshallah will be a success and final nail
in the coffin of the Awami bigots. This propaganda is just the manifestation of frustration the Awami Indian dalals are going
From 1991 to 2012, long 12 years Hasina did not say a word about it. But only when bag full of indian cash in Awami pocket was exposed this propaganda story surfaced. Motive of such propaganda is very clear. And Khaleej time had been heavily influenced by indians living in dubai although in clever move they choose to use Pakistani scapegoat.

Don't run a conspiracy theory here. No one will trust you. It is clear now that ISI is investing in BD. In one post I pointed out the integrity and authenticity of BD member in the forum. Till last year I encountered humble/honest/logical bengali (Real bengali) on this forum. Since last few month I can see many BD members foul-mouthing against India.

Most of the foul-mouthing based on stupid/illogical allegation. Take an example of Water issue. When It came to china-Brahmputra Issue, BD members ran away from PDF. That clearly show how ISI has penetrated in BD, and how ISI is running pro china and anti India propaganda on internet..

I have high respect fro bangladeshi (Provided he is true bangladeshi). I belong to bihar. My family have good connection with bengali brothers. if some one is illogical then he is not bengali..

---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:52 PM ----------

Awami dalals are pissing in their pants in fear of march 12 dhaka Cholo movement which inshallah will be a success and final nail
in the coffin of the Awami bigots. This propaganda is just the manifestation of frustration the Awami Indian dalals are going

Don't bring India in ur discussion. We will not accept baseless allegation, One side your beloved khalida is getting funds from Paksitan, and other side you are abusing us. Whats the logic behind it?
Awami dalals are pissing in their pants in fear of march 12 dhaka Cholo movement which inshallah will be a success and final nail
in the coffin of the Awami bigots. This propaganda is just the manifestation of frustration the Awami Indian dalals are going

after flop show of the boycott India thing........here comes another.........cholo dhaka..................i m loving it.
That because former ISI officers revealed that in Pakistani court on March 3, 2012. Read post #3 by Captain planet. :rolleyes:

Since when indians and Awami league became firm believer of ISI??? Let alone allegation by ISI officer. And to claim indians and Awami league did not know anything about it, is just preposterous. It is clear case of convenient propaganda to counter the exposure of indian cash and interference in Bangladesh. Problem for Awami League and indians are that people in Bangladesh can clearly see effect of indian cash to Awami League and how country had been to sold out to indian wishes. But no such thing could be said against Khaleda or BNP.
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