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BLF Movement has gone down the drain, says renegade founder


Feb 2, 2007
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By Ahmar Mustikhan

QUETTA:?One of the main founders of the Baloch Liberation Front, who has launched his own separate militant group, has expressed his dismay over the political degeneration of the Balochistan liberation struggle.

Sattar Baloch, who faced third-degree torture at the hands of Pakistani intelligence services during the military regime of Gen. Pervez Musharraf, told this scribe from his mountain hideout in Mekran, \\\"Any one who wants to settle blood disputes is now joining the Baloch Liberation Front to carry out a killing.\\\"

Though Sattar Baloch was one of the main founders of the B.L.F., he along with Saleem Baloch opposed the B.L.F. policy of targeting unarmed civilians. The duo along with their comrades later launched the Baloch National Liberation Front. Sattar Baloch said, "What started as a struggle against the state has degenerated into a war against the common Baloch people." He added,"There is so much dirt now. The situation is getting worse by the day and we see no chance of betterment."

He said in Mekran, the Frontier Corps has killed 500 Baloch people, while the Baloch Liberation Front has killed upwards of 300 local Baloch and the Baloch Republican Army has killed six Baloch people. "Even common Baloch picnickers and hunters are not being spared.They are being beaten up and humiliated and their hunting guns snatched," he deplored.

He condemned the abduction in Tump of Fazul Baloch, 18, a young son of well-known Baloch poet Bashir Bedaar. "The young man was badly beaten up by the B.L.F. militants," Sattar Baloch said, adding, "Decent people belonging to the trading class are being humiliated on a daily basis." He said Mekran was facing economic and educational ruin because of the wrong actions of the militants.

"The building of a college and a 50-bed hospital in Tump was stopped by militants belonging to the Baloch Republican Army," he said. Sattar Baloch said the B.R.A. logic for the action was that the building of the college and hospital would ensure smooth supplies of ration for a Frontier Corps camp nearby.

He said one month ago Naseeb Baloch, 22, was target killed by the B.R.A. outside Turbat city on a charge that he was an informer in the abduction case of Sher Mohammed Baloch, Ghulam Mohammed Baloch and Lala Munir Baloch. The three leaders were abducted from the chamber of their lawyer Kachkol Ali Advocate by the Pakistani security forces, tortured and their bodies dumped in the first week of April 2009.

"All three were doing open politics and roaming freely. Who would need to spy on them? They do not even know what accusations to cook up, Sattar Baloch said. He said the main leaders based in the West do not seem to have any grip on the local militants. The B.R.A. is led by Geneva based Brahumdagh Bugti, 33, who is a grandson of slain governor and chief minister of Balochistan, Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti. The B.R.A. operation from Geneva is allegedly being directed by Brahumdagh Bugti, along with his right-hand man Sher Mohammed Bugti.

Observers in Geneva say the Swiss government has strict laws against terrorism and the Swiss authorities are likely to ask Brahumdah Bugti to quit militancy or leave their peaceful, scenic country.
Key Points from the above article.

* Swiss government has strict laws against terrorism and the Swiss authorities are likely to ask Brahumdah Bugti to quit militancy or leave their peaceful, scenic country.

* The B.R.A. operations from Geneva are allegedly being directed by Brahumdagh Bugti, along with his right-hand man Sher Mohammed Bugti.

* The building of a college and a 50-bed hospital in Tump was stopped by militants belonging to the Baloch Republican Army," he said. Sattar Baloch said the B.R.A. logic for the action was that the building of the college and hospital would ensure smooth supplies of ration for a Frontier Corps camp nearby

* Decent people belonging to the trading class are being humiliated on a daily basis

* Mekran is facing economic and educational ruin because of the wrong actions of the militants

* Baloch Liberation Front has killed upwards of 300 local Baloch people.

* Baloch Republican Army has killed six Baloch people. "Even common Baloch picnickers and hunters are not being spared''.

* What started as a struggle against the state has degenerated into a war against the common Baloch people.

* Sattar Baloch along with Saleem Baloch opposed the B.L.F. policy of targeting unarmed civilians. The duo along with their comrades later launched the Baloch National Liberation Front


@Icarus @Xeric @Irfan Baloch @DESERT FIGHTER @F.O.X @Abu Zolfiqar @Spring Onion @American Pakistani @W.11 @Armstrong @Hyperion @jaibi
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Pakistani govt need to press foreign govts where these terrorist leaders are hiding with asylum status. Pressure those govts to hand these terrorists to Pakistan.
This movement was destined to fail. Nothing surprising or new here.
It has gone down the drain as India is currently having an economic crisis.

Wait for 2014 then these all indian rats would be flushed to Arabian sea. Death to these mf terrorists...Shame on those international govts who have permitted these terrorist rats to live & operate from their soils:disagree::tdown: Asylum...my foot.:angry:
Not surprised they're going the way of the dodo. If anything, they're doing this to themselves and the military and government didn't even have to lift a single finger.
Now that is more strange , Its means that the BLF is not in their founders control , Its objectives are now converted , The separatism gone beyond in priorities , Its being used to spread more chaos in the region , not only that but its also disturbing the confidence of local traders , Seems like their operators don't want a developed baloch region . On other hands , Locals don't trust F.C as they been accused of kidnappings and killings of baloch activists . As long the kill rate increases , The region will get more disturb. We need kind of political involvement to resolve the disputes among locals to stop them of joining any of such militant organizations. Otherwise , It could get worst in future .
Brahamdagh is an enemy of the state of Pakistan.ISI needs to take him out.It doesn't matter if he is in switzerland,go send a contract killer and empty an entire magazine in his skull.
Brahamdagh is an enemy of the state of Pakistan.ISI needs to take him out.It doesn't matter if he is in switzerland,go send a contract killer and empty an entire magazine in his skull.

All of those sardars who could go overseas have gone overseas. Now they are useless and have no control over things happening here. Why do we need to eliminate them when they have made themselves irrelevant ?
All of those sardars who could go overseas have gone overseas. Now they are useless and have no control over things happening here. Why do we need to eliminate them when they have made themselves irrelevant ?
because he has blood of pak soldiers on his hands and he must pay for it with his life
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