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Blast in Peshawar Qissa Khani Bazar

So many directions of attack on Pakistan, internal & external.. direct attack via drones and soft targets like today
Yar i am just telling the difference........ Look my post.... I already told both are terrorist.... but In this particular case, i think RAW is involved.... Reason is Nawaz sharif in London to address U.N And with Which face he will represent the country.....??

& you want we kerp close our eyes, give TTp dam free hand to keep kolling peoples?
you still think that they are innocent bunch of mullahs who , hve been pushed to caves?
& what about the attack on PAKARMY genrl?
who was accepting the , hit?
we shouldnt be considering who, did what but if any of them doing terrorism, then we should fight them till they al find a better place in hell?
you think india dont want see NAWAZ in power instead, pak army?
thts why they going to destroy him internationaly
I mean in which world ate you living , my friend?
NAWAZ is the best of best pakistani politicians , india is happy with, wake up?
he has the friendlist of relations with india, so now dont bring dam conspircies plz, as a nation we need to undrrstand, that we hve to stop blamming others, &- should start fighting terror?
Rights of Non Muslims in an Islamic State

Muslims are bound by their religion to abide by these terms on all conditions. Any kind of deviation and transgression would come under the breach of contract and Islam holds breaches of faith as forbidden and has branded it a mortal sin. Allah has said:

وَأَوْفُواْ بِالْعَهْدِ إِنَّ الْعَهْدَ كَانَ مَسْؤُولاً
17:34 And fulfill (every) covenant. Verily, the covenant will be questioned about.​

. وَأَوْفُواْ بِالْعَهْدِ ...
And fulfill (every) covenant.
meaning, everything that you promise people, and the covenants that you agree to, because the person who makes a covenant or a promise will be asked about it:

... إِنَّ الْعَهْدَ كَانَ مَسْؤُولاً ﴿٣٤﴾۔۔۔
Verily, the covenant will be questioned about.

وَلاَ يَجْرِمَنَّكُمْ شَنَآنُ قَوْمٍ عَلَى أَلاَّ تَعْدِلُواْ
5:8 and let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justice.​
اعْدِلُواْ هُوَ أَقْرَبُ لِلتَّقْوَى​
Be just, that is nearer to Taqwa;

وَاتَّقُواْ اللَّهَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ خَبِيرٌ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ
and have Taqwa of Allah. Verily, Allah is Well-Acquainted with what you do.

Allah said;
... وَلاَ يَجْرِمَنَّكُمْ شَنَآنُ قَوْمٍ عَلَى أَلاَّ تَعْدِلُواْ ...
and let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justice.
The Ayah commands: Do not be carried away by your hatred for some people to avoid observing justice with them. Rather, be just with every one, whether a friend or an enemy.
This is why Allah said,

... اعْدِلُواْ هُوَ أَقْرَبُ لِلتَّقْوَى ...
Be just: that is nearer to Taqwa,
this is better than if you abandon justice in this case. Although Allah said that observing justice is `nearer to Taqwa', there is not any other course of action to take, therefore `nearer' here means `is'.
Allah said next,

... وَاتَّقُواْ اللّهَ إِنَّ اللّهَ خَبِيرٌ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ ﴿٨﴾۔۔۔
and have Taqwa of Allah. Verily, Allah is Well Acquainted with what you do.
and consequently, He will reward or punish you according to your actions, whether good or evil.

Therefore, according to this principle, it is the right of the non-Muslims that:

1) Their life, wealth and honour should be protected by the state such that no one is able to lay hands on them.
2) The Jizyyah imposed on them should be according to their financial conditions.
3) Jizyyah should only be imposed on individuals who can take part in a war. Children, women, the handicapped, the insane, hermits and monks who have given up the pleasures of the world and the old and the sick who cannot earn their living should in all circumstances be exempted from this tax.
4) The needy and poor among them should be provided the basic necessities of life.
5) Their personal matters and religious rituals should be exempted from the law of the state and no interference should be made in their faith and religion.
6) Their places of worship should not be tampered with.
7) They should be allowed to present their religion to others in a polite manner.

In short, except for participating in the state affairs, they should be given all the rights which are sanctioned by the norms of justice and fairness for people in a civilised society, and in this regard all dealings should be done in a befitting manner because Allah likes people who adopt this attitude.
@Leader @Slav Defence @Alpha1 @mikkix @batmannow @pak-marine @Mirzay @Rahil khan @nuclearpak @forcetrip @balixd @F.O.X @Devil Soul @tarrar

Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan TTP denies any role in this attack !!
What you say!!

They are rented terrorists & they did this. TTP, JUD or any other rented terrorist group they are all united in harming Pakistan. Free hand should be given to the Intel Agencies to deal with these terrorists, there can be no peace with these rented terrorists.
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They are rented terrorists & they did this. TTP, JUD or any other rented terrorist group they are all united in harming Pakistan. Free hand should be given to the Intel Agencies to deal with these terrorists, there can be no peace with these rented terrorists.

are you sure???? i think your knowledge about JUD is very little.
& you want we kerp close our eyes, give TTp dam free hand to keep kolling peoples?
you still think that they are innocent bunch of mullahs who , hve been pushed to caves?
Nobody want to give them free hand.... If government want this then they are doing wrong...... its all about to settle issue through table talk and convince them on own terms even we know that they are dheet people.... Also government should look for alternative solution, invest in education sector....

& what about the attack on PAKARMY genrl?
who was accepting the , hit?
we shouldnt be considering who, did what but if any of them doing terrorism, then we should fight them till they al find a better place in hell?
A section of Taliban did it. We Need to demolish them...
you think india dont want see NAWAZ in power instead, pak army?
thts why they going to destroy him internationaly
I mean in which world ate you living , my friend?
NAWAZ is the best of best pakistani politicians , india is happy with, wake up?
he has the friendlist of relations with india, so now dont bring dam conspircies plz, as a nation we need to undrrstand, that we hve to stop blamming others, &- should start fighting terror?

I am not supporter of Nawaz sharif..... but i can't raise question on his intention/aims.... Be positive yar!!
13 years gone, what we achieved from military operations..... Give a chance for Peace talk , and talk on own terms...... Even after war, negotiation happens in the world ... 100% nation will see the real face of Taliban and their intentions...
If table talk fails.. then yeah demolish them.... Nobody will even ask to stop the operation against these terrorist.......
No doubt, this war is not peanut.... It will take many years to demolish them.... Hence nation still has to bear multiple daily attacks, unrest in all four provinces, sacrifices of civilians, army, civil society...... Even 8 year old child can kill 50 people in No time with suicide vest... :undecided:
They are rented terrorists & they did this. TTP, JUD or any other rented terrorist group they are all united in harming Pakistan. Free hand should be given to the Intel Agencies to deal with these terrorists, there can be no peace with these rented terrorists.

dream on

the b@stardized Chief justice may he die like a dog on a roadside and his judicary punks have freed self confessed mass murderers who even in the presence of the judges said that they have killed before and they will kill again.

all this b@stardness has achieved is cases against a former COAS and giving VIP treatment to terrorists, so suck on the terror now.

the solution is only live executions of these terrorists or they will be doing it to you very soon
They are rented terrorists & they did this. TTP, JUD or any other rented terrorist group they are all united in harming Pakistan. Free hand should be given to the Intel Agencies to deal with these terrorists, there can be no peace with these rented terrorists.

Why did you bring JuD in all this mess..????
Nobody want to give them free hand.... If government want this then they are doing wrong...... its all about to settle issue through table talk and convince them on own terms even we know that they are dheet people.... Also government should look for alternative solution, invest in education sector....

A section of Taliban did it. We Need to demolish them...

13 years gone, what we achieved from military operations..... Give a chance for Peace talk , and talk on own terms...... Even after war, negotiation happens in the world ... 100% nation will see the real face of Taliban and their intentions.

its been 13 years and the nation is unable to see the true face of taliban after loosing 50K people what makes you think it will still be alive after loosing 100K or 1000K people?

give peace a chance you say
of course we tried it in Mohmand, Sawat and khyber agencies many times and see what happened. they just consolidated and killed more of our people.

but then again maybe this nation deserves it because it still is undecided and cant understand who the enemy is and thinks that the moment American drones stop bombing and the Americans leave Afghanistan the sky will rain flowers and milk will flow in the rivers and Taliban will be benevolent kind and charitable souls
its been 13 years and the nation is unable to see the true face of taliban after loosing 50K people what makes you think it will still be alive after loosing 100K or 1000K people?

give peace a chance you say
of course we tried it in Mohmand, Sawat and khyber agencies many times and see what happened. they just consolidated and killed more of our people.

but then again maybe this nation deserves it because it still is undecided and cant understand who the enemy is and thinks that the moment American drones stop bombing and the Americans leave Afghanistan the sky will rain flowers and milk will flow in the rivers and Taliban will be benevolent kind and charitable souls
100% Agreed. Good post Sir....
Nothing to deny...
Why did they free Taliban leader while these things are happening???
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