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Blast at Indian Military check post by Kashmirs Freedom fighters

post repotted

An american resident hinting about terror activities on a website hosted in USA by anther American resident. This can get sticky

He will not get arrested because of his mental condition. He is a retard.
Not convinced this is IA or and Indian force being attacked. If this were true this would be BIG news and being covered wall to wall in the Indian media. As it stands the only source for this is the least reliable - FACEBOOK.

Could be a PA or Ranger post in SWAT though.....
Jinnah and Gandhi were rivals
so Jinnah = Gandhi
Gandhi = Modi
Modi = Terrorist
so it means
Gandhi = Terrorist?
Wow, They teach fuzzy Logic in your madaris? Can I enroll without comitting the jihad promise post the course completion?
Jinnah and Gandhi were rivals
so Jinnah = Gandhi
Gandhi = Modi
Modi = Terrorist
so it means
Gandhi = Terrorist?
this means
jinnah=terrorist since according to the equation jinnah=gandhi
Accused? careful there. Why did Osama become the most wanted man in the world? He didn't fly the planes now, did he?

1948 Kashmir war started when India invaded the state
2014...the war is still going on and all we hear is India complaining and crying.

Tsk Tsk. Get your facts right at least.

is that what they teach you !! Kashmir was invaded by tribal backed by pakistani army ! this lead to annexation treaty between State of J&K and India. read some history books ;)

Seems like your fellow Indian members are having second thoughts.

I think you have been trying very hard for that without any luck. When it happens, let us know.

u will never know what will hit you !!
is that what they teach you !! Kashmir was invaded by tribal backed by pakistani army ! this lead to annexation treaty between State of J&K and India. read some history books ;)

u will never know what will hit you !!

Like i said before, when it happens, let us know.
He will not get arrested because of his mental condition. He is a retard.
You never know !!! Americans are more retard than him.
Asian guy - specially a muslim is good enough reason for them.
Then some fourm big mouthing too look like or make look like an act of terror :rofl:
I remember one quote from Nazam shethi. He said that when people in Pakistan were telling that they would bleed India by terrorism, He advised that they can not do that since India has a rising Nationalism and they will through your terrorism on periphery. Today it is turning out to be true. The Pakistani weapon to annoy India has backfired on them and heart Pakistan much more than India. Let us see how much time pakistan continues this costly game before resigning.
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