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BJP opposes reservations for Muslims: Rajnath

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Feb 1, 2006
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BJP opposes reservations for Muslims: Rajnath

Indo-Asian News Service

New Delhi, November 12, 2006

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will oppose any move by the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government to introduce reservations for Muslims, party president Rajnath Singh has said.

"The prime minister has talked about Muslims not getting their fair share in government jobs and other employment schemes. We would like to state that the BJP will oppose any such move," he said."Reservations on religious grounds are opposed to the country's constitution. We have opposed setting up of the Sachar Committee and we will continue to oppose it in Parliament and outside," he added.

The Sachar Committee was appointed to conduct a headcount of Muslims in different professions.

According to the BJP chief, "If Muslims as a community are not benefiting from the country's progress, we have to find some ways to help them."

Reacting to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's comment that the BJP had not been able to prove itself effective in the opposition as its top leaders like Atal Behari Vajpayee and LK Advani were engaged in in-fighting, Rajnath Singh said the prime minister should not have commented on the internal affairs of another party.

"It was frivolous of the prime minister to make that comment. Mr Advani and Mr Vajpayee have had an outstanding record of coordinating working inside and outside Parliament," the BJP chief added.

He did not see anything wrong in the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) helping the BJP during elections, as happened during the just concluded Uttar Pradesh local bodies' poll.

"The RSS is not a political entity but if their members help us during elections, we welcome them. We hope that the RSS members will help us during coming Assembly elections in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal and Delhi," he asserted.

He maintained that the results of the recent by-elections had bolstered party workers' morale.

"We have shown everyone that we are the number one party in Uttar Pradesh and we are going to repeat that performance in the Vidhan Sabha elections," Rajnath Singh said.
I dont know about Indian constitution so anyone can u tell me is there any artilce there which state equal opportunities of jobs for Muslims in India?

Why the hell BJP is always opposing anything beneficial to Muslims in India.
They are in the opposition don't worry about them. The Indian Constitution directs the government to provide equal opportunities for all. But, affirmitive action is completely legal and permissible.
Ok Bull but the news says the PM had accepted that Muslims dont get due share. and that is understandble its unlikely that all the deserving and able Muslims to get jobs.
why not to reserve seats for them although i dont know what will be its negative impacts but if there are reservation for them in Jobs it would certainly enhance their employment.
Ok Bull but the news says the PM had accepted that Muslims dont get due share. and that is understandble its unlikely that all the deserving and able Muslims to get jobs.
why not to reserve seats for them although i dont know what will be its negative impacts but if there are reservation for them in Jobs it would certainly enhance their employment.

There are enough reservation in pace,which take outlike almost 30-40% of the seats.More reservations wud deny the eligble to get seats and force to go elsewhere(abroad).
There is discrimination in India based on religion and caste but i strongly oppose reservations and quotas as a mechanism for reducing inequilities. Such mechanisms never address the underlying causes of such inequilties and merely perpertuate them.

If enough muslims and other minorities are not getting elected in proportion to their numbers in society, it is a signal to change the voting system to a proportional or preference voting system.

If minorities are not getting into universities and top posisitons in the academic and business world, it is a sign to overhaul the pathetic school communities and addressing underlying root causes of poverty.

Unfortuanetly the truth of the matter is that if the quota is not implemented, the BJP governmetn will do nothing at all. The last time they were in power they were overly interested in pushing the interests of the urban elite and playing destructive bigoted religous politics.

A quota/reservation is preferable to doing nothing, but it is far more preferable to actually address the underlying causes of poverty.
There is discrimination in India based on religion and caste but i strongly oppose reservations and quotas as a mechanism for reducing inequilities. Such mechanisms never address the underlying causes of such inequilties and merely perpertuate them.

If enough muslims and other minorities are not getting elected in proportion to their numbers in society, it is a signal to change the voting system to a proportional or preference voting system.

If minorities are not getting into universities and top posisitons in the academic and business world, it is a sign to overhaul the pathetic school communities and addressing underlying root causes of poverty.

Unfortuanetly the truth of the matter is that if the quota is not implemented, the BJP governmetn will do nothing at all. The last time they were in power they were overly interested in pushing the interests of the urban elite and playing destructive bigoted religous politics.

A quota/reservation is preferable to doing nothing, but it is far more preferable to actually address the underlying causes of poverty.
There are enough reservation in pace,which take outlike almost 30-40% of the seats.More reservations wud deny the eligble to get seats and force to go elsewhere(abroad).
30-40% of the seats of the government? There are reservations in India for 30-40% of the seats?

No way.

Well BJP is opposing it on secular grounds. It has a point, but giving a little space to the Muslims won't really matter. Since without some help, the minority is sort of bound to live under the tyranny of the majority.

Pakistan has thus provided reserved seats for decades now and Musharraf increased the reservations and also their powers.
30-40% of the seats of the government? There are reservations in India for 30-40% of the seats?

No way.

Well BJP is opposing it on secular grounds. It has a point, but giving a little space to the Muslims won't really matter. Since without some help, the minority is sort of bound to live under the tyranny of the majority.

Pakistan has thus provided reserved seats for decades now and Musharraf increased the reservations and also their powers.
There are some things u guys need to know....
1)NOT 30% BUT 50%. Acc to constitution upto a max of 50% of the seats can be reserved for the "Backward castes " in india.Since the backward castes are in the majority successive govts. in india played vote-bank politics and now 49.5 % of the seats are reserved for various backward castes in educational institutions and govt jobs.There are similar reservations in private educational INSTITUTES but no reservationin private sector jobs as of now.(but it cud change)
2)Minority communities like muslims are allowed to start private "Minority educational institutes" where there are reservations for minority candidates but no reservations for backward castes.There are many such institutes in india.
Open category(non reserved) seats in any college and govt. jobs are open to everybody including minorities and admission is on the basis of merit.So muslims have a choice of joining any type of college and apply for any job in the private sector and non-reserved jobs in public sector.(Keep in mind that there are "Backward class candidates" among muslim too and they have reservations already) .

So you see there is absolutely no need and absolutely no space for more reservations anywhere in india.

One more thing .The only reason why the govt. has raised this issue is because of the upcoming polls in Uttar Pradesh where the muslim vote can make or break a govt.So u see its again Vote bank politics nothing else.
Dude don't mix up seats of the parliament by counting in jobs and seats in some universities.
Look what is important is to empower minorities economically.As far as parliament is concerned from muslim dominated areas muslim candidates are elected and hindus from hindu dominated areas.There is no need for reservations.
How many seats are reserved for hindus and sikhs in Pakistani parliament??
There are some things u guys need to know....
1)NOT 30% BUT 50%. Acc to constitution upto a max of 50% of the seats can be reserved for the "Backward castes " in india.Since the backward castes are in the majority successive govts. in india played vote-bank politics and now 49.5 % of the seats are reserved for various backward castes in educational institutions and govt jobs.There are similar reservations in private educational INSTITUTES but no reservationin private sector jobs as of now.(but it cud change)
2)Minority communities like muslims are allowed to start private "Minority educational institutes" where there are reservations for minority candidates but no reservations for backward castes.There are many such institutes in india.
Open category(non reserved) seats in any college and govt. jobs are open to everybody including minorities and admission is on the basis of merit.So muslims have a choice of joining any type of college and apply for any job in the private sector and non-reserved jobs in public sector.(Keep in mind that there are "Backward class candidates" among muslim too and they have reservations already) .

So you see there is absolutely no need and absolutely no space for more reservations anywhere in india.

One more thing .The only reason why the govt. has raised this issue is because of the upcoming polls in Uttar Pradesh where the muslim vote can make or break a govt.So u see its again Vote bank politics nothing else.
just to complete your sentence. backward cast includes not only hindu backward cast but also muslim backward community of india. the only thing is, this 50% reservation provide equal opportunity for backward cast of both hindu and muslim, hence here muslim backward community face competition with hindu backward cast for this 50% reserved seats in all the government jobs.
Dude don't mix up seats of the parliament by counting in jobs and seats in some universities.

this is demand of Visva Hindu Parishad. they want confirmed seats for muslims where only muslim can do voting. this way seats of muslim can be limited to 15% and there wont be any politics of muslim votes. because average poling rate of india is 50% in any election and that of muslim is about 90-95% and this way muslim voting always make changes on all the seats where they are even in 5-10% of total population.
In Pakistan reservations are only made on two grounds not any particular religion based, just Non-Muslims in general and women.

National Assembly out of 342 10 are for non-Muslims. and 60 for women.

Provincial ASsemblies out of 728 23 for non-Muslims and 128 for women.

The senate does not have a reservation for non-Muslims but it holds 17 for women and 17 for technocrats and scholars out of 100. The breakdown is 14 members from each province and 4 women and 4 technocrats from each as well. and 8 from the FATA regions. 2 members from Islamabad and 1 woman and 1 technocrat as well.

100 in total. Reservations don't tilt the balance in the favor of the minority but it makes sure their wishes are representated
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