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Bigfoot sighted on Taibai Mountain


May 31, 2010
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Bigfoot sighted on Taibai Mountain - People's Daily OnlineOctober 15, 2010

The file photo shows an unidentified Bigfoot in Shennongjia, China's Hubei Province.

The striking news on the appearance of a Bigfoot on Taibai Mountain in Xi'an, Shaanxi Provnice recently spread among local residents of Mei County located near the foot of Taibai Mountain. Is Taibai Mountain really home to a Bigfoot?

Who encountered the Bigfoot on Taibai Mountain?

Reporters interviewed many residents of Mei County, and their accounts varied. According to one story, when several travelers from Xi'an made camp in the deep forest, they suddenly heard a howl and when they looked up, they saw a hairy monster moving back and forth in the woods. After one of them cried, "It is a monster," they ran away in panic and nearly fell into a groove. It was said that these travelers were too frightened and were completely speechless for a few days after they got off the mountain, and they were admitted to the hospital right after returning to Xi'an.

However, according to another story, a few backpackers from Shanghai went to visit Taibai Mountain, the main peak of the Qinling Mountains, and started climbing the mountain in Houzhenzi Village, Zhouzhi County. They walked for two days in the misty mountain where there are a large number of old rattan plants and trees.

When they made camp at the foot of a cliff in the undeveloped Donghe scenic zone at dusk on the third day, they heard an unearthly cry and dimly saw a humanlike creature flying overhead, but the creature was quickly out of sight before they could take a good look. Afterwards, one of them said that the creature was entirely covered with hair but closely resembles a human being, and can swing from branch to branch. This unexpected incident really scared them all.

Then which one of the two stories is true? Or are both false?

A Taibai Mountain National Forest Park official told reporters that several tourists from Xi'an did tell park staff on Sept. 18 that they saw a wild creature in the mountain, but it is still unclear whether it was really a Bigfoot.

Reporters were also informed that Shaanxi Daily and other newspapers had published long reports on the discovery of half-human, half-animal creatures on Taibai Mountain as early as 1990s.

By People's Daily Online
Well, I do not Know about this, But I have had Personal strange experiences On my trek to Himalayas... Mysteries Hidden are yet to be un earthed ...
Well, I do not Know about this, But I have had Personal strange experiences On my trek to Himalayas... Mysteries Hidden are yet to be un earthed ...

Do tell.........:cheers:

Maybe we should make this the "My supernatural experience" thread. I have a few stories to tell too.
Do tell.........:cheers:

Maybe we should make this the "My supernatural experience" thread. I have a few stories to tell too.

I still remember my Colge days When I and My Friend Were In Shimla in a place called Kharapathar , we were on our way to hat koti which is around 20-30 Km I dont know... We preferred to walk at night With a Puff of Cigars Each, we were 3 friends And we rested Near a The Giri ganga and set up a Camp as it was cold we did not prefer to walk that night, We Did Not bother the shadows Moving across our tents as we knew there are bears in the forest's nearby and we had taken necessary precautions to escape a Bear attack... That Night My friend had Gone Out to Pi$$ and He returned safely, But guess where did he Piss Last Night?? He went to P$$ in a Bears cave, There is a Superstitious Belief in th village near by when said this story, they said My friend has a Life for another 3 years as that cave was believed to have been Filled with cosmic Powers as they have witnessed Strange Incidents around... and My friend Died Exactly one day after those 3 years completed In a Bike accident for which Police is yet to find what made him crash
Scientists to look for China's Bigfoot - Yahoo! News

– Sat Oct 9, 7:59 am ET

BEIJING (Reuters) – A group of Chinese scientists and explorers is looking for international help to mount a new search for the country's answer to Bigfoot, known locally as the "Yeren," or "wild man."

Over the years, more than 400 people have claimed sightings of the half-man, half-ape Yeren in a remote, mountainous area of the central province of Hubei, state news agency Xinhua said on Saturday.

Expeditions in the 1970s and 1980s yielded hair, a footprint, excrement and a sleeping nest suspected of belonging to the Yeren, but there has been no conclusive proof, the report added.

Witnesses describe a creature that walks upright, is more than 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) tall and with grey, red or black hair all over its body, Xinhua said.

Now the Hubei Wild Man Research Association is looking for volunteers from around the world to join them on another expedition to look for the Yeren.

"We want the team members to be devoted, as there will be a lot a hard work in the process," Luo Baosheng, vice president of the group, told Xinhua.

But the team will have to come up with about 10 million yuan ($1.50 million) first, and is talking to companies and other bodies to secure the funding, so there is no timetable yet for when they may start, the report added.

China is no stranger to cryptozoology. Tales abound of mysterious, Loch Ness monster-like creatures living in lakes in remote parts of the country.

Tibetans have also long talked about the existence of the Yeti, or "Abominable Snowman," in the high mountains of their snowy homeland.

($1=6.671 Yuan)

(Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Ron Popeski)
I still remember my Colge days When I and My Friend Were In Shimla in a place called Kharapathar , we were on our way to hat koti which is around 20-30 Km I dont know... We preferred to walk at night With a Puff of Cigars Each, we were 3 friends And we rested Near a The Giri ganga and set up a Camp as it was cold we did not prefer to walk that night, We Did Not bother the shadows Moving across our tents as we knew there are bears in the forest's nearby and we had taken necessary precautions to escape a Bear attack... That Night My friend had Gone Out to Pi$$ and He returned safely, But guess where did he Piss Last Night?? He went to P$$ in a Bears cave, There is a Superstitious Belief in th village near by when said this story, they said My friend has a Life for another 3 years as that cave was believed to have been Filled with cosmic Powers as they have witnessed Strange Incidents around... and My friend Died Exactly one day after those 3 years completed In a Bike accident for which Police is yet to find what made him crash

Ooh, Himachal. HP is my favourite getaway, I used to drive up to the hills once every few months when I lived in Delhi..but that place is full of spirits man, I kid you not. I'm as rational as they get, but some of the stuff i've seen- there is a place called Naggar Castle close to Manali, that place is seriously haunted but ridiculously beautiful. First night I stayed there with my wife, I fell ill (high fever) out of nowhere- and in the middle of the night my wife woke me up, i swear there was someone standing at the foot of my bed (a silhouette). We freaked out, pulled the quilt over our heads and it was gone.
Naggar Castle, H.P



To thread starter: Sorry for going off-topic man...
@ROACH: Go to Bhangarh where the govt by itself says you to keep off, have been there too, And have Experimented with Worst things and have even gone wild doing so

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