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Bhutan keen to export hydro-electricity to Bangladesh

A country that does not give us transit to NE India expects us to give them transit. Just like Bangladesh watches out for their interests we will watch out or ours.
i think we should give them a passage,but bangladesh denied us the N-E corridor,so cant say about the government.
Power Import from Nepal, Bhutan - India declines to give Dhaka corridor

“They (India) said it is a tripartite matter. So we could not discuss the matter without Nepal or Bhutan,” an official of Bangladesh Power Division quoted the Indian side as saying on the proposal during the secretary-level power talks.

No wonder why this part was not highlighted........ :lol:

Power Import from Nepal, Bhutan - India declines to give Dhaka corridor

“They (India) said it is a tripartite matter. So we could not discuss the matter without Nepal or Bhutan,” an official of Bangladesh Power Division quoted the Indian side as saying on the proposal during the secretary-level power talks.

No wonder why this part was not highlighted........ :lol:

We are very much interested to bring hydro electricity from Bhutan but reality is india has denied corridor facility as a sign of how deep friendship exist between us .

India has clearly said that this matter is not between India and BD but between India, BD and Nepal/Bhutan.

but again what else can be expected from Bd's?
India buys most of Bhutans energy exports. In that sense Bhutan is dependent on India. India may not want to let go of that.

The other issue is transit to NE.

They either need to drop this slow dance, or go about it in different way.
exactly, ask your self , why there is huge gap in trust ?

There is no huge gap. Some Bd posters here have anti India sentiments and thats why they only post selective news. Electricity corridor has not been denied. India has only said that matter is not a bilateral one and will be discussed when all parties are there. but again Anti-India feelings of these BD's doesnt allow them to react rationally.
India buys most of Bhutans energy exports. In that sense Bhutan is dependent on India. India may not want to let goof that.

The other issue is transit to NE.

They either need to drop this slow dance, or go about it in different way.

India is the preferred customer because almost 90% of Bhutans hydro plants are funded and built by Indian companies and engineers. So how can you expect that electricity from those go to BD before India. We built them and we have the right to use them till our demands are fulfilled.
first we need to solve our other issues like border and water, it will increase trust to each other.

Good luck with that. You will need to have nuclear warheads pointing and threatening to blow up cities like Pakistan is doing, only after that you will get cooperation from this uncivilized country about its water terrorism and have a Indus like water treaty and a fair share of water from common rivers. So we need to start working in that direction. No one ever gets anything by being nice.
“They (India) said it is a tripartite matter. So we could not discuss the matter without Nepal or Bhutan,” an official of Bangladesh Power Division quoted the Indian side as saying on the proposal during the secretary-level power talks.

Bangladesh Power Division secretary Monwar Hossain led the host side at the dialogue while the Indian delegation was headed by P Uma Sankar, power secretary of the Indian power ministry. - a bilateral discussion underway
India's position is that discussion on matters involving multiple entities require representation from all parties involved. A logical view would conclude that it is principled & in keeping with how parleys take place in case of multi-party co-operation.

Why is Bangladesh unwilling to discuss it in presence of all the countries involved?

Journalist, with unequivocal malfide intent, who titled the article conveying message opposite to actual message of the entity he is is attempting to tarnish

Also speaks volumes of the [lack of] comprehension ability of those who used this "article" as the crutch to justify their prejudices, without even questioning the logic put forward in the "article". Try harder m8!
India's position is that discussion on matters involving multiple entities require representation from all parties involved. A logical view would conclude that it is principled & in keeping with how parleys take place in case of multi-party co-operation.

Why is Bangladesh unwilling to discuss it in presence of all the countries involved?

Journalist, with unequivocal malfide intent, who titled the article conveying message opposite to actual message of the entity he is is attempting to tarnish

Also speaks volumes of the [lack of] comprehension ability of those who used this "article" as the crutch to justify their prejudices, without even questioning the logic put forward in the "article". Try harder m8!

Indian "tripartite" reference is clear effort to control and kill any deal between Bangladesh and Nepal or Bhutan. Indian is proposed to be just transmission/transit partner and should not have any say over how Bangladesh and Nepal or Bhutan conclude their deal. Transmission transit is purely between Bangladesh and india as india already has transmission line from Nepal.
There is no huge gap. Some Bd posters here have anti India sentiments and thats why they only post selective news. Electricity corridor has not been denied. India has only said that matter is not a bilateral one and will be discussed when all parties are there. but again Anti-India feelings of these BD's doesnt allow them to react rationally.

Let me tell you the truth:

now there is a popular debate going on in Bangladesh "Is India a true friend of Bangladesh or a enemy with mash of friend? Are they really cared about us in 1971 ? or just took the chance to divide Pakistan ?"

Good luck with that. You will need to have nuclear warheads pointing and threatening to blow up cities like Pakistan is doing, only after that you will get cooperation from this uncivilized country about its water terrorism and have a Indus like water treaty and a fair share of water from common rivers. So we need to start working in that direction. No one ever gets anything by being nice.

well first we will try in soft way ,if it does not work then we will go in hard way ;)
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