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Best tank?

Best tank?


    Votes: 8 5.6%
  • 2a6

    Votes: 7 4.9%
  • T-90

    Votes: 9 6.3%
  • Khalid 2

    Votes: 42 29.6%
  • arjun

    Votes: 42 29.6%
  • challanger 2

    Votes: 9 6.3%
  • abram1a2

    Votes: 14 9.9%
  • merkava 4

    Votes: 8 5.6%
  • k2

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • leclerc

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Apr 20, 2010
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I personally believe future tank ALTAY from turkey.
Best Tank off the world i know is German Tank Cougar .
There was another thread like this earlier.And there was the one post that there is no such thing as best in the world.Everything depends upon circumstances,countries requirements and terrain.

For Example An Arjun might perform exceptionally in Plains but wouldn't even crawl in mountains.
best tank is challanger 2
In poll ALkhalid 2 is on top, but in reality its good not best...
And in polls Arjun is 2nd :rofl:
Arjun teen ka dama :rofl: hahaahhah :rofl:

Hahahah :rofl:
I personally think that arjun tank is a failure.
As of now 2a6 is the best tank in the world OVERALL.

But Altay uses best technologies and most advanced electrical systems.
Best fire control system.
Due to a slightly little model then 2a6 it turns faster.
has more horse power but goes 2 km per hour slower then 2a6.
firepower is the same however the secondary armanent of altay is better.
automatix controlled turret.
12.7mm machine gun.
altay weighs 2 ton less.

I dont know much about the armour..
Can anyone provide these informations..
As far as i know ALtay is the best tank overall..in 5 years.
I personally think that arjun tank is a failure.
As of now 2a6 is the best tank in the world OVERALL.

But Altay uses best technologies and most advanced electrical systems.
Best fire control system.
Due to a slightly little model then 2a6 it turns faster.
has more horse power but goes 2 km per hour slower then 2a6.
firepower is the same however the secondary armanent of altay is better.
automatix controlled turret.
12.7mm machine gun.
altay weighs 2 ton less.

I dont know much about the armour..
Can anyone provide these informations..
As far as i know ALtay is the best tank overall..in 5 years.

Personally I dont give a sh!t about hypothetical fanboy surveys.....

But its laughable to say the least that you actually have the audacity to call a tank that is already in production and being inducted into the Indian army a failure, when the best tank according to you....The Altay....exists only in your fantasies or as you put it, "the Future".....

My friends, do look at the specifications of the Arjun and then come back and talk about an apples to apples comparison ......

The way I see it, very few of the tanks in the list have actually seen battle, hence comparison on paper is all we have.....
Your winner is more a jingoistic aspiration than close to reality.....
arjun uses 120mm rifles gun..
40km at cross road(wikipedia)
the secondary armanent is just basic..nothing special like the altay tank.
the armour is some kind of steel crap.
horse power is 400 less then altay tank.
suspension and tranmission is crap compared to altay tank.

Only good thing is that arjun tank can fire missiles.
If altay tank can do this not confirmed.
do not even try to compare arjun tank with altay tank.
Best Tank off the world i know is German Tank Cougar .
It must be German helicopter Cougar or German tank Leopard

Tanks like Challenger 2, Merkava IV and Russian T series are only designed for one country's geographical conditions

Leopard2A6 is the best tank in the world however M1 Abrams is a step close to her

Altay will be better than all of the tanks in use now. But Altay will come in later 2010s so we cant compare it with this tanks.
dont you see 2a6?:P
leopard 2A6

Oh and btw arjun tank fanboys..
dont even compare the fire control system from turkey.
also the radars and eletrical systems.
Just dont..
dont you see 2a6?:P
leopard 2A6

At last, i saw it :)

How we can compare zulfiqar tank(the parade beuty) with others? I never seen it on its pallets :D

Always on a carrier, Here:
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Nothing special with the iran's MBT.
It's just it has impressive firepower.
arjun uses 120mm rifles gun..
40km at cross road(wikipedia)
the secondary armanent is just basic..nothing special like the altay tank.
the armour is some kind of steel crap.
horse power is 400 less then altay tank.
suspension and tranmission is crap compared to altay tank.

Only good thing is that arjun tank can fire missiles.
If altay tank can do this not confirmed.
do not even try to compare arjun tank with altay tank.

Here's your apples to apples comparison of Arjun with some of the best tanks in the world......

Lets see where Altay comes in....Oh wait....There is no Altay except on paper.....:cry:

Maybe comeback when its operational and ready for induction......:wave:

Like I said, since there has been no single battle that has featured all the tanks to see which outguns the other, its not as simple as you make it out to be.....
Then you add conditions such as, theatre of battle, the expirience of the crew....the armament, etc etc.....Which varies depending on the opponent and how the tank is customized to maximize efficiency for the user and the opponent being faced....
eg. Abrams considered one of the best tanks failed trials in several different geographic areas.....

Dont try to add inches where not required......
Turkey is not our enemy and Arjun will never face the Altay....so no matter what you think or imagine....you will never know which tank can outgun the other.....

Only two battle tested tanks Markeva and US M1a1. Leopard has recently join the operation in Afghanistan but still need to prove itself.
Altay is new kid on the block.under development and testing, still unknown its final configurations.
My favorite is Isreali Markeva its alway in developing stages, this tank never roll out as final product and always day nite operation.
But I still say tank is sitting duck, it has no role in conventional all out war. Every tank is just javlin away or any hard strike on it wheel can easily paralyze the machine.
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Another junk thread?

Tanks are best designed for ones own requirements and deployment strategies.
Obviously every tanks need good armour no matter where the deployment will be(plains,highlands,hilly terrian,....)Good armour? Crew survival at its best and keeps them away from that fear of being blown out.Also lets put those active and defensive protection measures with the armour.

Secondary is gun and FCS.It should be rugedised and gun stability is one most imp thing.FCS with automoatic tracking and other fancy stuff is another add-on.

Mobility:Which is among the most needed either to run away from the battle field or to chase the target.{Engine configeration plays and imp role and its mpg}

Low silhouette,which brings a bit of stealth unlike those monster ones.

Low Ground pressure: Another most important thing to consider while transerving off-roads

Situational awareness: BMS brings in the optimised situational awareness along with networking of other sensors

Crewcomfort: So many ways to achieve this.{with good suspensions,well designed seatings,air-conditioning,....}

Safety from internal threats: prevention of secondary explosion when a shells knocks the turret.Automatic fire and dangerous gas supressions.Safety racks for shells in the turret,.....

NBC protection:Another major thing in the future warfare.

Last but not the least: shells/missiles the gun is firing.Like what sort of rounds it can fire? FSAPDS,HESH,HEAT,ATGMs,.....

If a tank posses all these,I might have missed some like its fording ability and stuff.Then we say the tank is the best.But not comparing a 40 tonne with X country requirements to a 70 tonne tank with Y country requirements.

At the end of the day every country say,thier tank is the best untill it got busted ina war :P .
Merkava 4+anti tank\anti missiels system

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