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Beijing rep at HK tragedy raises unease over China

Bhai Zakir

Jun 26, 2012
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Beijing rep at HK tragedy raises unease over China

HONG KONG (AP) — A show of concern by Beijing over a boat collision that killed dozens of people in Hong Kong this week has backfired, :sick: further damaging the Communist government's image in the former British colony.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying is under fire for allowing a mainland Chinese official to play a high-profile role at a news briefing just hours after Monday night's accident, which killed 38 people and injured more than 100.

The tragedy occurred when a boat taking 120 staff and family members of a power company to watch a fireworks display collided with a commuter ferry and quickly sank.

People across the semiautonomous southern Chinese city dressed in black and fell silent for three minutes at noon Thursday as they observed the first of three days of official mourning. Friends and relatives of the dead sailed to the scene off Hong Kong island's southwestern coast to take part in a traditional Chinese mourning ritual by tossing spirit money in honor of the victims.

Hong Kong returned to Beijing's control 15 years ago but retains a high degree of autonomy and enjoys Western-style civil liberties not seen on the mainland. The appearance by Li Gang, deputy director of Beijing's Central Liaison Office in Hong Kong, is the latest in a string of incidents adding to unease over the mainland's growing influence over the city.

Hong Kong's leader was accompanied by Li on a visit to some of the injured at a hospital. After Leung made some remarks to reporters, Li spoke for about two minutes, offering condolences and discussing what neighboring Guangdong province could do to help.

It's unusual for Hong Kong officials to let their counterparts from mainland China play such a high-profile role in events they're not involved in. Li does not have any role in the Hong Kong government and under the city's mini-constitution, Beijing is only responsible for defense and foreign affairs.

In an editorial Thursday, Hong Kong's Apple Daily newspaper slammed Leung for standing aside and letting Li hog the spotlight, saying that his "cowardice" raised eyebrows and was "hard to believe."

"Leung Chun-ying should not have allowed Li Gang to interfere in such a high-profile way," the newspaper said. "In this way, many residents feel deeply that Li Gang and the Central Liaison office are the real captains of the ship."

Leung, who took office in July amid suspicions that he was a secret Communist Party member, denied Li had taken control. He told the South China Morning Post that he was already at the hospital when Li arrived.

In China, the authoritarian government often seems remote but tries to appear responsive in times of disaster by sending high-level officials to the scene.

"Many people here resent the fact that he seems to be arrogating to himself powers and authorities which are not given to that office," said Willy Lam, a veteran China analyst at Chinese University of Hong Kong.

He added that because tensions between Hong Kong and the mainland have been so strained lately, "even this supposedly innocuous expression of goodwill is being interpreted as a kind of a backhanded attempt to interfere in Hong Kong affairs."

Beijing's offer of four large barges to help with the salvage operation also backfired. News reports said the barges could not be used and were sent back.

The incident adds to growing mistrust of Beijing by Hong Kongers. In August, the government was forced to back down from plans to make students take Chinese patriotism classes after tens of thousands protested because they feared pro-Beijing "brainwashing."

Tens of thousands also took to the streets in July to vent their anger over Leung's installation as leader of Hong Kong after he was hand-picked by a committee of Hong Kong's mainly pro-Beijing elite.

Hong Kong residents have also been angered by an influx of wealthy mainland Chinese, whom they blame for driving up prices of everything from baby formula to luxury apartments through their voracious spending.

Recent surveys by two universities showed that Leung's popularity has slid to a low. It all adds up to further headaches for Leung, because it makes it harder for him to find support for promised reforms aimed at lowering the city's widening inequality, such as providing more affordable housing.

Beijing rep at HK tragedy raises unease over China - Businessweek

Its sick on the part of china to play play politics over death. :tdown:
You don't know what's really going on and already condemn China for playing politics over death? The problem is more related to the language used by leaders from Beijing. Just like when natural disasters struck in other parts of China the leaders would use strong language as "China shall send troops and do its best to provide help". This is also the case with the boat disaster where the president, prime minister and vice president saying China will help with whatever they can. Now some HK locals and newspapers are writing a negative story of Beijing trying to meddle with HK politics. So it is wrong for the leaders in China to care for the HK citizens or the ones who passed away? Showing sympathy for your own people is automatically playing politics over death?
Even HK and Macao people don't believe in Apple Daily.
These medias are those who really play politic show over death. This kind of accident is rarely happened in HK, this is completely reasonable for the SAR Government to ask for a little help from the Central Government.

And please, even locals don't like Apple Daily. Stop using their opinion as reference.
Don't even try to cast in a bone between us.
I smell the hand of CIA in Hong Kong. If these pro-democracy Hong Kongers do not stand aside, we will be forced to send in the infantry fighting vehicles to crush anybody who thinks Beijing is easy to defy!
Seems you Chinese believe only in force. Unfortunately this disgusting attitude is part of the DNA of the Han Dynasty. But it's still not too late to change course and try the route to peaceful dialogue instead, like a responsible nation is supposed to.

Behaving like a marauding fire eating dinosaur makes China look pretty silly!
While other people are trying to help, these so-called, self-claimed democracy fighters are doing nothings but blocking the way just for taking "good pictures" and take all the advantage to blame the government.
Also those red marked sentences from 1L are not even related a thing to the incident, besides who let this people on behalf of Hker?
Its sick on the part of china to play play politics over death. :tdown:
Is the sentense for yourself and the article?: It is sick on the part of you and articl to play politics over the death, thanks!
Please let the victim in peace thank in advance.
seeking for other negative news about china to be used to malign china, that's everywhere.
R.I.P. to the dead...I hope authorities find out what the problem was and measures will be taken in the future to prevent such an occurrence.

Its sick on the part of china to play play politics over death. :tdown:

That...was completely uncalled for. If you're wondering who's playing politics with this incident all you have to do is look in the mirror and see yourself. Frankly, last thing Hong Kong needs or wants is your crocodile tears.
That's exactly the problem with HK. Those anti China newspapers there would take any opportunity to bash their homeland. Even in the event of such a disaster all the government did was to show sympathy, providing help and sending some delegate over to get more information about the situation. The poster can't think clearly and blindly use an anti China news to make a statement at the end. The one who is really sick is the poster himself and the anti China newspapers. People criticize the lack of freedom of press in China but some are also brainwashed believing the press freedom in HK are always objective. Faggots like the poster who believe such crap are really sad, most importantly it's none of their business if the Chinese government wants to use resources to help with the salvage.
Hongkong is an integral part of china.what they do in HK is their internal matter :coffee:
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