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Aug 21, 2012
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World's oldest marathon man, 102, can't imagine life without running shoes

(CNN) -- At an age when most pensioners are winding down their lives, Fauja Singh began a new one.

In his late 80s, and feeling "more dead than alive" following the loss of his wife and one of his sons, he took up marathon running.

Now 102, he has become an unlikely celebrity despite a birth defect that prevented him being able to walk until the age of five.

"Running showed me kindness and brought me back to life by making me forget all my traumas and sorrows," he told CNN's Human to Hero series.

"When I took up running, it was like meeting God himself. I have been running ever since."


With his distinctive flowing grey beard and the traditional Sikh headgear that has earned him the nickname "the Turbaned Tornado," Singh has been a star entrant at marathons all over the world.

It is a far cry from his humble upbringing in India, which despite its village tranquillity was also a test for the young Singh -- who was unable to walk until he was five due to weakness in his legs.

"It took me another five years to gain strength and become strong. By age 10 I was living a normal life," he recalls.

"After my wife died and when I suffered another tragedy -- the loss of my son -- I came here for two years but I didn't like it as my mind was still in India. Eventually I had to come to terms with it," he said.

"Then I took up running -- eventually I was able to overcome my sadness."

Singh started out competing over shorter distances -- from 100 meters up -- but was convinced to try for the 26 miles and 385 yards that makes up a marathon.

It was not accepted by Guinness World Records' rule-keepers due to his lack of a birth certificate, although he did produce a letter from Britain's Queen Elizabeth congratulating him on his 100th birthday.

Just days earlier he had set five world records for his age group in the space of a few hours in events from 100m to 5,000m at a Masters meeting in Toronto.

As well as soothing his soul, running has also brought Singh unexpected fame -- he appeared in an Adidas advertising campaign along with soccer superstar David Beckham and boxing legend Muhammad Ali in 2004.

"I was really, really happy as I didn't even know who these people were before that," he said.

Most of Singh's marathons were charity fundraisers, in line with his Sikh beliefs.

"There are two noble things in life: one to do charity and other to look after your body," he said.

"This includes the high principles outlined by my religion, to earn an honest living and to share your means with those less fortunate.

And it is religion that helps him keep going when he hits the dreaded "wall" during a race -- he experiences the transcendental effect of such exercise that was so eloquently documented by Japanese author Haruki Murakami in his book "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running."

"The first part of the run is when I am quite cheerful; my heart is singing a song and dancing seeing the different colors of life," Singh said.

"When I get really tired, I start chanting God's name: 'Waheguru, Waheguru.'

"Running also makes people more spiritually aware and in-tune with their inner self. A retired marathon runner will still retain all these qualities."

And having become the world's oldest marathon runner, Singh is indeed now retired.

His final race was the 10-kilometer event ahead of February's Hong Kong marathon, after which he took the advice of his family and Harmander Singh.

"I have retired because given my age, my body has deteriorated a bit, but retirement hasn't slowed me down," he said.

"I lead a very active and healthy life. I walk for three to four hours a day, play with kids and do all my day-to-day chores myself. I might have continued to run for another year but I realized I had to eventually retire one day."

A strict vegetarian (he appeared in a campaign by animal rights group PETA) Singh describes himself as "an illiterate person" -- this interview was translated from Punjabi with the help of his coach.

While he lives a simple life -- in bed by 10 p.m. after relaxing listening to Punjabi radio, and up again by 6 a.m. -- he does admit to one guilty pleasure: shopping.

"Though I am an old man now, I am still very particular about my personal style. I love shopping for suits and shoes -- I keep looking for the latest and best available," Singh said.

"I don't have many expenses but I do spend often on new suits and shoes even though I have a lot of them."

Running shoes, in particular, remind him of the happiness he has discovered.

"I am very fond of my running shoes, I absolutely love them. I wear them for pleasure. I can't imagine my life without them."


Fauja Singh: World's oldest runner, 102, finds peace - CNN.com


In a time when lot of negative things are going around, its good to hear some stories of triumph of human spirit.
Today like for many others (perhaps), since morning, my office had only one thing to talk, about Amir's tweet yesterday and controversy it has generated. Debates turned ugly and i was a bit depressed, till one of my colleagues shared this beautiful story of a man willing to listen to his inner voice and motivating many others.
Hope it brings smiles to your faces too.
& remember

:cheers: everyone.

@Aminroop @thesolar65 @Abingdonboy @AUSTERLITZ @GURU DUTT

World's oldest marathon man, 102, can't imagine life without running shoes
View attachment 274676

(CNN) -- At an age when most pensioners are winding down their lives, Fauja Singh began a new one.

In his late 80s, and feeling "more dead than alive" following the loss of his wife and one of his sons, he took up marathon running.

Now 102, he has become an unlikely celebrity despite a birth defect that prevented him being able to walk until the age of five.

"Running showed me kindness and brought me back to life by making me forget all my traumas and sorrows," he told CNN's Human to Hero series.

"When I took up running, it was like meeting God himself. I have been running ever since."


With his distinctive flowing grey beard and the traditional Sikh headgear that has earned him the nickname "the Turbaned Tornado," Singh has been a star entrant at marathons all over the world.

It is a far cry from his humble upbringing in India, which despite its village tranquillity was also a test for the young Singh -- who was unable to walk until he was five due to weakness in his legs.

"It took me another five years to gain strength and become strong. By age 10 I was living a normal life," he recalls.

"After my wife died and when I suffered another tragedy -- the loss of my son -- I came here for two years but I didn't like it as my mind was still in India. Eventually I had to come to terms with it," he said.

"Then I took up running -- eventually I was able to overcome my sadness."

Singh started out competing over shorter distances -- from 100 meters up -- but was convinced to try for the 26 miles and 385 yards that makes up a marathon.

It was not accepted by Guinness World Records' rule-keepers due to his lack of a birth certificate, although he did produce a letter from Britain's Queen Elizabeth congratulating him on his 100th birthday.

Just days earlier he had set five world records for his age group in the space of a few hours in events from 100m to 5,000m at a Masters meeting in Toronto.

As well as soothing his soul, running has also brought Singh unexpected fame -- he appeared in an Adidas advertising campaign along with soccer superstar David Beckham and boxing legend Muhammad Ali in 2004.

"I was really, really happy as I didn't even know who these people were before that," he said.

Most of Singh's marathons were charity fundraisers, in line with his Sikh beliefs.

"There are two noble things in life: one to do charity and other to look after your body," he said.

"This includes the high principles outlined by my religion, to earn an honest living and to share your means with those less fortunate.

And it is religion that helps him keep going when he hits the dreaded "wall" during a race -- he experiences the transcendental effect of such exercise that was so eloquently documented by Japanese author Haruki Murakami in his book "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running."

"The first part of the run is when I am quite cheerful; my heart is singing a song and dancing seeing the different colors of life," Singh said.

"When I get really tired, I start chanting God's name: 'Waheguru, Waheguru.'

"Running also makes people more spiritually aware and in-tune with their inner self. A retired marathon runner will still retain all these qualities."

And having become the world's oldest marathon runner, Singh is indeed now retired.

His final race was the 10-kilometer event ahead of February's Hong Kong marathon, after which he took the advice of his family and Harmander Singh.

"I have retired because given my age, my body has deteriorated a bit, but retirement hasn't slowed me down," he said.

"I lead a very active and healthy life. I walk for three to four hours a day, play with kids and do all my day-to-day chores myself. I might have continued to run for another year but I realized I had to eventually retire one day."

A strict vegetarian (he appeared in a campaign by animal rights group PETA) Singh describes himself as "an illiterate person" -- this interview was translated from Punjabi with the help of his coach.

While he lives a simple life -- in bed by 10 p.m. after relaxing listening to Punjabi radio, and up again by 6 a.m. -- he does admit to one guilty pleasure: shopping.

"Though I am an old man now, I am still very particular about my personal style. I love shopping for suits and shoes -- I keep looking for the latest and best available," Singh said.

"I don't have many expenses but I do spend often on new suits and shoes even though I have a lot of them."

Running shoes, in particular, remind him of the happiness he has discovered.

"I am very fond of my running shoes, I absolutely love them. I wear them for pleasure. I can't imagine my life without them."

View attachment 274675

Fauja Singh: World's oldest runner, 102, finds peace - CNN.com


In a time when lot of negative things are going around, its good to hear some stories of triumph of human spirit.
Today like for many others (perhaps), since morning, my office had only one thing to talk, about Amir's tweet yesterday and controversy it has generated. Debates turned ugly and i was a bit depressed, till one of my colleagues shared this beautiful story of a man willing to listen to his inner voice and motivating many others.
Hope it brings smiles to your faces too.
& remember
View attachment 274678

:cheers: everyone.

@Aminroop @thesolar65 @Abingdonboy @AUSTERLITZ @GURU DUTT
just one word .... RESPECT
The kind of inspiration I need to start working out again...gained 5 kilos in the last 3 months :(

In a time when lot of negative things are going around, its good to hear some stories of triumph of human spirit.
Today like for many others (perhaps), since morning, my office had only one thing to talk, about Amir's tweet yesterday and controversy it has generated. Debates turned ugly and i was a bit depressed,

Some comedy relief was given by Rahul today Check out the Politics thread :P
gained 5 kilos in the last 3 months
There is always an excuse for Diwali season
I too have been PLANNING :pleasantry: to get up for morning walk/jogging for some time now. my list of excuses till now has been:
  • A little more sleep helps you concentrate better in meetings that follow in office later in day.
  • Those pair of Nikes being a tad bit tight.
  • Running can put unnecessary pressure on knees.
  • Kal se pakka
and coming up soon
  • Sardi khatam ho jayen bas...:dirol:
Miles to go before i sleep,
Miles to go before i sleep.

Keep going.....
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