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Be like China, India told

Get ready for birth abnormalities hazy skies and surroundings, poisonous rivers and dying animals and under paid citizens. China is trying to leave that learn from China save your citizens. Thats why China is now planning on building greener cities.
Get ready for birth abnormalities hazy skies and surroundings, poisonous rivers and dying animals and under paid citizens. China is trying to leave that learn from China save your citizens. Thats why China is now planning on building greener cities.

Just try to incorporate what's good, cast aside what is bad. We can learn a lot from China, let us focus on the positive aspects.
Sorry to some useless fomer US president,shut ur crap and sit in ur home and fart with ur wife...we don't want live in place where we don't have fundamental rights...We are happy with democracy..Better US be like China...
this reminds me of a saying

i would like india to improve itself but not by watching or copying anyone.

well said..:cheers:
Akki bhai has already taken the lead...
Be like China, India told

Ashwani TalwarExpress News ServiceFirst Published : 02 Nov 2010 02:44:35 AM ISTLast Updated : 02 Nov 2010 03:53:13 PM IST

NEW DELHI: “Be like China” - This is the advice Pete Dagher, American President Barack Obama’s former campaign manager, offers India. He compares China to a squeaky wheel that gets the grease because it makes so much noise. India, in contrast, was too “respectful.”

At an interaction organised by the Observer Research Foundation ahead of US President Barack Obama’s visit, the discussion veered to comparisons between how China and India handle their relationships with the United States.

Dagher said Obama was unlikely to make a public statement during the trip acknowledging India’s concerns over China.

He was also unlikely to announce any change in the policy that allows tax breaks for companies that outsource parts of their business.

Dagher, who made clear he was speaking in his personal capacity and not on Obama’s behalf, conceded that China was more likely to get what it wants from the US.

He didn’t agree completely with former diplomat Arundhati Ghose’s observation that this was because China was a stronger country. Ghose also reminded that India too had been making a lot of noise -- an apparent reference to issues like outsourcing and sale of arms to Pakistan. “But nobody listens,” she said.

Dagher said China gets what it wants because it doesn’t take no for an answer. “If the slightest thing is said against the Chinese, they react. They do sabre-rattling. You have heard the expression, the squeaking wheel gets the grease,” he reminded.

India has to assert itself, he said. “It has to realise its power. It has to say that - and say we don’t want to be the younger brother.’’ :lol:

And now we see China being criticized.

China overreacting to U.S. arms sales - The China Post

Overreacting to China's Position Paper on Taiwan - Council on Foreign Relations

China blamed for "overreacting" to A/H1N1 influenza virus - People's Daily Online

It might not be specific,But China has also been blamed for overreacting against Japan,recently.

India is more sensible and prefers to keep its power discrete.
couldn't get..

why amaricans are talking more of India-China then India-US..?
We have to be a bit more assertive like china . That is true .India gives this impression of being a soft state. But, obviously there is a very thin line between aggression and assertiveness , we gotta learn to walk that line.
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