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BBC newsnight programme 22nd August 2017

You raised mujaheedins on US behalf and funding and now they are biting you. What do you expect?
They are not biting Pakistan. Those who are are not raised by Pakistan in the majority of cases. Those whoa receive help from outside to do their biting...a bit like ISIS received help from NATO and the "rebels" in Libya received help from outside in toppling Gadaffi.
They are not biting Pakistan. Those who are are not raised by Pakistan in the majority of cases. Those whoa receive help from outside to do their biting...a bit like ISIS received help from NATO and the "rebels" in Libya received help from outside in toppling Gadaffi.

The reply....

Thank you for contacting the BBC.

I understand you feel an discussion on "Newsnight" on 22 August regarding President Trump's new Afghan policy lacked balance as you feel both guests had clear biases against Pakistan.

Naturally we regret when any member of our audience is unhappy with any aspect of our output. BBC News aims to show the political reality and provide a forum for discussion on issues, giving full opportunity for all sides of the debate to be heard and explored. Senior editorial staff within BBC News and the BBC Board keep a close watch on programmes to ensure that standards of impartiality are maintained. Our News editors ensure that over a reasonable period of time we reflect the range of significant views, opinions and trends on particular issues, but it's important to add here that our published Editorial Guidelines explain that not every issue or viewpoint necessarily has to be included in each individual report or discussion. Account also needs to be taken of the way a subject is covered over a period of time; perfect balance is difficult to achieve on every single individual occasion, while overall it is a more achievable goal taking into account our coverage as a whole over a period of time.

Please be assured I have passed your concerns to the producers of "Newsnight" as well as BBC Management via our audience feedback report to make them aware of your feelings about the discussion.

Thank you, once again, for contacting the BBC.

Kind regards
The reply....

Thank you for contacting the BBC.

I understand you feel an discussion on "Newsnight" on 22 August regarding President Trump's new Afghan policy lacked balance as you feel both guests had clear biases against Pakistan.

Naturally we regret when any member of our audience is unhappy with any aspect of our output. BBC News aims to show the political reality and provide a forum for discussion on issues, giving full opportunity for all sides of the debate to be heard and explored. Senior editorial staff within BBC News and the BBC Board keep a close watch on programmes to ensure that standards of impartiality are maintained. Our News editors ensure that over a reasonable period of time we reflect the range of significant views, opinions and trends on particular issues, but it's important to add here that our published Editorial Guidelines explain that not every issue or viewpoint necessarily has to be included in each individual report or discussion. Account also needs to be taken of the way a subject is covered over a period of time; perfect balance is difficult to achieve on every single individual occasion, while overall it is a more achievable goal taking into account our coverage as a whole over a period of time.

Please be assured I have passed your concerns to the producers of "Newsnight" as well as BBC Management via our audience feedback report to make them aware of your feelings about the discussion.

Thank you, once again, for contacting the BBC.

Kind regards

Did the 'million march' achieve anything?

Policy is set, and that is to promote Pakistan as a villain.
This was a complaint I submitted to the BBC. Perhaps other Pakistanis in the Uk can do the same. We have had enough bias.

"I was disappointed to see that Newsnight invited two guests to comment upon the President's Trumps new Afghan policy and in particular his statements about Pakistan. The two guests that were Carlotta Gall - the author of the book The Wrong Enemy: America in Afghanistan and Christin Fair - who has written many anti Pakistan publications such as Can United States secure an Unsecure State. Both are vehemently anti Pakistani in their views and rhetoric and both were in a 'very happy agreement' with each other. What about the Pakistan's prospective? A nation of 200 million striving to stem the extremists since helping the American's thwart the Russians in Afghanistan and then being a conduit for the American war there. Their territory used for transport of American weapons to Afghanistan and without it's assistance how could the American wage the war. The one billion dollar assistance each year has been mentioned but how much is that the cost of the Pakistani logistics help. What about the geo-political compulsions and the interest of Pakistani state for it's survival against an increasingly hostile Afghanistan and India. For an impartial channel and in a country that has at least one million Pakistani descendants, programmes such as these do need to have an unbiased narrative other than espoused by the American policy establishment. By being the strongest power on earth does not mean it's interests need to trample on other smaller nations. There was no one to give Pakistan's perspective."
be thankful they didnt bring Altaf Hussain and Baramdagh Bughti in the program. BBC has a point of view since the 1947 and it didnt accept Pakistan's creation and lets leave it at that
when they are not bashing Corbyn they are bashing Pakistan
Did the 'million march' achieve anything?

Policy is set, and that is to promote Pakistan as a villain.
When somebody is trying to do good, either follow or wish them well. Finding fault and being sarcastic is not the right thing to do.

The negative cynical mind-set that you have shown is a real problem and something that is to be found among people who feel powerless and dis-enfranchised. If one is gainfully employed, pays taxes, & give a damn about how things ought to be, then speaking up is one's right. I am glad that @Naya Pakistan has done what you obviously would not. Kudos to @Naya Pakistan for speaking up.
When somebody is trying to do good, either follow or wish them well. Finding fault and being sarcastic is not the right thing to do.

The negative cynical mind-set that you have shown is a real problem and something that is to be found among people who feel powerless and dis-enfranchised. If one is gainfully employed, pays taxes, & give a damn about how things ought to be, then speaking up is one's right. I am glad that @Naya Pakistan has done what you obviously would not. Kudos to @Naya Pakistan for speaking up.

I'm neither discouraging him nor suggesting that an effort should not be made. You have the wrong end of the stick, or wrong stick altogether.

The reply from BBC was basically a 'sod-off' and that was expected - and that is what I was pointed out! If you have been watching BBC programs on Pakistan, the trend has always been one of negativity. And it is not only on Pakistan, just look at Western media of the portrayal of muslims and Islam. They report all the ills and not the good, that trend is all too clear for everyone and even street protests are not given the coverage they should be. It is not a 'free world' in West as many imagine to be.

OFCOM will remove a McDonalds advert because it hurt the sentiment of a few people but they won't censor the promotion of anti-Pakistan and anti-Islam sentiments even if thousands are offended. That is the reality!
I'm neither discouraging him nor suggesting that an effort should not be made. You have the wrong end of the stick, or wrong stick altogether.

The reply from BBC was basically a 'sod-off' and that was expected - and that is what I was pointed out! If you have been watching BBC programs on Pakistan, the trend has always been one of negativity. And it is not only on Pakistan, just look at Western media of the portrayal of muslims and Islam. They report all the ills and not the good, that trend is all too clear for everyone and even street protests are not given the coverage they should be. It is not a 'free world' in West as many imagine to be.

OFCOM will remove a McDonalds advert because it hurt the sentiment of a few people but they won't censor the promotion of anti-Pakistan and anti-Islam sentiments even if thousands are offended. That is the reality!
The ultimate goal is to build upto a level where they can openly delegitimize Pakistan.

We can have a control over how the world sees us.

For that we need to put our 'own house in order'. The strength lies within ourselves and we cannot blame others.


We can have a control over how the world sees us.

For that we need to put our 'own house in order'. The strength lies within ourselves and we cannot blame others.

By buying the BBC et al?

But agree that Pakistan must clean up her house notwithstanding.
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dont want to post on Pakistan matters but why take BBC so seriously?? These people dont like people like us at all, they love it when our people die, best they do is divide and rule and now even there own countrymen dont believe in there propaganda.
dont want to post on Pakistan matters but why take BBC so seriously?? These people dont like people like us at all, they love it when our people die, best they do is divide and rule and now even there own countrymen dont believe in there propaganda.
the British dont tire of teaching us norms and law and humanity and justice and truth
yet they have completely whitewashed the mention of the carnage of the partition from their text and history books and dont teach their children also they destroyed records of their own savagery in Indian before they left and burned records specifically on that account
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