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BBC News - US borrowing crisis 'days away' from danger, says World Bank hea


Jan 27, 2008
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US borrowing crisis 'days away' from danger, says World Bank head
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The president of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim, has warned that the United States is just "days away from a very dangerous moment" because of the government's borrowing crisis.

He urged US policymakers to reach a deal to raise the government's debt ceiling before Thursday's deadline.

The US Treasury will start to run short of funds if no agreement is reached for it to borrow on financial markets.

Mr Kim warned this could be a "disastrous event" for the world.

"The closer we get to the deadline the greater the impact will be for the developing world.

"Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing," said Mr Kim, speaking at the World Bank's annual meeting in Washington.

"If this comes to pass it could be a disastrous event for the developing world and that will in turn greatly hurt the developed economies as well," he added.

If the US does run short of cash, this could cause it to default on its debts, a development which would be likely to have a severe effect on financial markets around the world.

The BBC's Andrew Walker said that finance ministers from other countries think the US probably won't default, but they are uneasy and want the crisis resolved very soon.

Republicans and Democrats failed to come to an agreement on Saturday, but Senator Dick Durbin, a Democrat, said the aim was to reach a deal on extending the debt limit before markets reopen on Monday.

The White House rejected a deal for a short-term increase to the borrowing limit.

"It wouldn't be wise, as some suggest, to just kick the debt ceiling can down the road for a couple of months, and flirt with a first-ever intentional default right in the middle of the holiday shopping season," said President Barack Obama.

The US government has been in partial shutdown since Congress missed a 1 October deadline to pass a budget, with politicians being unable to agree funding for current spending.

This has resulted in hundreds of thousands of federal employees being sent home and government offices closing.

Republicans refused to approve the new budget unless President Obama agreed to delay or eliminate the funding of the healthcare reform law of 2010.

US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has estimated that each week the government is shut down, 0.25% is shaved off economic growth, which was already expected to be a sluggish this quarter.
Debt burden

Mr Lew has also has warned that letting talks over the debt ceiling go down to the wire "could be very dangerous".

The current debt limit of $16.699 trillion was reached in May.

Since then the US Treasury has been using what are called extraordinary measures to keep paying the bills, but those measures run out on 17 October.

Every week, the Treasury also has to refinance $100bn worth of debt in the form of US government bonds known as treasuries.

The US also has to pay interest on its huge debt burden.

An inability to pay that interest, or pay back debt if required, would put the US into default.

On Saturday, Jamie Dimon, boss of the American bank JP Morgan said the possible repercussions did not bear thinking about.

"You don't want to know [what would happen]," he said.

"It would ripple through the world economy in a way that you couldn't possibly understand."

BBC News - US borrowing crisis 'days away' from danger, says World Bank head

So, Al-Qaeda has the last laugh in this soup-opera:undecided:
If the U.S. will not collapse due to war or natural disaster, but because of the fact that politicians can not share the money - I'll be very long laugh!
It will turn out that the two greatest powers in the history of mankind - the USSR and the U.S. destroyed voluntary by its own elite!
More exactly the article says the entire world's days are numbered if the americans don't get their act together.

Just increasing the borrowing limits by the Americans wont solve that problem anyway, its better the Titanic hits the iceberg....sooner than later.

New World's needs new Equilibrium one way or other, It will finds its leader....when old has to be scraped unanimously, just imagine if China come out on Thursday to sale American bonds in open market:rofl:
Just increasing the borrowing limits by the Americans wont solve that problem anyway, its better the Titanic hits the iceberg....sooner than later.

New World's needs new Equilibrium one way or other, It will finds its leader....when old has to be scraped unanimously, just imagine if China come out on Thursday to sale American bonds in open market:rofl:

If the Titanic (US) sinks right now,we,the life saving boats around him (the rest of the nations) will get sucked in at the bottom of the sea immediately,so put a cork in that champagne bottle.
Title should NOT be altered when posting a news article.
If the Titanic (US) sinks right now,we,the life saving boats around him (the rest of the nations) will get sucked in at the bottom of the sea immediately,so put a cork in that champagne bottle.

So you want to enjoy a borrowed life for some more days:lol:

By the way, what ailing US economy (oversize debt) is overwhelmingly effected Eu economies as well, a sure shot domino effect awaiting Europeans shores:azn:
Few years down the line the Obama presidency's legacy will be a called an utter failure in regards to economic situation or foreign poilcy
What if America refuse to pay back his debts? How debtors will recover this? :undecided:
What if America refuse to pay back his debts? How debtors will recover this? :undecided:

Those who loaned money to America will not be able to recover it, unless they start seizing American assets in their own countries which is unlikely.

But if America does that, then no one will risk loaning money to them again.

And since America survives on borrowing and debt, they can't afford to do that.
Those who loaned money to America will not be able to recover it, unless they start seizing American assets in their own countries which is unlikely.

But if America does that, then no one will risk loaning money to them again.

And since America survives on borrowing and debt, they can't afford to do that.

Americans have earned more by selling stationary (aka dollar bill) than other countries who sold genuine commodities, Now they blackmail the world that if they are not allowed to sell more stationary than world be doomed - Genius - isn't it? :pop:
Americans have earned more by selling stationary (aka dollar bill) than other countries who sold genuine commodity, Now they blackmail the world that if she was not allowed to sell more stationary than world be doomed - Genius - isn't it? :pop:

Yes, it is like an economic suicide bomb. They'll go down, but they will take half the world with them.

And the blackmail works, because people believe they are just crazy enough to actually do it.

Just imagine if China come out on Thursday to sale American bonds in open market:rofl:

If we started mass-selling US bonds after America is unable to pay its debts, that would make the value of US bonds plummet across the globe and turn those bonds into toilet paper.

Including the US bonds we have in our hands, which is a lot. Almost one trillion dollars worth.

Which would make America unable to borrow money in the future (which is the worst possible outcome for them considering that they run on debt), and destroy up to 1/3 of our total currency reserves.

Not to mention wrecking our largest trading partner besides the EU. So obviously, nobody wants that right now. The global economy is too integrated to prevent the effects from spilling over everywhere.
@Chinese-Dragon Why not diversify your trading partners? Increase exports to Latin America, India, Rich consumer gulf nations and Africa.
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Yes, it is like an economic suicide bomb. They'll go down, but they will take half the world with them.

And the blackmail works, because people believe they are just crazy enough to actually do it.

If we started mass-selling US bonds after America is unable to pay its debts, that would make the value of US bonds plummet across the globe and turn those bonds into toilet paper.

Including the US bonds we have in our hands, which is a lot. Almost one trillion dollars worth.

Which would make America unable to borrow money in the future (which is the worst possible outcome for them considering that they run on debt), and destroy up to 1/3 of our total currency reserves.

Not to mention wrecking our largest trading partner besides the EU. So obviously, nobody wants that right now. The global economy is too integrated to prevent the effects from spilling over everywhere.

They are already toilet papers, Its only your (China's) lust to be precise to remains as a manufacturing house for blind US shopper forever that putting them in worth....but how long? China too needs to adjust its economy from export oriented to domestic consumption which i don't see happening in near future, That's why US is not the only country which is in artificial bubble at this very moment!!
@Chinese-Dragon Why not diversify your trading partners? Increase exports to Latin America, India, Rich consumer gulf nations and Africa.

Be more active in world politics, deposed the ailing lion i/o spoon feeding him and start taking the world's economy rein in your very own hands courageously:coffee:
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