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BATTLE REPORT #7 - Battle of Pharsalus 48BC.


Jun 10, 2008
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BATTLE OF PHARSALUS - Caesar vs Pompey

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Roman Republic 49 BC.Rome rules the western world.Gaius julius caesar,rome's most famous general, has just completed conquest of gaul,and now seeks a consulship-in-absentia from the roman senate,as his term as governor has expired-so he can return to rome without being prosecuted by his many jealous enemies in the senate for unlawful activities during his tenure.They are backed by Pompey the great,before caesar the most famous roman general and one time ally and son-in law of caesar,now 58, older than caesar.

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During the last decade,pompey,crassus[yeah,the one in spartacus] and caesar had come to an informal agreement to divide up the empire into respective spheres of influence and support each other to thwart the senate,called the three headed monster or the first triumvirate.However crassus is killed on campaign against parthia at carrhae,and julia caesar's daughter and pompey's wife dies at childbirth-severing the ties between the two.

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An increasingly jealous pompey backs the senators,led by the rhetoric of cato, the senate gives caesar an ultimatum to return to rome as a private citizen,and on caesar refusing outlaws him as public enemy.Knowing legal prosecution and perhaps assasination awaits him,if he went to rome alone-caesar responds by crossing the rubicon river-the boundary beyond which no roman general was allowed to take his troops and marching on Rome with his fanatically loyal legions.Its civil war,and in caesar's own words-the die is now cast.
Caesar's attack,his initial marching force being just 1 legion[~5000 men] catches the republicans completely off guard and creates panic in rome.Caesar heads straight for rome,while being reinforced by more legions and brushes aside resistance.

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Pompey and the senate abandon Italy for greece with as many troops as they can embark at brundisium-as pompey understands that their mobilization is far from complete and the available hastily raised levies would be useless against caesar's veteran army.They intend to reach greece and rebuild their force [by collecting all the legions deployed in the eastern provinces],and recieving aid from all the eastern cleint kings -most of which owe their positions to pompey's earlier conquests.They barely escape caesar's pursuing force which besieged brundisium but was unable to prevent the pompeian fleet evacuating the republicans and their forces at the last moment.

Caesar consolidates his position in italy,calls a rump senate of loyalists then heads towards spain-where pompey's subordinates,afrainius,petreius and governor varro have 7 legions between them.
aesar links up with his initial advance force under his subordinate fabius and then moves against the pompeians who are camped with 5 legions under afrainius and petrieus.Varro is in the spanish interior with 2 more.

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Pompeians in blue,caesarians red.
1]Fabius's camp.Initial position of caesarian forces.
2]The town of ilerda on a ridge,protected by a small contingent of pompeian forces.
3]Pompeian main camp on a hill.
4]Bridges-2 caesarian and one pompeian.Pompeians have a more stable stone bridge while caesarians have wooden ones.Access to the other bank is crucial for supply gathering.
5]Caesar approaches.
6]Caesar immediately approaches the ridge and offers battle below.Afrainius and petrieus decline.
7]Caesar removes his force,and builds a trench with his third infantry line while first 2 stand guard.This becomes his new camp and his fully developed with more extensive fortifications within days.

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1.On completing his camp to satisfaction,caesar attacks with his forces attempting to take the hillock between the pompeian camp and ilerda.In the race,pompeians get there first.
2.Pompeian reinforcements are fed throughout the day to hold the position.
3.After a mutually costly fight,caesarian forces retreat.
4.A storm destroys the wooden bridges creating supply problems for caesar.
5.Caesar builds a new bridge closer to the action and relieves logistical pressure.
6.Caesarian cavalry reinforcements arrive in numbers from gaul.
7.Using his cavalry superiority caesar wins multiple small engagements and harasses pompeian foraging attempts.
8.Caesar's engineers,begin to dig canals-attempting to divert the flow of the river and make it fordable.
9.Afrainius and petrius realize if this gambit suceeds,they will be surrounded on both sides by caesarians and supplies cut off.Understanding their position is untenable,they abandon their camp at night and retreat across a temporary bridge.
10.Caesar's scouts detect the pompeian move.His numerous cavalry harasses the republicans slowing them down.
11.Caesar follows in haste,using rows of pack animals on both sides to interrupt the flow -his army crosses in a temporary ford.He overatkes the pompeian army and cuts off its escape route.Resisting calls for battle,he waits for starvation to take its toll. After a few days republicans are forced to surrender without supplies.
Soon varro and his mere 2 legions surrender too.
Caesar pardons the commanders ,but afarianius and petrius break word and join pompey with whatever forces they can gather in greece.
In a stunning campaign caesar thus eliminates pompeian presence in spain with minimal losses.

Battle of Dyrrhachium -

After returning to italy,caesar's fleet is inferior to the republicans and having been able to build only half the number of transports he needs -impatiently he embarks half his army and gambles on a expedition to greece-totally unexpected through the treacherous seas in winter.
He is able to cross through,but is then subjected to a naval blockade by pompeian forces.Outnumbered,with severe supply problems-his gamble had badly backfired.
However he joins with antony's reinforcements just before pompey can intercept them.

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Caesar though outnumbered attempts to surround pompey's army at dyrrhachium by circumvillating[building fortifications around the heavily defended town]Pompey builds his own set of walls to prevent caesarian fortifications from coming too close.
Caesar held the out-lying farmland but it had been picked clean and Pompey, with the sea to his back, was able to be resupplied by ship. However, as the siege wore on, their positions began to change. Pompey found it difficult with the limited land to create enough fodder for his horses, and other supplies such as fresh water became more and more difficult to maintain. Harvest was approaching and soon Caesar would have enough food to prolong his position. This caused Pompey to become desperate to break out of the siege.
Gallic defectors ,in a stroke of luck tell pompey the exact weak points in caesar's lines.The unfinished southern part.
Pompey launches an attack with 6 legions against the caesarian9th legion,which suffered heavy losses and is pushed back-kept from total rout by the heroics of one centurion-marcus cassius scaeva.The caesarian counterattack aims to push the pompeians back,but overwhelming numbers tell and caesar is forced to withdraw-pompey however doesn't aggressively pursue and in caesar's own words-''The victory belonged to the enemy that day,if they had but a victor to lead them''.
Ceasar extracts himself from a potential catastrophic position and withdraws to the greek interior.Pompey follows.Both are joined by reinforcements.Calvinius for caesarians and metallus scipio with syrian legions for pompey.

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While pompey wants to avoid direct battle with caesar's veteran army and instead aims to grind him down by fabian warfare by targeting his supplies,the prominent senators and officers believe caesar a beaten man and clamour for a direct engagement to finish him off and return to rome.Reluctantly pompey gives in after some senators accuse him of enjoying total power and refusing to surrender it-the reason for delay.
He finally accepts battle at Pharsalus.

Next:Armies and Tactics.
The Republican Army -

Commanders - Pompey the great
Second in command - Titus labienus.
Strength - 12 legions[44,000 legionaries]+4200 auxillaries,7000 cavalry.

The pompeian army was much larger than caesar's forces.However the force was not battle experienced apart from the action at dyrrhachium.Only 2 legions were really battle hardened.
Pompey had a massive cavalry advantage 7000 to caesar's 1000.Led by Titus labienus,caesar's former second in command and most trusted aide in his gallic campaigns had left caesar.aBOUT A 1000 of this cavalry force was labienus own ,rest were allied contingents and thus despite being excellent eastern horsemen not as disciplined or trained to work together.

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Late roman republican marian legionaries.As an irony of civil war,both sides possesed exactly similar types of heavy infantry.

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Pompeian Cavalry-before the introduction of the stirrup,only very disciplined cavalry could act as true shock cavalry and attack infantry head on.Rest were used as flankers-a role they were well suited to.

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Auxillary republican syrian archers.Pompey had quite a few of these.

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Allied cavalry contingents from eastern client kings,excellent horsemen-but not trained in co-operation.

Caesarian Army -
Commander- Gaius Julius Caesar
Second-in-Command - Marc antony.
Strength - 9 understrength Legions[22,000 legionaries],1000 germanic auxillary cavalry.

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Outnumbered 2 to 1 in infantry and 7 to 1 in cavalry,caesar's crack veteran gallic legions.Just emerged from a gruelling decade long campaign in gaul where they fought a dozen or so pitched battles are counted among the greatest infantry of all time.Disciplined,fanatical and experienced.
The roman marian legionary[after gaius marius's reforms] was armoured in ring mail,armed with a oval scutum shield for protection and a gladius short sword for close range thrusting.He had 2 heavy javelins called pilum,for throwing before closing with the short sword.Pilum was a deadly weapon,its iron shank bent on contact with an enemy shield-so if it didn't kill an enemy it would then make his shield useless[as the heavy wooden shank sticking out would make the opponents shield unweildy],and a shieldless soldier was easy prey for roman infantry.
Once riveted however-the pilum could work as a spear to ward off cavalry.

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Gladius short sword and pugio dagger.Gladius ranks alongside the maxim machine gun,the ak-47 and the turco-mongol composite bow as the weapons responsible for most deaths in human history.Adopted from the spanish during the wars with carthage.
Tactics -

Tactics of both armies was exactly similar.
This period of the roman legions was the marian period.
Gaius marius had removed all property qualifications and standadized the roman legions on the cohortal formation from the earlier manipular formation.

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The earlier roman cheqerboard pattern manipular formation of lightly armoured hastati swordsmen,mail armoured principe heavy swordsmen and heavy armoured triarrii spearmen had been done away with.He also eliminated the skirmishers levees and velites and equites.Henceforth all indigeneous roman manpower would be focused on heavy infantry,which marius standardized on the principe heavy swordsman.Allies and client states providing light infantry and most of the cavalry.Maniples also gave way to deeper ,formations of cohorts-though the chequerboard pattern remained.Thus the romans retained their superb deployment advantage which allowed them to rotate their battle formations due to the space between them and provided fresh reserves constantly.[will be analyzed later in phalanx vs legion-battle report]
NOTE-[Not discussing the advantages of roman formations here,as both sides enjoyed those.Will do in battle reports where rome faces different enemy]

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The new roman legion.Each cohort had 5 centuries[80 men] led by a centurion.10 cohorts made up a legion.The first cohort which took up position in the right was double in strength.

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Roman century charging.Pilum volleys,followed by shock infantry charge.

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Changes in the structure of the roman legion-from polybian to marian.
Note leves light skirmishers and equite cavalry eliminated.Maniples of 120 men,replaced by 480 men cohorts for greater depth and punch.

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How roman infantry fought.Thrust the enemy back with your shield,while being protected by shield,helmet and armour-stab him in the gut with the short sword while exposing yourself to a minimal extent.
Up, the rear century forms up and creates a continous battleline.Spaces were key to troop rotatio in battle.At the top is older roman manipular formation .

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The famed roman testudo,very effective in defeating projectiles all round.The sgort swords of the romans gave them immense flexibility by making efficient use of space.Using testudo with spearmen wouldn't have been possible.
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The Battle of Pharsalus 48 BC -

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The battlefield is a flat plain with one flank of both armies anchored by the enipus river with hills at the back.Caesarians in red,pompeians in blue.Boxes represent respective camps.Pompey offers battle goaded by his companions-and caesar is happy to accept it.

1.Pompey deploys his 12 legions an unusual 8 man deep-closely packed.He seeks to absorb the infantry charge of the veteran caesarian legionaries by mass.He also instructs his legionaries,not to go ahead and meet the caesarian infantry charge with their own-but to stay and recieve it.Hoping the caesarian legionaries will be winded by running the double distance at the charge if the pompeians do the unexpected and not come out to meet them.
Lentulus commands the left,scipio centre and ahenobarbus right.Pompey is left.

2.Caesar deploys 9 legions stretched out to match length of pompey's formation in standrad three line formation[aces triplex] like pompey.Antony commands the left,calvinus centre and sulla right.Caesar is positioned right.At his extreme right of the infantry line is the Legendary Legio X-the tenth legion.

3.On the extreme caesarian left are two understrength legions,having suffered at dyrhachium.Cesar orders them to act as one.

4.Pompey also bolsters his left with a composite force of archers and 600 cavalry to prevent any outflanking move.

5.Pompey's main trump card is the 6000 strong cavalry force under labienus,outnumbering caesar 6:1.Pompey seeks to pin down caesar's legions with his,then rout the opposing cavalry his his superior one and hit the legions from the rear.This huge cavalry mass is supported by light archers and skitrmishers to the rear.

6.Facing this is a meagre of 1000 caesarian cavalry.But caesar notices pompey massing his cavalry and archers on the left and takes one cohort per legion from the his army's third line and creates an adhoc fourth line[3000 men] behind his cavalry.This redeployment remains hidden due to the cavalry screen and the men are instructed by caesar to remain in kneeling position.

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1.Battle begins with a infantry charge.The caesarian first 2 lines charge forward to clash with the pompeians.To their surprise the pompeians do not advance to meet them.Then in a frightening display of their discipline -caesar's veterans led by their centurions stop of their own accord and catch their breath[without any orders from their commanders] before resuming the charge.
Pompey's closely packed masses- succeed in absorbing the charge as pompey feeds all his infantry in to contain the assault.

2.Labienus makes his move-7000 republican cavalry thunder forward sweeping aside their numerically inferior caesarian mounted counterparts.

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3.The caesarian cavalry withdraw after brief resistance.

4.As labienus moves to regroup his disorganized cavalry and charge into the rear of the caesarian infantry,suddenly out of nowhere caesar's fourth line charges forward holding their riveted pilum like a spear and acting on caesar's instructions not to throw them but jab with them at the horsemen's eyes and faces.[''these pretty dancers will not last long with the steel shining in their eyes''].

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1.Taken completely by surprise and in a disorganzied state by this caesarian infantry attack,coming on like a charging phalanx with bristling spears,and the caesarians inflicting horrific wounds by poking at the faces of the horsemen-the pompeian cavalry panics and routs and flees for safety in the hills.The lack of discipline in the allied cavalry contingents mean they join the rout without many of them even taking part in the battle.

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2.The exposed archers and light infantry are massacred by the now advancing caesarian 4rth line.
3.The caesarian cavalry now regroup and return and in conjunction with the 4rth line,fall like a hammer on the pompeian left flank-now open and exposed.
4.Seeing the pompeian flank under attack,with perfect timing caesar releases his third line to join the frontal assault.
5.Pompey understands the game is undone,and leaves the battlefield.Most officers follow suit.
6.Pompeian left wing routs under double pressure and flees to the camp,caesarians pursue.Ahenobarbus is killed.
7.Whole pompeian army now crumbles and flees towards camp.Caesarians pursue and manage to assault and take camp.They massacre all auxillaries guarding the camp.Remaining pompeian survivors flee towards the hill,but are hunted down by caesar and forced to surrender.

Losses - Caesar suffered perhaps 1200 killed.
Pompeians 6000 legionaries and 10,000 auxillaries killed.Bulk of the rest surrendered.

Aftermath - Pompey fled to egypt but was assasinated.The republicans regrouped and fought on in africa and spain,but were eventually defeated by caesar.Pharsalus turned the civil war-and paved the way for the end of the roman republic.Caesar himself would not live long to enjoy his triumph in the civil war-assasination would be his end.

Next: Battle analysis.
Battle Analysis -

Reasons for pompeian defeat and caesar's success.

1]Unity of Command - 'A battle avoided can't be lost'.The republicans didn't need to engage caesar and his veterans in open combat,they threw away the advanatge they had gained.This primarily happened due to the interference of senators and officers,that diminished pompey's authority.On the other hand,caesarians acted as one unit-commanded by caesar.

2]Flexibility - Pompey just didn't have a plan B.Despite superior numbers he didn't keep a reserve to deal with contingencies,while caesar wonderfully improvised with a fourth line on observing pompey's move.

3]Surprise-Caesar's 4rth line achieved total tactical surprise with their attack.

4]Discipline- The veterans of caesar were far more battle hardened and their discipline shone through,allowing them to easily take on twice their number and totally negating pompey's plan to wind them out charging-in a superb display of initiative and discipline.

5]Deception - Pompey made no attempts to hide his intentions,caesar however kept his redeployment well hidden allowing him the advantage of surprise.

6]Security - Caesar shielded his weakness with his strength,the principle of security.Pompey with his huge numbers didn't bother with reserves.

7]Wrong choice of battlefield - The choice of battlefield for pompey was wrong.One flank being secured by the river,it made pompey's cavalry attack totally predictable .As the other flank was closed-caesar always knew the attack was going to come on his right flank.
Also the compressed nature of the battlefield didn't allow pompey to stretch his lines and outflank caesar's line with his superior numbers.
On a open field,pompey could have stretched caesar's forces to the limit using his numbers.And also 2 open flanks would have further stretched caesar's limited forces as he would have to create 2 4rth lines-withdrawing even more troops as the cavalry could attack on both flanks.
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