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Bangladeshi campus turned into breeding ground of Ji hadists

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Dec 14, 2010
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A large proportion of students from the private universities in Bangladesh are allegedly getting connected to local and international jihadist network. In recent past, the activities of jihadist group Hizbut Tahrir and Hizb Ut Towhid had greatly intensified within the educational institutions in the country mostly within private and state-owned colleges and universities, while such activities are also getting spread amongst the students in various schools.
This issue came into the radar of country's intelligence agencies afresh when Bangladeshi born Al Qaeda Wanna-Be Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on charge of plotting to bomb the Manhattan Federal Reserve Bank building in United States.

Nafis is the son of Quazi Mohammad Ahsanullah, an officer at private-owned National Bank Limited in Bangladesh. He went to United States in January this year with the excuse of higher studies, but soon after his arrival in United States, the US intelligence agencies tracked this bloodthirsty young man, who had been plotting to "destroy America" while pledging his allegiance to Osama Bin Laden. New York City mayor Bloomberg noted that this was the 15th foiled plot targeting New York City since the terrorist attacks that toppled the World Trade Center.

In addition to his plans to detonate a 1,000-pound bomb at the Federal Reserve Bank on Liberty St. in lower Manhattan, Nafis also considered assassinating President Obama and blowing up the New York Stock Exchange, according to a criminal complaint.

Nafis attended Southeast Missouri State University in the spring — although his academic record in Bangladesh was hardly stellar. In Bangladesh, he was a student of private-owned North South University. According to the sources at North South University, Al-Qaeda pal Nafis was a terrible student with extremely bad grades, which resulted in his being dropped out from the classes. It may be mentioned here that, activities of Jihadist group Hizbut Tahrir has significantly increased within this university along side a large number of educational institutions in Bangladesh. Hizbut Tahrir denounces democracy and preaches establishment of Caliphate State with strict Sharia law.

United States authorities said he was unafraid of constructing the huge car bomb from 50 20-pound bags of ammonium nitrate. He was working with an accomplice who was really an undercover FBI agent.

New York Police Department Commissioner Raymond Kelly said the suspected terrorist came here with "the avowed purpose of committing some sort of jihad in the United States."

Nafis was intent on assembling an Al Qaeda cell here to assist him in reaching his psychopathic goal, federal official revealed.

Interestingly enough, while Bangladeshi youth Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis has been captured by the US authorities on specific charge of nefarious Jihadist activities, Bangladeshi intelligence agencies were in total dark about his activities during his stay in Bangladesh. Moreover, local staffs at US Embassy in Dhaka, who check details of each of the visa applicants prior to issuing of the visas had also failed in tracing such notorious tendency of the Bangladeshi youth. It was earlier reported in Weekly Blitz that hundreds of youths with Jihadist mindset had entered a number of Western nations either with study or immigrant visas. In United States, large number of Bangladeshis as well as nationals from Pakistan and India are regularly giving Jihadist orientation to their so-called congregations under the garb of Tablighi Jamaat. Similar activities are also spreading wings in United Kingdom for past few years. Currently, there are more than 75,000 Muslims from South Asian nations in UK alone, who consider Jihad as holy task and feel encouraged in making offensives on "non-Muslim community or establishments" in United Kingdom. There is no real surveillance on the activities of Tablighi Jamaat within community mosques in the West. These pro-Jihadist population, mostly with affection for Al Qaeda and Jihadist bigwigs grow beard and behave in extreme radical manner to encourage younger generation in joining their platform. Following recent arrest of Bangladeshi born Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis in United States, it has been demanded by peace-loving population in the West of conducting comprehensive investigation on the activities of the Tablighi Jamaat members as well as those young Muslims preaching growing beard or wearing Islamic hijab.

It may be mentioned here that, detained Bangladesh youth Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis has openly exhibited his "dream" on Facebook of establishment of Caliphate rule in Bangladesh. He also expressed anger at the current ruling party in the country. It is anticipated that Nafis turned furious on the ruling Bangladesh Awami League for its continuous offensives on Jihadist groups in Bangladesh. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has repeatedly reaffirmed the commitment of her government in freeing Bangladesh from the grips of Jihadists and extremist Islam. While in Bangladesh, Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis was offering five-times prayers and were also studying the Quran, while he considered Prophet of Islam as the "greatest man ever" and predicted that the "future of Bangladesh" would be in a "Khalifa" – an Islamic caliphate under Sharia law. From the radical behavior of the Bangladeshi youth, it is anticipated that, either he was connected to Hizbut Tahrir or another nefarious Jihadist group named Hizb Ut Towhid.

Bangladeshi campus turned into breeding ground of Jihadists
Hizbut Tahrir is working the world over for regime change through military coups not a jehadi org.
Now India has to deal with Jihadists in the east. :fie:
My Bad ..... such thing will inspire India to seal border with Bangladesh & send back all illegal immigrants. Indian food lovers like me are gonna miss cheap housemaids who can cook tasty dishes of fish & non-veg stuff then.:cry:

@ On Topic :

If these article holds truth, its really a misfortune of muslims of sub-continent, the bengali muslims who were much intellectual heads of indian muslims before 1947 are now taking such low level means to deal with world.

Tabligis are useless. The only thing they do is Zikir!! They are not interested in worldly affairs. Does weekly blitz think with its asss , not brain??

Hizbut Tahrir- Hizbut Tahrir has worldwide reach. Nafis never mentioned about hizbut tahrir to the agent. You don't need to be a genius to understand that he was not linked with Hizbt Tahrir.

Nafis wasn't terrible student. His SSC GPA was 5 out of 5, HSC GPA was 4.88 out of 5! He was dropped out from NSU, Most probably because he wanted to come USA, and was not interested in studying in Bangladesh. Same thing happened to many of friends who are now in Canada, USA, Australia, UK, GERMANY.

Finally weekly blitz? Seriously weekly blitz?
Why am I not surprised. Hijb has strong base in educated young folks in Bangladesh. In Fact it's more easy to radicalise middle class educated than peasantry who mostly remain busy in surviving life than creating mythical global kingdom. Just give them the a purpose and make them believe they are serving something bigger than themselves. The opium works like a charm.
Dint expected the stupidest argument from you.

It's not stupid, ask Farhan(kobiraj) if I'm wrong. Hijb is more popular among educated middle class in bd than peasantry. Although I have no idea if this guy was inspired by hijb.
Doesn't come as a surprise at all.

Think of how things will be if the AL loses next elections.

3T main culprits behind jihadist indoctrination :: Weekly Blitz

Following arrest of Bangladeshi youth Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis in United States for his attempt of bombing the Federal Reserve Bank in New York City, foreign and local intelligence agencies as well as counter-terrorism experts are already trying to identify the roots of such Jihadist indoctrination. The counter-terrorism experts are also expressing grave concern at the huge growth of Jihadist-mindset people within the posh educational institutions. They said, while in recent past the Islamic schools or madrassas were identified as breeding grounds of jihadists, it is a matter of grave concern that the jihadist breeding grounds have already shifted or spread within the secularist educational institutions, especially those, where affluent members of the society are sent for studies.

Bringing example of Dhaka's posh North South University, where teachers with foreign degrees are employed, while students of this expensive university hail from the affluent segment of the society, the experts say, students from such universities can easily find job opportunity or can get admission for higher studies in any of the Western nations. In this case, if a significant portion of the students of such universities are connected to Jihadist mindset groups, they can surely become potential threat to the Western nations in particular.

Counter terrorism experts are accusing Hizbut Tahrir, Hizb Ut Towhid and Tablighi Jamaat, which is known as 3T, as the main culprit behind creating jihadists in various parts of the world.

Commenting on the activities of these nefarious 3T jihadist conglomerates, editor of Weekly Blitz and anti-Jihadist journalist Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury said, Hizbut Tahrir, Hizb Ut Towhid and Tablighi Jamaat have many points in common. They spread hate speech against Israel and the West and label them as 'evil forces', while these groups promote anti Judeo-Christianity doctrine, which actually goes in favor of mega-terrorist and Jihadist groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda. While criticizing Israel and even denouncing its existence, these 3T jihadist conglomerates actually give encouragement to the people in admiring dangerous actions of jihadist and mega-terrorist groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda. All of these groups strongly support terrorist and jihadist activities of various Islamist groups within Jammu and Kashmir in India. In the name of extending support to Muslim Ummah, these 3T jihadist conglomerates actually promote hatred against India as well as all other secularist nations in the world.

Weekly Blitz editor Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury said, Bangladesh has adopted state policy of considering Israel as an enemy state, while such policy surely goes in favor of the anti-Israel jihadist groups. Moreover, in the name of opposing Israel, anti Judeo-Christianity and anti-West notions are promoted amongst the people of the country. Just because of mindset of considering Israel as an "evil nation" or "illegal occupant of Muslim land", the younger generations in this country automatically start admiring suicide bombers from Hamas, which gradually transform these people into Jihad supporters or pals of Jihadist.

He said, for adopting effective policy of combating jihad and anti-peace activities, Bangladesh needs to reshuffle its foreign policy and stop appeasing jihadists and suicide bombers of Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda. It will be totally a wrong approach to denounce Al Qaeda in one hand while admire notorious activities of jihadist and mega-terrorist groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah or those Islamist militancy groups within Jammu and Kashmir.

Blitz editor said, "We have been warning the government about the notorious activities of Hizbut Tahrir, Hizb Ut Towhid and Tablighi Jamaat for many years. Although the government has already banned Hizbut Tahrir and Hizb Ut Towhid in Bangladesh, there is no sign of checking or closely monitoring the jihad breeding activities of Tablighi Jamaat, which has been spreading throughout the country for many years."

He said, "Tablighi Jamaat are not only spreading wings within Bangladesh or some other Muslim countries, its largest existence is still found within various parts of India."

Blitz editor said, "In the Muslim nations, including Bangladesh, clergies portray jihadist of Hamas, Hezbollah or Islamist terror outfits in Jammu and Kashmir as "Mujahedins" [sacred warriors] and even offer special prayers for them on a regular basis. Such practices of the clergies in the Muslim societies certainly go in favor of these jihadists and suicide bombers, which cannot be acceptable by any peace-loving nation in the world. If governments in the Muslim nations are sincere in adopting effective policy of combating Islamic terror and jihad, such wrongful practices of visibly worshipping the jihadists and suicide bombers should be immediately stopped."

Seeking anonymity an Islamic scholar in Bangladesh told Weekly Blitz said, Tablighi Jamaat are seen by general people as a group of peaceful Islamic version of 'Sanyas', while for many years, mega-jihadist people have already penetrated and giving extremist jihadist indoctrination to the people, thus giving provocation of waging Jihad against the "enemies of Islam".

Terming Tablighi Jamaat as one of the epicenters of jihadist breeding, the Islamic scholar recommended immediate monitoring of the activities and agendas of these groups.

He said, although Tablighi Jamaat are still at low-profile in comparing to the activities of Hizbut Tahrir, Hizb Ut Towhid or other Jihadists groups, it has even deeper impact with wider network thus creating silent majority of Jihadists mindsets in different parts of the world.

Bringing the recent example of Bangladeshi youth Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, the Islamic scholar said, while his next-door neighbors in United States were admiring him as a simple boy, the poison of jihadist mindset in him had already prompted this young man in attempting to commit a very dangerous crime. If only jihadist indoctrination can transform such young man into a dangerous one-man-army of mass destruction, the degree of threat of thousands of 'Nafis' within the societies, who might have been brainwashed by the Tablighi Jamaat or Islamist clergies should be taken into serious consideration.

The Islamic scholar reminded, Tablighi Jamaat activities are not confined within the Muslim nations, but it has already spread wing within the non-Muslim and secularist nations in the world.

Now India has to deal with Jihadists in the east. :fie:
Another nation going on path of getting behind the world by following Jihadists' path. Don't let this happen if you guys want to develop. You have seen many examples of how Jihadist path destroy a nation.
Another nation going on path of getting behind the world by following Jihadists' path. Don't let this happen if you guys want to develop. You have seen many examples of how Jihadist path destroy a nation.

Fundamentalism & radicalism is like a drug.

Easy to get addicted to , very very difficult to detox yourself from it, long term damaging effects and ruins generations.
It's not stupid, ask Farhan(kobiraj) if I'm wrong. Hijb is more popular among educated middle class in bd than peasantry. Although I have no idea if this guy was inspired by hijb.

Yeah! Hizbt Tahrir is mainly followed by educated class.... But its not a terrorist organisation in western countries. Muslim countries banned it because they consider it threat to power... Anyway Salafists, MB, tahrir, al qaida they hate each other. Nafis was follower of Awlaki and Osama. Clearly he is not linked with Tahrir.
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