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Bangladesh voices concern over rise of Islamophobia, terrorism globally


Dec 31, 2010
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Bangladesh voices concern over rise of Islamophobia, terrorism globally​

Foreign Minister Momen at 49th OIC Council of Foreign Ministers urges world leaders to take immediate action to address Rohingya crisis​

SM Najmus Sakib |17.03.2023 - Update : 17.03.2023

Bangladesh voices concern over rise of Islamophobia, terrorism globally

DHAKA, Bangladesh

Bangladesh has expressed deep concern about the rise of Islamophobia around the world, calling for peace, prosperity, and development based on Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) principles.

Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen expressed dismay over the lack of tolerance and surge of terrorism in the world in his speech on the opening day of the two-day 49th OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) taking place in Nouakchott, Mauritania's capital, on Thursday, according to a Bangladesh Foreign Ministry statement released on Friday.

He reaffirmed his country's continued engagement with the OIC, "which has always been guided by the principles of peace, prosperity, and development," the statement said.

Momen expressed deep concern in his speech about the "lack of tolerance and surge of terrorism in various parts of the world, with the rise of Islamophobia."

This year's CFM has the theme "Moderation: Key to Security and Stability," and several political, economic, social, cultural, and security issues have been discussed.

The top Bangladeshi diplomat also emphasized the need for global leaders and OIC member states to take immediate action to address the Rohingya crisis and ensure their repatriation to Myanmar's Rakhine state.

Bangladesh currently hosts more than 1.2 million Rohingya in the country's southern border district of Cox's Bazar in 33 congested refugee camps.

He emphasized the importance of member states and international actors taking proactive roles in addressing the Rohingya issue, and urged them to remain involved in putting continuous pressure on Myanmar authorities to ensure the safe and dignified return of the Rohingya to their homeland, the statement added.

I am not sure speaking out against Saudi Arabia like that is a good idea. We need their remittances.
Saudi Arabia no longer promotes Islamic extremism, rather it is trying to transition into a liberal interpretation of Islam. Currently only Taliban of Afghanistan is practicing Islamic extremism, but Afghanistan is a very poor and small nation, it has no capability to export it's ideology to other Muslim countries like rich and influential Saudi Arabia had in 1980s and 1990s.

Hindutva extremism and fascism is much more of a danger for World peace right now than any Islamic extremism. They have effectively captured the most populous country in the world with 5th largest economy and 4th strongest military. It is a grave threat for the Muslims and Christians of South Asia. Compared to this, Islamic extremists have very little power anywhere in the World.
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Saudi Arabia no longer promotes Islamic extremism, rather it is trying to transition into a liberal interpretation of Islam. Currently only Taliban of Afghanistan is practicing Islamic extremism, but Afghanistan is a very poor and small nation, it has no capability to export it's ideology to other Muslim countries like rich and influential Saudi Arabia had in 1980s and 1990s.

Hindutva extremism and fascism is much more of a danger for World peace right now than any Islamic extremism. They have effectively captured the most populous country in the world with 5th largest economy and 4th strongest military. It is a grave threat for the Muslims and Christians of South Asia. Compared to this, Islamic extremists have very little power anywhere in the World.
A religion teaches people among others how to live a life without creating hitches among its followers and with other religionists.

But, there are reasons to believe the Muslims are taught only abstract things that have little value when in intellectual competition with the teachings of other co-religionists.

Muslims remain illiterate and ignorant throughout their life unable to understand scientific theories and reject them outright because the theories are not written in their Holy Book.

Muslims has not changed during that last 15 centuries and are not willing to change in the next fifteen centuries.

No wonder Muslims have been tagged Terrorists by the non-Muslim people.
Hindutva extremism and fascism is much more of a danger for World peace right now than any Islamic extremism.
I never expected this rubbish garbage from you. Many Muslims from Britain of Bangladeshi origin have joined extremist organization like ISIS. What about the home grown extremism in Bangladesh. Last Dussera, many Hindu temples were burned in Bangladesh. Many Hindu citizens from Bangladesh are migrating to India. The police were mute spectators
A popular eatery frequented by foreign nationals was attacked by religious extremists. The attack on the Holey Artisan cafe in Dhaka was carried out by a group of five men, who took diners hostage. The assailants entered the bakery with crude bombs, machetes, pistols, and took several dozen hostages (foreigners and locals).


Who else would it be since Momen was speaking at OIC? No other country there is promoting terrorism as hard as Saudi Arabia.
Does Saudi Arabia have hijab?
「non-hijab in saudi arabia」の画像検索結果

"Hijab was previously legally mandatory in Saudi Arabia, but in 2018 it was made non-mandatory. This is part of the reforms implemented by Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman".

So, we have to believe that SA is a terrorist country and it sent gunmen to Dhaka Holy Artisan to murder multiple people.

However, many Mullahs throughout the world love to remain uneducated and live in their superstitious world creating more superstitions of their own that result in spreading terrorism. They say Jihad or the killing of people with other faiths has been
mandated for the believers, and they only follow the Book without committing crimes.

This is how Muslims go to Paradise to be charmed by Lady Angels.
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I never expected this rubbish garbage from you. Many Muslims from Britain of Bangladeshi origin have joined extremist organization like ISIS. What about the home grown extremism in Bangladesh. Last Dussera, many Hindu temples were burned in Bangladesh. Many Hindu citizens from Bangladesh are migrating to India. The police were mute spectators
A popular eatery frequented by foreign nationals was attacked by religious extremists. The attack on the Holey Artisan cafe in Dhaka was carried out by a group of five men, who took diners hostage. The assailants entered the bakery with crude bombs, machetes, pistols, and took several dozen hostages (foreigners and locals).


That's as direct result of circumstances. If actual Indian soil become the ground of geo-political tug of war and proxy. If India was blessed with the world's black gold, then something similar would have happened.

Historically something did happen in India like this.

Also Hinduism has been the only religion to decorate ex-nazi followers/members - which this individual went on to shape the rss
Also Hinduism has been the only religion to decorate ex-nazi followers/members - which this individual went on to shape the rss
can you quote the source which reveals Hinduism is the only religion to decorate ex-nazi. ???,
RSS was formed in 1925, this was before Nazism.
By the way, are u of Bangladeshi or Pakistani origin living in UK.
can you quote the source which reveals Hinduism is the only religion to decorate ex-nazi. ???,
RSS was formed in 1925, this was before Nazism.
By the way, are u of Bangladeshi or Pakistani origin living in UK.

So what if rss was formed in 1925, this ex nazi post wwII played a significant role of what it is today

can you quote the source which reveals Hinduism is the only religion to decorate ex-nazi. ???,
RSS was formed in 1925, this was before Nazism.
By the way, are u of Bangladeshi or Pakistani origin living in UK.

I'll try and source the YouTube vid for you.

can you quote the source which reveals Hinduism is the only religion to decorate ex-nazi. ???,
RSS was formed in 1925, this was before Nazism.
By the way, are u of Bangladeshi or Pakistani origin living in UK.

What your issue if I am bengali/bdeshi or pak.
Saudi Arabia no longer promotes Islamic extremism, rather it is trying to transition into a liberal interpretation of Islam. Currently only Taliban of Afghanistan is practicing Islamic extremism, but Afghanistan is a very poor and small nation, it has no capability to export it's ideology to other Muslim countries like rich and influential Saudi Arabia had in 1980s and 1990s.

This is true. I am reading lots about this recently. Saudi will most likely become a liberal muslim country in the next few decades. You know the Saudi princes they all go abroad to the west for university, have fun for a few years then go back to their homeland and realize it sucks and that the west was actually much better. lol.

Unironically the U.K could be the biggest promoter of Islamic extremism in the coming years. If it wasn't already.

You know in Afghanistan now the Taliban is cracking down on Wahabism? Islam never ends bro. The "rightful" muslims finally get in power then it disintegrates into a bunch of factions. There will always be those who feel that the current state isn't Islamic enough according to some interpretation of the Sunnah and Hadith. No one in the muslim world agrees on anything. And so nothing happens in the muslim countries anymore.
can you quote the source which reveals Hinduism is the only religion to decorate ex-nazi. ???,
RSS was formed in 1925, this was before Nazism.


MS Gowalkar, former RSS Chief, writes in We, or Our Nationhood Defined,

"To keep up the purity of the nation and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of Semitic races – the Jews. National pride at its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how well-nigh impossible it is for races and cultures, having differences going to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindustan to learn and profit by.”

While Narendra Modi regards Gowalkar to be even greater the Gautam Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi etc. and wrote his biography with full of praise.

I never expected this rubbish garbage from you. Many Muslims from Britain of Bangladeshi origin have joined extremist organization like ISIS. What about the home grown extremism in Bangladesh. Last Dussera, many Hindu temples were burned in Bangladesh. Many Hindu citizens from Bangladesh are migrating to India. The police were mute spectators
A popular eatery frequented by foreign nationals was attacked by religious extremists. The attack on the Holey Artisan cafe in Dhaka was carried out by a group of five men, who took diners hostage. The assailants entered the bakery with crude bombs, machetes, pistols, and took several dozen hostages (foreigners and locals).


This what Bangladeshis have to face:-

I never expected this rubbish garbage from you. Many Muslims from Britain of Bangladeshi origin have joined extremist organization like ISIS. What about the home grown extremism in Bangladesh. Last Dussera, many Hindu temples were burned in Bangladesh. Many Hindu citizens from Bangladesh are migrating to India. The police were mute spectators
A popular eatery frequented by foreign nationals was attacked by religious extremists. The attack on the Holey Artisan cafe in Dhaka was carried out by a group of five men, who took diners hostage. The assailants entered the bakery with crude bombs, machetes, pistols, and took several dozen hostages (foreigners and locals).


Do these rag-tag Muslim extremist groups or a few hundreds rioting mobs enjoy the state patronage? Do they lead a country of 1.4 billion people? Do they have 4th largest military in the world? Do they possess nuclear weapons? Do they have capabilities to invade countries and kill millions? Don't they get mercilessly hunted down by law enforcement agencies around the world? Don't you see the obvious power imbalance between these Muslim extremist groups and the ruling Hindutva power base of India? Now tell me if I am wrong to say that, Hindutva fascism/Nazism is more of a danger to Muslims than these extremist groups to Hindus.

These Hindu Nazis are preparing for a day when they can kill Indian Muslims and invade Pakistan and Bangladesh to cleanse the entire South Asia of Muslims and restore the ''glorious Ancient Bharat''. Do any extremist Muslim group or rioting mobs have this type of plan or most importantly power to execute such thing against India or Hindus?
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