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[Bangladesh] Trade Gap with Delhi Increases to $2.91 billion


Jun 19, 2008
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Trade gap with Delhi increases to $2.91b
FE Report

A high-powered team headed by Commerce Minister Faruk Khan left for India Thursday to find out ways to address the huge trade gap with India.

The 23-member delegation including 16 business leaders will take up issues related to increasing bilateral relation between the two neighbouring countries.

It may be mentioned that Bangladesh's trade imbalance with India has widened by $1.37 billion over the last five years mainly due to imposition of para-tariff and non-tariff barriers on Bangladeshi products by Indian authorities.

The country's trade gap with India increased to nearly $ 2.91 billion in 2009-10 fiscal year against $ 1.62 billion in 2005-06 fiscal, a Commerce Ministry statement said.

The statement, however, said Bangladesh's trade imbalance continued to rise in the last five fiscal years following a mismatch between the country's exports to India and imports from its neighbour.

Bangladesh exported products worth of $ 241.96 million in 2005-06 fiscal year against its imports of $ 1868 million.

On the other hand, the country's total exports to India marked a marginal rise to $ 304 million in 2009-10 fiscal as against its imports from India amounting to $ 3213 million, the commerce ministry figures showed.

Terming various para-tariff and non-tariff barriers main hindrances to the growth of Bangladesh's exports to India, the commerce ministry statement said exporters and businessmen said they often face a good number of non-tariff and para-tariff barriers while exporting to India.

These include education tax at 0.08 per cent and 0.16 per cent on tariff value for cotton items and non cotton items, Indian customs authority asks for laboratory test for each and every consignment of food products, cosmetics, leather and textile products. Exporters are subjected to pay Rs. 3000 as laboratory test fee for each type of food items. The laboratory report normally takes 15-20 days as the samples are sent by ordinary mails to the laboratories located far from the land customs stations which delays the clearance of consignment.

Furthermore, the Indian authorities have recently imposed 18 per cent tax and value added tax (VAT) as central value added tax, Special Central Vat and Education Tax on apparels of Bangladesh origin defying the SAFTA agreement.

Under the SAFTA list of sensitive goods, India is supposed to provide duty-free access to 8.0 million pieces of apparels originating from Bangladesh from 2008.

Original SAFTA certificate issued by the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) is not accepted by Indian customs at Agartala. Indian customs men ask both the exporters and importers to submit details of rules of origin calculation along with the documents, ignoring the set criteria of the regional agreement, according to the list.

Sanitary import permit has been made mandatory for Indian importers of processed food, toiletries and cosmetics from Bangladesh.

Indian government has recently imposed 18 per cent extra duty on cement imports from Bangladesh, affecting cement exports to India's North Eastern region.

Packaging requirement has been specified for food items with maximum retail price, standard unit, month and year of packaging to be inscribed on the packets. All pre-packaged commodities like processed foods, cosmetics, toiletries, spices imported by India requires generic and common name of the commodity packed, net quantity in terms of standard unit of weights and measures.

Non-tariff barrier like inordinate delay in clearance of Bangladeshi goods from customs for various reasons, including non-availability of their designated officers and certificates from departments concerned of the Indian government causes problems for Bangladeshi exporters.

Besides, inadequate physical facilities like warehousing, transshipment yard, parking yard and connecting roads at land customs stations of India also hinder exports from Bangladesh, the list pointed out.

The Bangladesh delegation now in India will sign two agreements on border hat and standard operating procedures (SOP) on truck movement between the two countries on October 23.

Two places in both the countries have been initially selected for the hat. The hat will be located at Baliamari in Kurigram district and Lawar Ghar in Sunamganj district in Bangladesh and Kalai Char and Bala in Meghalaya in India. It is expected that the hat will start by December this year.

A number of issues including removal of tariff and non-tariff barriers, duty-free access to Indian market, further reduction of 61 items from India's negative list, Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and investment, relaxing universal Indian ban on cotton export to Bangladesh are likely to dominate official talks between Bangladesh and India.

The list of 61 items includes 49 ready-made garment (RMG) products. The major goods under 61 items of the Indian sensitive list include different kinds of RMG, soybean oil, refined palm oil, aviation turbine fuel and fuel oil, natural rubber (smoked sheets), toilet or facial tissue stock, sanitary napkin, all kinds of paper or paperboard labels and silk fabrics.

Meetings will be held between Commerce Minister of Bangladesh and Industries Minister Ananda Sharma and Minister for Development of North Eastern Region PK Handik of India.

The delegation will also participate in discussions with the leaders of Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), among others.

The team is expected to come back on October 24 after the four-day visit.
It may be mentioned that Bangladesh's trade imbalance with India has widened by $1.37 billion over the last five years mainly due to imposition of para-tariff and non-tariff barriers on Bangladeshi products by Indian authorities.

India treats BD as its dumping yard and still AL regime loves to kiss some ***!
Apparently Indian customs forgot to throw the kitchen sink at Bangladeshi exporters. Just thinking out loud !!
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You know that India has a trade surplus with Pakistan as well right!

How long is the list of your products that go to Pakistan - few right? And which Indian product is not available in BD from phensidyle to TATA nano/Suzuki Cabbies to substandard Fertilizers ? I think only good quality products go to Pakistan from India and in BD - everything including illegal Indians.
You know that India has a trade surplus with Pakistan as well right!

Don't bring Pakistan into it. Stick to the topic man. BD is doing a lot to help India, but what has India done for BD so far after this gov came to power? Lend money to build roads for transit (!)? What else? There are many promises, but none has materialized. We want good relations with India, but not at the cost of hurting national interests.

You don't need to blindly support your government, you know. ;)
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How long is the list of your products that go to Pakistan - few right? And which Indian product is not available in BD from phensidyle to TATA nano/Suzuki Cabbies to substandard Fertilizers ? I think only good quality products go to Pakistan from India and in BD - everything including illegal Indians.
Do you have the same IQ in economics as MBI Munshi?
Its a very straight thing to understand. Consumers buy what provides them value. If Indian products were found unfit for BD consumers, they would NOT buy those products. Simple availability does not mean market. BD consumers would purchase products from other places.
Goto Pakistan and you will find tons of illegally smuggled Indian goods there, from shaving razors to what not.

Secondly, unlike China, India has private companies-which implies that when you generically club every product together, it proves you to be a fool. TATA or Suzuki are private companies that make their own cost-benefit analysis on whether or not to enter a market-GoI does not make decisions for them.

Lastly, the way you spoke sounds as if good quality goods are deliberately sent to Pakistan. I think you suffer from some sort of inferiority complex. If you can make such childish arguments on economics and trade then i think i have wasted my time explaining things to you.

Don't bring Pakistan into it. Stick to the topic man. BD is doing a lot to help India, but what has India done for BD so far after this gov came to power? Lend money to build roads for transit (!)? What else? There are many promises, but none has materialized. We want good relations with India, but not at the cost of hurting national interests.

You don't need to blindly support your government, you know. ;)
Excuse me? Done for BD? India is not there for 'doing' things for BD. And neither is BD there for doing things for India. We are neighbours and as such there is mutual give and take on most issues. India is helping BD not just with building roads, but with other loans, unilaterally reducing the negative list of imports from BD, increasing quota of purchase from BD AND encouraging private investment in BD apart from resolving boundary issues to mutual satisfaction.

And BD is also reciprocating. Dont make it sound as if either nation is doing the other a favour. Its in both countries national interests to do these things.
Excuse me? Done for BD? India is not there for 'doing' things for BD. And neither is BD there for doing things for India. We are neighbours and as such there is mutual give and take on most issues.. blah

Stop pretending to be a wise man right out of comic books.

India is helping BD not just with building roads,

What road? Kolkata to Agartala? Again, your BS is transparent.

but with other loans, unilaterally reducing the negative list of imports from BD,

Unilaterally??? Does it need BDs help to do that? Can't India unilaterally undo what it has done wrong "unilaterally"? You make me laugh, wise man. :D

increasing quota of purchase from BD AND encouraging private investment in BD

Imposing all the trade barriers and then later slowly increasing a few quotas is a great way to make friends in the neighborhood isn't it?
We are talking about cutting a tree and then watering it. :D

apart from resolving boundary issues to mutual satisfaction.

What did you resolve to mutual satisfaction? We are already letting you build fences within 150 yards violating Indira-Mujib treaty. Our countrymen killed by BSF shooting are not satisfied at all.

And BD is also reciprocating. Dont make it sound as if either nation is doing the other a favour. Its in both countries national interests to do these things.

Again wise man, enough BS. I can turn on Indian news channels to hear propaganda 24/7, so save your effort.
Stop pretending to be a wise man right out of comic books.

What road? Kolkata to Agartala? Again, your BS is transparent.

Unilaterally??? Does it need BDs help to do that? Can't India unilaterally undo what it has done wrong "unilaterally"? You make me laugh, wise man. :D

Imposing all the trade barriers and then later slowly increasing a few quotas is a great way to make friends in the neighborhood isn't it?
We are talking about cutting a tree and then watering it. :D

What did you resolve to mutual satisfaction? We are already letting you build fences within 150 yards violating Indira-Mujib treaty. Our countrymen killed by BSF shooting are not satisfied at all.

Again wise man, enough BS. I can turn on Indian news channels to hear propaganda 24/7, so save your effort.

Interesting how you chose to completely ignore the first part of his post, eh? I am beginning to think that basically you guys suffer from persecution and inferiority complex in matters of trade with India.
Interesting how you chose to completely ignore the first part of his post, eh?

Interesting how you chose to completely ignore countering each point in my post as an apparently parrotic (woops, i meant patriotic*) indian.

I am beginning to think that basically you guys suffer from persecution and inferiority complex in matters of trade with India.

We do, your highness. We feel extremely inferior now that your GDP grows at 8-10%. We shall try not to feel persecuted and spread the word among the scared border people.

This cockiness has no end in sight.:hitwall:
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