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Bangladesh to execute 152 soldiers for mutiny crimes


Jul 9, 2010
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A court in Bangladesh has sentenced at least 152 soldiers to death over a bloody border guard mutiny in 2009.

More than 150 others, mostly border guards, were given life sentences.

Most of the 800 soldiers who packed the civilian court on Tuesday had already been given maximum seven-year sentences by military tribunals.

But they also faced charges for crimes including murder that were committed individually during the 30-hour uprising over pay and other grievances.

The mutiny broke out in Dhaka and left 74 people dead, 57 of them officers.

While the army courts investigated breaches of military law - jailing nearly 6,000 troops - the civilian court that passed Tuesday's sentences was able to pass the death penalty.

Some out of a group of 23 civilians were also found guilty of conspiracy charges.

Those convicted have the right to appeal, a process which could take many months given the number of cases. The prosecution said that it too would appeal in the cases of those who were acquitted.

BBC Bengali editor Sabir Mustafa says it will be very difficult for the authorities not to carry out the death sentences - to do otherwise would anger the army and send the wrong message to future would-be mutineers.

Our correspondent says public sentiment was initially sympathetic towards the mutineers, but turned against them once the mass killings became apparent.

Murder and torture
The mutiny began at the Bangladeshi Rifles headquarters in the capital. Senior officers were killed and their bodies dumped in sewers and shallow graves.

The bodies of senior officers in Dhaka were dumped in sewers and shallow graves
The revolt spread to other army bases around the country before the mutineers surrendered.

Many soldiers who packed into the special civilian court in Dhaka on Tuesday were charged with murder, torture, conspiracy and other offences.

"The atrocities were so heinous that even the dead bodies were not given their rights," Judge Mohammad Akhtaruzzaman said as he read out the verdicts over several hours by using the serial numbers of defendants and their corresponding sentences.

The judge said that the soldiers should have been given better pay and privileges to defuse resentment, adding they could not afford to send their children to military-owned schools.

Several of those convicted screamed at the judge in rage, with one elderly soldier crying out: "I am innocent. You will face Allah's wrath."

"I don't need a life term. Hang me, hang me," another shouted.

The trial of the mutineers on Tuesday has been one of the biggest in Bangladesh's history.

It has also been one of the most sensitive, rivalled only by verdicts throughout this year by a tribunal investigating war crimes committed during the 1971 war of independence.

Of those being tried on Tuesday at a special makeshift courthouse, some 152 were sentenced to death, 159 given life sentences and the remainder received sentences of between three to 10 years. About 277 were acquitted.

But correspondents say that few of those acquitted will actually be able to walk free because their convictions by the military court still stand.

The trial process has been criticised by a human rights groups which says it was not credible - at least 50 suspects died in custody. A handful have also either escaped from custody or are on the run.

Members of the BDR, since renamed as Border Guards Bangladesh, say they revolted over demands for salaries in line with their army commanders. They also wanted to be deployed on lucrative UN peacekeeping missions, which come with generous benefits.

But the revolt over pay and conditions spiralled into an orgy of violence against their superiors.

The case exposed deep tensions between the government and the powerful military, who were angered over Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's decision to negotiate with the mutineers instead of allowing the army to attack.

Among those jailed for life are former Bangladesh Nationalist Party lawmaker Nasiruddin Ahmed Pintu and regional Awami League leader Torab Ali, local media reported.

DHAKA: A Bangladeshi court on Tuesday sentenced at least 150 soldiers to death during a mass verdict over a 2009 mutiny in which scores of top officers were massacred, a prosecutor said.

A judge convicted and sentenced to death the soldiers over the mutiny in which 74 people including officers were hacked to death, tortured or burnt alive before their bodies were dumped in sewers and shallow graves.

"At least 150 BDR soldiers have been sentenced to death for the massacre of the army officers," lead prosecutor Baharul Islam told AFP outside the court in Dhaka.

At least another 350 of the 823 soldiers charged over the mutiny were sentenced to jail for their role in the 30-hour uprising that started at the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) headquarters in Dhaka.
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50 suspects died??many on run after escaping from custody??what is it??
1. This was clearly a RAW op to annihilate BDR and punish Shakil who was the Sector Commander, Rangpur during the Padua Battle. When two BD nationals were abducted and killed by BSF, Shakil had asked DG Fazlur Rahman to either free him to take action or revert him to BA. Upon receiving clearance from the DG, BDR had literally wiped out the BSF BOP responsible for the killing of our nationals. A counter attack by BSF/ITBP resulted in their mass lynching by infuriated villagers. Truck load after truck load of BSF dead bodies were seen to be taken away after the battle. Major repairs had to be carried out in the BSF BOP. Totally fresh personnel were brought in. It was the greatest single debacle that these criminals in uniform suffered in their history.

2. RAW used their link in BCL and utilized the grief among the 15 Aug Projonmo/15 Aug1975 families of those killed.

3. Bangladeshi nation will never forget this incident. Generation after generation will ask questions, look for answers and seek vengeance.

4. The attachments are in Bangla - one contains excerpts from an inquiry report and the other a general coverage of this episode.


1. This was clearly a RAW op to annihilate BDR and punish Shakil who was the Sector Commander, Rangpur during the Padua Battle. When two BD nationals were abducted and killed by BSF, Shakil had asked DG Fazlur Rahman to either free him to take action or revert him to BA. Upon receiving clearance from the DG, BDR had literally wiped out the BSF BOP responsible for the killing of our nationals. A counter attack by BSF/ITBP resulted in their mass lynching by infuriated villagers. Truck load after truck load of BSF dead bodies were seen to be taken away after the battle. Major repairs had to be carried out in the BSF BOP. Totally fresh personnel were brought in. It was the greatest single debacle that these criminals in uniform suffered in their history.

2. RAW used their link in BCL and utilized the grief among the 15 Aug Projonmo/15 Aug1975 families of those killed.

3. Bangladeshi nation will never forget this incident. Generation after generation will ask questions, look for answers and seek vengeance.

4. The attachments are in Bangla - one contains excerpts from an inquiry report and the other a general coverage of this episode.



Well said bro.
1. This was clearly a RAW op to annihilate BDR and punish Shakil who was the Sector Commander, Rangpur during the Padua Battle. When two BD nationals were abducted and killed by BSF, Shakil had asked DG Fazlur Rahman to either free him to take action or revert him to BA. Upon receiving clearance from the DG, BDR had literally wiped out the BSF BOP responsible for the killing of our nationals. A counter attack by BSF/ITBP resulted in their mass lynching by infuriated villagers. Truck load after truck load of BSF dead bodies were seen to be taken away after the battle. Major repairs had to be carried out in the BSF BOP. Totally fresh personnel were brought in. It was the greatest single debacle that these criminals in uniform suffered in their history.

2. RAW used their link in BCL and utilized the grief among the 15 Aug Projonmo/15 Aug1975 families of those killed.

3. Bangladeshi nation will never forget this incident. Generation after generation will ask questions, look for answers and seek vengeance.

4. The attachments are in Bangla - one contains excerpts from an inquiry report and the other a general coverage of this episode.


vengeance is not good for you mate. if what you said is true, don't you think our next retaliation will be much more vicious?
1. This was clearly a RAW op to annihilate BDR and punish Shakil who was the Sector Commander, Rangpur during the Padua Battle. When two BD nationals were abducted and killed by BSF, Shakil had asked DG Fazlur Rahman to either free him to take action or revert him to BA. Upon receiving clearance from the DG, BDR had literally wiped out the BSF BOP responsible for the killing of our nationals. A counter attack by BSF/ITBP resulted in their mass lynching by infuriated villagers. Truck load after truck load of BSF dead bodies were seen to be taken away after the battle. Major repairs had to be carried out in the BSF BOP. Totally fresh personnel were brought in. It was the greatest single debacle that these criminals in uniform suffered in their history.

2. RAW used their link in BCL and utilized the grief among the 15 Aug Projonmo/15 Aug1975 families of those killed.

3. Bangladeshi nation will never forget this incident. Generation after generation will ask questions, look for answers and seek vengeance.

4. The attachments are in Bangla - one contains excerpts from an inquiry report and the other a general coverage of this episode.



asad71 Bhai, with due respect to you and other retired or serving armed forces officers, I have several hard questions to ask:

1. In 2007 when General Moin illegally came to power in a coup, why did the patriotic subordinate officers continue to accept him as their commanding officer?

2. When Gen. Moin continued to rule Bangladesh for 2 long years, under a veneer of CTG led by Fakhruddin Ahmed (FUA), why did the subordinate officers accept this joker as their commanding officer?

3. Did no. 1 and 2 have something to do with lucrative salary and benefits in UN Peace Keeping Force? Did this factor become more important for the Armed forces than protecting the country and its interest above all else?

4. On the day of the Mutiny, when both PM Hasina and Gen. Moin found out in the first few minutes that mutiny has broken out, and they did not issue order to go into Pilkhana barracks - knowing fully well that their comrade officers might be getting killed, why did they follow this criminally negligent and illegal order to wait and not go in?

5. I guess all of my question boils down to one thing only, when clearly the people under chain in command realize that the command given is going against their pledge to uphold the interest of the country above all else, is it not their duty to violate that command and if possible remove those issuing those treasonous commands from their position?

Frankly, I personally hold the Army mostly responsible for the mess we have in Bangladesh today. With their greed for UNPKF benefits, I think they not only took their eyes off the ball, they have also taken the country to a dangerous place. Not only that, with these series of steps, starting in 1/11 2007, they also jeopardized their own lives and future, the first result of which they received in this BDR Mutiny and there might be more to come.

Army is the most organized entity of the country with the maximum amount of firepower and hardware compared with anyone other entity or institution. They are the last arbiter of our independence and sovereignty and the final protector of the nation against external interference. Can you imagine the presence of RAW running wild in Bangladesh, doing the same thing Pakistan? Why is that the case? In our case, our joke of a DGFI is being run by RAW, according to many, can we imagine that for ISI? Why is it not like that in Pakistan?

No, asad71 Bhai, you guys have a lot to answer for. Please start with some answers to above questions.
A mutiny? This is 2013, how does this happen?
A mutiny? This is 2013, how does this happen?

It happened in 2009 Feb. 25 and 26, here is the details:

Our border force called BDR revolted and killed 57 Army officers, who command BDR soldiers. Some suspect Indian intelligence agency RAW hand in it as is mentioned in previous post. This was apparently a revenge for a border incident between Bangladesh and India in 2001, where dozens of Indian border forces were mercilessly killed by Bangladesh border forces:
It happened in 2009 Feb. 25 and 26, here is the details:

Our border force called BDR revolted and killed 57 Army officers, who command BDR soldiers. Some suspect Indian intelligence agency RAW hand in it as is mentioned in previous post. This was apparently a revenge for a border incident between Bangladesh and India in 2001, where dozens of Indian border forces were mercilessly killed by Bangladesh border forces:

Then why did Bangladesh soldiers turn on itself? Why not Indians charging head first across the border?
Then why did Bangladesh soldiers turn on itself? Why not Indians charging head first across the border?

Bangladesh soldiers turn on itself? You mean border force BDR soldiers in the mutiny in 2009? It is because they had some grievances about salary and benefits and the Army officers were getting rich due to smuggling at the border and some Army officers and soldiers were getting lucrative UNPKF benefits. But there is allegation that Indian intelligence instigated them using RAW agents within our country and helped with the killing of 57 Army officers.

In 2001 incident, Indian forces attacked several places to occupy some disputed areas, they were repulsed with heavy Indian casualty.
It happened in 2009 Feb. 25 and 26, here is the details:

Our border force called BDR revolted and killed 57 Army officers, who command BDR soldiers. Some suspect Indian intelligence agency RAW hand in it as is mentioned in previous post. This was apparently a revenge for a border incident between Bangladesh and India in 2001, where dozens of Indian border forces were mercilessly killed by Bangladesh border forces:

You are saying that the border incident happened in 2001 and after 8 year gap mutiny happened in 2009. How did you connect the dots??

Do you have any evidence to substantiate RAW involvement. Somebody mentioned that the mutiny happened because of disillusionment of your soldiers over wages. Which one is it?? Did your court find any evidence of outside help.
You are saying that the border incident happened in 2001 and after 8 year gap mutiny happened in 2009. How did you connect the dots??

Do you have any evidence to substantiate RAW involvement. Somebody mentioned that the mutiny happened because of disillusionment of your soldiers over wages. Which one is it?? Did your court find any evidence of outside help.

Lets cut the bs, we both know who this govt. and court work for. So spare us your drama. In post #4 @asad71 has presented websites, look here for details:

Whats BD posters' take on it? I mean trial? fair?

some elderly ones sentenced say they are innocent
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