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Bangladesh’s example: Give secularism, tolerance a chance in Pakistan

Inferiority complex. Pakistani can not digest bengali growth? common guys you can learn from anyone. Given a chance bengal can come above malaysia and turkey.

"WTF", what inferiority complex ? & you mind your own business Indian & why should Pakistan have any problem with Bangladesh's growth ? Pakistan does not have any territorial dispute with Bangladesh, sorry but we are not the ones building dams , we are not the ones shooting their people, if anything its you who should have indigestion, as i said keep Pakistan out of it be happy with your India & Bangladesh
BD can become developed nation in 10th years if it get true guidence. coz
1. it has small area so implementing idea will be fast.
2. Bengalies are not radical. they are liberal by nature.
3. Bengali are intelligent.

Why use bengalis? Use the term bangladeshi. Don't assimilate us with indian west bengali babus.
After all that we have known since Awami regime came to power


Judiciary most corrupt: TIB | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

you still think Bangladesh judiciary has credibility?

Cornering, taunting and supressing majority Muslim population and their aspiration are what Awami regime is doing, by no means "secularism" . May be by Indian definition and Awami League definition because it fits their agenda to be in power. How such repressive imposition in the name of "secularism" which majority Bangladeshis detest could be example of another country?

In discussion of so called trumped up secularism, how does even economy matters? I see you are very bullish on Bangladesh economoy which I and every Bangladeshis would like. But rather than being senselessly out of touch and subscribe to Awami propaganda fed bulish forecast and BS, one has to be in touch with reality.

You talk about top 5 fastest growing economy, top 5 fastest growing among what? With diminishing competetiveness and rising cost, did Bangladesh even figured out how we are going to maintain current export market let alone expanding it? Have you not seen export target being missed and energy price biting into economy? Did the regime figured out how to even maintain manpower export let alone expand it? Manpower export which had been one of the main growth engine came to abrupt halt and remittance growth looks to be laveling out. Chest thumping talks are cheap but living in the reality is much harder. Unfortunately there are many who like to subscribe to bullish slogan without realizing its purpose and that is one of the obstacle for our real growth.

Every nation has its own way of thinking and progress. Nations can learn from each other many different things but what practiced as "secularism" in Bangladesh is not one of them.

Still it is in better shape then Pakistan. In Pakistan supreme court judges position is much lower then even the generals at the position of 15 or 16 in the warrant of presidency. Regarding political interference it happen in both during BNP or BAL. Every alternate time one suppress the other ... this is the difference.

Regarding export ... yes it is tough in present situation but private businessman's are paving the way out so far and this will continue. Which ever government comes they need to make sure investment in infrastructure and production of electricity. Without any FDI Bangladesh is achieving 6-7% GDP growth. This can not be underestimated. The future prospect for Bangladesh to maintain as one of the top 5 fastest growing economy done by the City Bank is based on its potential. Bangladesh has much development in many HDI then both Pakistan n India. This trend will continue. As I said earlier Bangladesh would develop more if it emerge as an independent country in 1947 instead of tagging with Pakistan which let it lost 4 decades of development and loss of much more territory.

So far the future projection that has been made by citi bank Pakistan will be no where near Bangladesh in 2-4 decades term even if Pakistan does not split into more pieces.
Why use bengalis? Use the term bangladeshi. Don't assimilate us with indian west bengali babus.

for me both are same intelligent, patriotic, smart, and progressive. Bengal and,punjabi were two state in india which gave maximum freedom fighters.

"WTF", what inferiority complex ? & you mind your own business Indian & why should Pakistan have any problem with Bangladesh's growth ? Pakistan does not have any territorial dispute with Bangladesh, sorry but we are not the ones building dams , we not the ones shooting their people, if anything its you who should have indigestion, as i said keep Pakistan out of it be happy with your India & Bangladesh

Bettaer be out of us,next decade belong to india annd bd, either you can be part of usand enjoy the growth or you can follow separate path, the path you are following now. Its not bad to asimilate knowledge.

when Ravan was dying Lord Ramma ask his brother to gather knowledge from Ravana, his brother said, ravana was enemy, Lot said " its not bad to squire knowledge from enemy"

at least BD and india is not your enemy.
@Black Widow the only reason you guys are praising BD is because your stooge BAL is in power. We know the ground
realities more than an ignorant indian. We bangladeshis won't even wish a BAL type gov even to our worst enemy. Have you
been to BD over the last 3 years?
Bangladesh is quite the complicated case,
if an alien is given an assignment to reach for a summary
regarding Bangladeshis, it might just encounter a cereberal burst
after watching all this conflicting chest thumps!
Still it is in better shape then Pakistan. In Pakistan supreme court judges position is much lower then even the generals at the position of 15 or 16 in the warrant of presidency. Regarding political interference it happen in both during BNP or BAL. Every alternate time one suppress the other ... this is the difference.

Regarding export ... yes it is tough in present situation but private businessman's are paving the way out so far and this will continue. Which ever government comes they need to make sure investment in infrastructure and production of electricity. Without any FDI Bangladesh is achieving 6-7% GDP growth. This can not be underestimated. The future prospect for Bangladesh to maintain as one of the top 5 fastest growing economy done by the City Bank is based on its potential. Bangladesh has much development in many HDI then both Pakistan n India. This trend will continue. As I said earlier Bangladesh would develop more if it emerge as an independent country in 1947 instead of tagging with Pakistan which let it lost 4 decades of development and loss of much more territory.

So far the future projection that has been made by citi bank Pakistan will be no where near Bangladesh in 2-4 decades term even if Pakistan does not split into more pieces.

Perhaps, you do not believe in the fact that - we simply can not jumping into future without living at present. Not a single thing you mentioned is happening today but forcast of "if" "need to" and so on. In the context of Bangladesh, that is not reality but fantasy. And Citi bank forecast, please; the bank that is based on lie and deception, cooked up its book and bankrupt itself; you are asking us to take such bank forcast seriously? Not a single person who knows US financial collapse since 2009 and Citi bank contribution to it would take such forecast seriously including couple of my friends who served as country chief of Citi and one other US bank.
@Black Widow the only reason you guys are praising BD is because your stooge BAL is in power. We know the ground
realities more than an ignorant indian. We bangladeshis won't even wish a BAL type gov even to our worst enemy. Have you
been to BD over the last 3 years?

U are wrong, it doesn't matter BAL or BNP. its only matter to you. As long as power transfer thru correct democratically methods. It's ur right to choose one o the two party.

India didn't pay ur political leaders Pakistan did. I am sure that BD ppl will choose democratic secular party over terrorist jamati.

No mattered BAL or BNP, indo-bd relation will be same. I know some pdf member hate BAL, hate them not us. if you want to get rod of them use ur ballot.
Still it is in better shape then Pakistan. In Pakistan supreme court judges position is much lower then even the generals at the position of 15 or 16 in the warrant of presidency. Regarding political interference it happen in both during BNP or BAL. Every alternate time one suppress the other ... this is the difference.

Regarding export ... yes it is tough in present situation but private businessman's are paving the way out so far and this will continue. Which ever government comes they need to make sure investment in infrastructure and production of electricity. Without any FDI Bangladesh is achieving 6-7% GDP growth. This can not be underestimated. The future prospect for Bangladesh to maintain as one of the top 5 fastest growing economy done by the City Bank is based on its potential. Bangladesh has much development in many HDI then both Pakistan n India. This trend will continue. As I said earlier Bangladesh would develop more if it emerge as an independent country in 1947 instead of tagging with Pakistan which let it lost 4 decades of development and loss of much more territory.

So far the future projection that has been made by citi bank Pakistan will be no where near Bangladesh in 2-4 decades term even if Pakistan does not split into more pieces.

such hatred inside your heart chheeeh.... don't worry you are not talking about Bangladesh, Pakistan is a nuclear power , & can very well defend it self ,as i said keep Pakistan out of it why are you comparing Pakistan & Bangladesh, don't you understand we don't want to have to do anything with you guyz for God's sake be happy with your Bangladesh, & leave us alone
WTF . how they can dare to compare Bangladesh with Pakistan , these blood bastards alwayz sucking pakistan then talk about exremism . freaks

How and when did they suck pakistan ? please elaborate

pak map is wrong as it shows kashmir as its part where it should be india's

in 10 years, BD will be ahead of Pak in all counts. in many HDI counts its already better than pak and even india.
so please shut it

Bangladesh has already overtaken Pak and Ind as the textiles export capital , lots of other areas too BD is performing better than PK , future looks bright
Bangladesh has already overtaken Pak and Ind as the textiles export capital , lots of other areas too BD is performing better than PK , future looks bright

Good for Bangladesh and Pakistan has lots of work to do for its future. So what is that has to do with india and indians?
How and when did they suck pakistan ? please elaborate

Bangladesh has already overtaken Pak and Ind as the textiles export capital , lots of other areas too BD is performing better than PK , future looks bright

Pakistan rather follow the turkey or malaysia model sorry dude but a country who's cricket tours are decided by their supreme court is no worthy example, & if Bangladesh is doing better then Pakistan good for you, Pakistan could care less ! got it

Why are you just bitter about cricket tour , there are other 10 nations who are not touring pakistan try to find the reason why those countries are not touring too ...

BD has good track record in secularism and we hardly hear any issues or social unrest there .
pak map is wrong as it shows kashmir as its part where it should be india's

in 10 years, BD will be ahead of Pak in all counts. in many HDI counts its already better than pak and even india.
so please shut it

this map is also wrong as it shows azad kashmir & gilgit baltistan & aksai chin as its part where as in reality it is in pakistan & china respectively

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