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Bangladesh Pushes back refugees from Myanmar

Afghans are also originally from Afghanistan, Rohingyas are from Myanmar, what's your point? Biharis are subcontinental Muslims who fought for Pakistan, that alone should be enough for Pakistan to accept them.

Who said we dont accept them there are 20 million muhajirs in pakistan

and 200,000 bangladeshis in karachi alone
Who said we dont accept them there are 20 million muhajirs in pakistan

and 200,000 bangladeshis in karachi alone

What about Pakistanis stuck in Bangladesh since 1971? And you didn't take Muhajirs, they fought for the land and are the rightful owners..
... Mughals are also from Turkey... There are milions of hazaras in pakistan also

Turks are related to Mongols as well.. Same blood, similar language.. Point is - are you Hazara?
There are millions of people in Pakistan who have Mughal ancestors... I am one of them...

You mean mix of Rajput+Sindhi+Chagtai Turk ancestors, that's what Mughals were till Aurangzeb.

Later generations were this --
What about Pakistanis stuck in Bangladesh since 1971? And you didn't take Muhajirs, they fought for the land and are the rightful owners..

I wish that Pak govt gets those stranded in BD back...

Turks are related to Mongols as well.. Same blood, similar language.. Point is - are you Hazara?

I am not hazara... But I have Mughal ancestors maybe some mixed blood
... Mughals are also from Turkey... There are milions of hazaras in pakistan also

Babur was Chagtai Turk of Central Asia where Chengis Khans gene is found disproportionately above normal. They have nothing to do with Anatolian people. Sejluq Turks conquered Turkey and Anatolian people started speaking Turk.
rohingyas have the right to enjoy resoucr of any mslim land as that is the will of alah!
In that sense, the World belongs to Allah as he created it! So your indian land is also his property right?
Who said we dont accept them there are 20 million muhajirs in pakistan

and 200,000 bangladeshis in karachi alone

Then think how much we have in Kolkata. But if I say anything about it Bangladeshis will seek my blood. :/
You mean mix of Rajput+Sindhi+Chagtai Turk ancestors, that's what Mughals were till Aurangzeb.

Later generations were this --

That guy is an Indian gentleman named Shivnath Jha, he is an activist/journalist/writer helping the cause of Indian Martyrs, not related to the Mughal family. The lady is allegedly a Mughal Bahu (related by marriage), wife of a grand son(? not sure) of Bahadur Shah. The girls are probably Mughal descedants, if they are her daughters. The smiling girl has a hint of Central Asian in her, and I have been to Central Asia, so I know what they look like.

Some Bangladeshi's I know have much more pronounced mongol and "Asian" features (proto turks also looked like similar to Mongols but slightly different), which is also very common among Indian Muslims of mixed ancestry. It all depends on how low the families fortunes went and what ladies they could find for marriage, which seems like the case with Bahadur Shah's sons and grandsons.

Rajput yes, but where do you get Sindhi in Mughal, unless some of them settled down in Sindh. Arabs, Iranians, and central asian Turkics, Turko-Mongol Chagatai's and Afghans, all of them mixed with local population where they settled down and with each other, so later generations looked like a mixture of all their different ancestors.
That guy is an Indian gentleman named Shivnath Jha, he is an activist/journalist/writer helping the cause of Indian Martyrs, not related to the Mughal family. The lady is allegedly a Mughal Bahu (related by marriage), wife of a grand son(? not sure) of Bahadur Shah. The girls are probably Mughal descedants, if they are her daughters. The smiling girl has a hint of Central Asian in her, and I have been to Central Asia, so I know what they look like.

Some Bangladeshi's I know have much more pronounced mongol and "Asian" features (proto turks also looked like similar to Mongols but slightly different), which is also very common among Indian Muslims of mixed ancestry. It all depends on how low the families fortunes went and what ladies they could find for marriage, which seems like the case with Bahadur Shah's sons and grandsons.

Rajput yes, but where do you get Sindhi in Mughal, unless some of them settled down in Sindh. Arabs, Iranians, and central asian Turkics, Turko-Mongol Chagatai's and Afghans, all of them mixed with local population where they settled down and with each other, so later generations looked like a mixture of all their different ancestors.

Akbar's mother was Sindhi. Bangladeshis which have Asian features are Austro-Asiatic in origin, not Mongol.
Mughals have nothing to do with Turkey, they are from Central Asian -stan's, many of them do look part mongol.

Mughals are from Central Asia. The first Mughal king " Zaheeruddin Babur, who conquered Dehli in 1526 came from Fergana valley of present day Uzbekistan where he was a Prince. Babur was a descendent of Taimur Lang ( Taimoor the lame ) who was descendent of Chengez Khan ( aka as Genghis Khan in the West ).

There are some Mughals in Bangladesh. These are descendents of Mughal Governors and Mughal army sent by the emperor when Bengal was under Mughal rule. However, since there were very few Mughals, they are mixed blood now after centuries of intermarriages with the locals.
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