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Bangladesh PM Hasina praises IAF role during war with Pakistan


Sep 20, 2014
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Bangladesh PM Hasina praises IAF role during war with Pakistan
Sheikh Hasina(File Photo)
Tue, 23 Feb 2016-08:01pm , Dhaka , PTI
Hasina talked about IAF strikes during the Liberation War which helped in Pakistani troops surrendering quickly.

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday praised the role of Indian Air Force during the 1971 Liberation War that accelerated the surrender of Pakistani troops.

Hasina recalled the IAF's intervention on the skylines of Dhaka when Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha called on her at her office. During the meeting with Raha, who is on a five-day visit to Bangladesh, she discussed various issues of mutual interests including in the areas of economy and defence.

"They discussed various issues relating to mutual interests and cooperation in various sectors including in the areas of economy, communication and air forces of the two countries," a Prime Minister's Office spokesman told PTI.

She recalled the IAF strikes during the Liberation War which accelerated the surrender of Pakistani troops. "She particularly recalled an air battle in Dhaka at the fag end of the war and told the IAF chief that she along with other members of her family witnessed the battle from their confinement," her press secretary Ihsanul Karim said.

She also recalled the sacrifices of the Indian forces and her personal gratitude to India, where she took refuge for six years after the August 15, 1975 assassination of her father and Bangladesh's founder 'Bangabandhu' Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Hasina highlighted the steps taken for regional cooperation such as the Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal (BBIN) initiative and the Bangladesh China India Myanmar (BCIM) economic corridor for regional development.

Conveying her greetings to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Hasina underscored the need for more unofficial visits in addition to the official visits to strengthen cooperation.

Bangladesh PM Hasina praises IAF role during war with Pakistan | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis
Respects to Bangladeshi Leadership....

We are very grateful for resolving Enclaves issue
We are grateful for Handing over ULFA Chief....
We will support your Nation in all Possible ways....
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Veteran Indian journalist Kuldip Nayar in a recent writing said that Bangladesh prime minister Sheikh Hasina was ‘representing a dictatorial figure’ and ‘has effaced the lines between right and wrong, moral and immoral’. ‘Unfortunately Bangladesh, a product of the people’s right to a say in governance, has lost the vigour of expression which the nation once had.

Hasina representing a dictatorial figure: Kuldip Nayar - New Age | New Age
Bangladesh loses its way: Kuldip Nayar

Since when BD have stable democratic government for long.
In 1974 just after independence General Zia (Ironicaly he did same role to BD like his counterpart General Zia in Pak) kill Mujib along his family & ruled BD long after his death both Begums battle .
Hasina is lesser evil than all option currently available in BD.
Not to forget in her term BD is one of the growth engine in SAARC & effectively crushing terrorist whom flourished in previous regimes.
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