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Bangladesh-Pakistan Defence Relations

Why she Banned ??
What rule she Broke ? :rofl:
Only moderators can answer your questions. But, I am surprised at her being banned. I used to read and like her posts, specially those that related to BD-Pakistan relationship. She used to defend BD from being abused by the Indian posters.

I would request the Administrator to reconsider her case and reinstate her membership so that she can continue debating or discussing important topics.
I've noticed one thing in the above thread. That no Pakistani member has shown any disregard to the event December 16! So why AL govt. and some BD people still dislike them? There should not anymore misunderstands now.

Note: Link the non-sticky threads to the sticky threads this way, but, relevantly.

Pakistani got bigger heart than us. Believe me. I got first hand experience unlike bengali minded Bangladeshi in Bangladesh keep talking BS about them.
Look how they treat us in this forum while a Pakistani would get kicked out if they even try to question about 71 in bangla fora. Some low life so called Bangladeshi members abuse Pakistanis in their forum yet do not get banned. They also have opened a separate section for us, hence I think real congestion and narrow mind set lay in our land. :angry:

Land of Mir Jaffar precisely.
Bah!!...that was some post praising YOUR country-YOUR motherland zakir bro....land of mir jaffar!....just greaaat...you are such a patriotic bangladeshi!....
Pakistani got bigger heart than us. Believe me. I got first hand experience unlike bengali minded Bangladeshi in Bangladesh keep talking BS about them.
Look how they treat us in this forum while a Pakistani would get kicked out if they even try to question about 71 in bangla fora. Some low life so called Bangladeshi members abuse Pakistanis in their forum yet do not get banned. They also have opened a separate section for us, hence I think real congestion and narrow mind set lay in our land. :angry:

Land of Mir Jaffar precisely.

Just because they opened a new section for us,it doesn't mean we should always be praising Pakistan 24 x 7.If I am not wrong,praising someone too much in front of him,is a sign of Munafik.Correct me if I am wrong.

It is better to criticise them in front of them rather on their back.That becomes geebat.
I think even Pakistanis would not like someone praising them 24x 7.

About criticism,even MODs expect constructive criticism about Pakistan,so if some people are doing it and not getting banned,they are going by the rule.And those who abuse,they are banned by MODs decision.I remember one member name "Dhaka" getting banned for abusing.

And I don't know which Bangla forum you are talking about Zakir bhai,but I have seen Pakistani member on number of BD forums.Though they are less in number,because of extensive use of Bangla in BD forums,the language barrier.
Currently only one BD defence forum is active,and you should compare with that.you can't compare it to some other type of forum.
No Pakistani armed force operation shall ever be launched from Bangladesh. You guys are simply promoting JF-17 for business purpose. Mig-29 can be lethal in good hands against your JF-17. German pilots had beaten USAF F-16 in mock combat flying in their older Mig-29. Don't call Mig-29 crap.

Mig-29 is not a crap,but it is not ideal for Bangladesh Air force.
One of the reasons being the huge maintenance cost of Mig-29s.

Jf-17 on the other hand is a single engine interceptor plus with ground attack capabilities.With some western upgrades according to our needs,it is perfect for our Air force.
Its not too expensive,with upgrades it might cost 25 million.In addition maintenance friendly.And suits the role which BAF needs,i.e. interceptor.

If we can use Chinese planes,why not Jf-17?Its also partly Chinese.

But if BAF can go for Gripen NG....:smitten:
Bah!!...that was some post praising YOUR country-YOUR motherland zakir bro....land of mir jaffar!....just greaaat...you are such a patriotic bangladeshi!....

People speak through experiences and have every right to convey their opinion. I have met Bangladeshi guys who openly say they are still Pakistani. It may not change the oveall reality but it proves, if it were needed that we who were once one nation, still have mutual feelings towards each other.
Just because they opened a new section for us,it doesn't mean we should always be praising Pakistan 24 x 7.If I am not wrong,praising someone too much in front of him,is a sign of Munafik.Correct me if I am wrong.


So you indirectly calling me Munafiq just because I have point out some truth. That very nice of you leo. :)
So you indirectly calling me Munafiq just because I have point out some truth. That very nice of you leo. :)

I also agree with you. This brother is a Pakka Momin and you are
indirectly calling him munafiq ? :)
And I don't know which Bangla forum you are talking about Zakir bhai,but I have seen Pakistani member on number of BD forums.Though they are less in number,because of extensive use of Bangla in BD forums,the language barrier.
Currently only one BD defence forum is active,and you should compare with that.you can't compare it to some other type of forum.[/QUOTE]

BDmilitary forum will band you right away. Zakir bhai may be right.
So you indirectly calling me Munafiq just because I have point out some truth. That very nice of you leo. :)

Don't take it in wrong way Zakir bhai,:)

I am stating what's true,you do agree that's correct,isn't it?Now I guess it just matched with you incidentally.
And everyone can be at fault,we are human being.Its better I criticise you in front of you rather than saying on your back.
Same goes for me.

And apologies if you took it in heart.
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Don't take it in wrong way Zakir bhai,:)

I am stating what's true,you do agree that's correct,isn't it?Now I guess it just matched with you incidentally.
And everyone can be at fault,we are human being.Its better I criticise you in front of you rather than saying on your back.
Same goes for me.

And apologies if you took it in heart.

That is fine because I know where I stand though I will not stop from speaking out the truth even if it label me certain way. I speak out from experience rather than what's been written in book or made up BS story in media.
I used to believe about pakistanis certain way when I was back home but changed when I got to meet some of them here in the state.

So long every december and march are deserve for pakistan bashing by bharti sponsored, left wing awami supporter, bengali minded munafiq media that constantly spread out BS stories about pakistani in demonizing way than there will never be brotherly relation possible with them due to our confused new generation.

Now tell me why is it necessary to sponsor hate while celebrating independece? Do you not think, these left wing media spreading negetive energy while we are trying to reconcile?
Some Bangladeshis has FMD blindness disease. They only like to hate Pakistan in that time.

FMD= February, March & December.*
So consider them sick in that time, lol.
This is a very dangerous trap. Why only for govt people? This will ensure safe passage for ISI, not that they don't have any presence already.

Sad, that u, still, couldn't trust Pakistan even after 38 years! Yes, they did wrong but now? You already know that in this thread :tup: ( http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangladesh-defence/41456-battles-1971-a.html ) they give us complete privilege to write in their own defence forum about 71 against them, what is a sign of big soul.

So now extend your hands to them, which will be the best answer to them against 71, even they did wrongs. Now make trust and brothers to show the world that it is possible to make trust again.
sry to say but its a fact that british create pakistan and india in such a way that
india got all the strategic advantages in land,sea,air.
bangladesh(former east pakistan) is frm three sides surrounded by india.
pakistan has no strategical depth.
bangladeshi and pakistani rivers came from india or india occupied lands.
india got more startegic depth of land.
but still as independent nations bang-pak will never except india supremesy in south asia.:sniper::pakistan:
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