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Bangladesh-Pakistan Defence Corporation


Oct 3, 2005
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United States
Well, I think both nations need to improve their defence corporation in order to deal with the common enemy. Pakistan being a big brother should help the little brother out! What do you guys think. Lately Bangladeshis are being a great pain in the *** for the Indians. Me and my Bangladeshi friend will have a great talk about this. :lol:

So how can we help Bangladesh? Lets make it more strong. :tup: Agreed? Criticisms welcome.
Yes, India needs a thorn like Afghanistan up their behind and it is excelent to have their east a bit unstable. Hey no harm to Pakistan!
Lately Bangladeshis are being a great pain in the *** for the Indians.
Definitely. The BSF has its work cut out, preventing illegal migrants from making their way into India. Besides that Bangladesh has been supporting separatist movements in the Indian North-East. India responded with helping the separatist movement in the Chittagong Tracts. Both countries lost out. A truce in this matter is in the best interests of both nations.

So how can we help Bangladesh? Lets make it more strong.
Militarily Bangladesh is no threat to India. None whatsover. India's has no hostile intentions towards Bangladesh either. Bangladesh is wasting its foreign exchange working on its military, it'll never have a credible deterrance against an Indian invasion. They ought to reconcile themselves to that fact. Working to improve economic ties with Bangladesh ought to be Pakistan's primary concern. That said Bangladesh is a good market for Pakistani defence exports such as the JF-17 and Al-Khalid.
Well pakistan should help them with its ISI tacticis and not with its Tanks and Jets.They need to invest considerable amount to even have a standing chance against indian military might,which they cant afford.

So if you want our east destablised,help the insurgents,open camps and give them training.But i guess you are doing that already.
Well Pakistan is selling military equipment to Bangladesh and resently has offered the Al-khaild MBT. Pakistan also helped by setting up a C4I system for Bangladesh. Here is the link:www.bdmilitary.com/main/military/air/airforce/systems/baf_c4i.htm

Selling hardware is not considerd helping,they can buy from China too..if you give them training/hardware at throw away/subsidised costs can be considered as helping.

But then can Pakistan afford to give aay al khalid tanks at throw away prices,i dont think it can.
equipment do matter but not that much.
The real power would be helping them economically.
Better relations.Build roads, establish industries as much as we can within our reach.
Gain their trust which is key to the better relations.
Once trust is there strategic partnership will be far more easy.
equipment do matter but not that much.
The real power would be helping them economically.
Better relations.Build roads, establish industries as much as we can within our reach.
Gain their trust which is key to the better relations.
Once trust is there strategic partnership will be far more easy.

"Trust" indeed will be the biggest gain for both countries, if they able to develope that some how. Helping Bangladesh by any means could do alot to have that trust.
Yes, India needs a thorn like Afghanistan up their behind and it is excelent to have their east a bit unstable. Hey no harm to Pakistan!

Look at the your east, the latest report says you have more than one foreign hand helping out and supporting the seperatists in Baluch.

So before you come after our life, save yours.
Look at the your east, the latest report says you have more than one foreign hand helping out and supporting the seperatists in Baluch.

So before you come after our life, save yours.

We'll save our back you guys still have threats. China, Bangladesh, us Pakistanis and internal rebels to eat you! Better figure something out fast.:flag:
Well..inernal rebels will fade away with time as the Indian Union gets stronger and there is a better economy to help the people.

The main problem for us is : China, Pakistan, Bangladesh

China: Peace is there, slowly things are getting back to normal. China would not intervene from the opposite side in any war that India has. It has stated that China wants good ties with India. I am 100% sure that give another 20-30 years, and China problem would be resolved. Its slow, but there is an actual movement, substantial movement.

Pakistan: No need to say. They have enough things on their plate. They are no match militarily or economically.

Bangladesh: TOOOO small economically or militarily. What we gain is their gas and transit rights. And Bangladesh is in turmoil. The only way apart from sea to Bangladesh is through India. So Bang. remains isolated. India could foster good relations slowly, or have a coup there. Its in shambles anyway.

No other threat to India. Time is our friend. With Time, our country has prospered. In 15 years we have accomplished SO much. The country left its socialistic attitude for capitalistic attitude in ''91. Now look at the country. Give another 15 years, and we'd be all set to see India among the top 5 ;)
Well..inernal rebels will fade away with time as the Indian Union gets stronger and there is a better economy to help the people.

The main problem for us is : China, Pakistan, Bangladesh

China: Peace is there, slowly things are getting back to normal. China would not intervene from the opposite side in any war that India has. It has stated that China wants good ties with India. I am 100% sure that give another 20-30 years, and China problem would be resolved. Its slow, but there is an actual movement, substantial movement.

Pakistan: No need to say. They have enough things on their plate. They are no match militarily or economically.

Bangladesh: TOOOO small economically or militarily. What we gain is their gas and transit rights. And Bangladesh is in turmoil. The only way apart from sea to Bangladesh is through India. So Bang. remains isolated. India could foster good relations slowly, or have a coup there. Its in shambles anyway.

No other threat to India. Time is our friend. With Time, our country has prospered. In 15 years we have accomplished SO much. The country left its socialistic attitude for capitalistic attitude in ''91. Now look at the country. Give another 15 years, and we'd be all set to see India among the top 5 ;)

LOL your lousy post makes me laugh.

The Indians pretend that they know BD very well; they keep talking about their problems.

Bangladesh is not in shambles, but India is in ruins, the people are starving and murdering each other. The military is not paid properly; they get no protein to eat. They are all thin and shaking when they pick up their weapons.

Seeing their commandoes in Mumbai, one can easily judge what universal jokers the Indian are.

India in the top 5!! It is on its way to be a failed state.
Get a life pal.
LOL your lousy post makes me laugh.

The Indians pretend that they know BD very well; they keep talking about their problems.

Bangladesh is not in shambles, but India is in ruins, the people are starving and murdering each other. The military is not paid properly; they get no protein to eat. They are all thin and shaking when they pick up their weapons.

Seeing their commandoes in Mumbai, one can easily judge what universal jokers the Indian are.

India in the top 5!! It is on its way to be a failed state.
Get a life pal.

Khalid, very well put, and if history teaches us any thing about war is that if u open up many fronts, draw them in to a point where killing of enemy soldiers is easy picking, this is how china achieved its goal in Korean war, it drew Enemy forces in and than encircles them. A clever strategy, as the big enemy think it is cake walk and than u make a death walk, no matter how big enemy is, strategy is the key.

Easy picking.
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LOL your lousy post makes me laugh.

The Indians pretend that they know BD very well; they keep talking about their problems.

Bangladesh is not in shambles, but India is in ruins, the people are starving and murdering each other. The military is not paid properly; they get no protein to eat. They are all thin and shaking when they pick up their weapons.

Seeing their commandoes in Mumbai, one can easily judge what universal jokers the Indian are.

India in the top 5!! It is on its way to be a failed state.
Get a life pal.

You must be right.

Been following the BDR revolt matey :)

Its a fact that india has progressed well since 1991, if u wanna keep dreaming otherwise (just because u really really really wanna believe so), be my guest.
You must be right.

Been following the BDR revolt matey :)

Its a fact that india has progressed well since 1991, if u wanna keep dreaming otherwise (just because u really really really wanna believe so), be my guest.

U guys don't get it, Saddam was U.S. best friend, when he had completed the job with Iranians, they did not need him anymore, they took him out.

Noriega was their best fiend, when he was no more needed they took him out. as one of you guys said, that there are no friends just interests, this is right out of the words spoken by an American politician.

Next could be you, so learn to live in peace with your neighbors, u be better off.
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