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Bangladesh mission in Islamabad observed Genocide Day

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Embassies are sovereign territories so they can observe whatever they want. The Pakistani embassy in Dhaka also has the same privilege, we can observe a 'Mukti Bahini were India sponsored terrorists' day on the same day if we want. Nothing stopping us.
Some of my countrymans represent Bangladesh here in PDF as same as some of my countrymans represent Bangladesh in middle-east... :disagree:
@Jacksparrow47 read this extremely useful and eye opening article written by a Pakistani defence columnist about the cause of separation of East Pakistan.
Demons of December —
Road from East Pakistan to Bangladesh


I read this demons of december, and gave up half way. Certain factual errors or factoids represented as facts by this pathetic piece.
In the section, Historical background

AK Fazlul Huq is said to be 'forced' to resign from Muslim League. This is factually incorrect, he resigned himself, background he was appointed in Defense Council by Viceroy of Linlithgow alongwith other muslim CMs from provinces like Sikander Hyat[Punjab], Saadullah [Assam]. All India Muslim working cmte. passed resolution June 1940 not to participate in war committees. Muslim working committee livid with Fazlul Haq, asked all muslim members to resign, irrespective of their affiliation. All of them did but Fazlul Haq unhappy with Jinnah's insistence decided to resign from Muslim League cmmtee. and made a new party where he brought in hindu mahasabha like radicals [from where Yogi Adityanath-likes come from] to form govt., all his cabinet muslim league stalwarts like Hussein Shaheed Suhrawardy, Moulvi Tameezuddin Khan resigned from huq's cabinet.

Hussein Shaheed Suhrwardy in 1946 was the only Muslim League leader to be heading a province, he initiated alongwith Muslim League leadership Direct Action Day, that pressurized Congress leadership and British authorities for the creation of Pakistan. If muslim league distrusted Suhrawardy they would'nt have created Pakistan.

AS Prime Minister, Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy also instituted PAkistan Atomic Energy Commission in 1956 brought in scientists like Salimuzzaman Siddiqui as adviser and RAziuddin to head the PAEC. All these scientists were welcomed from abroad to work in Pakistan's institutions something Bangladesh cannot even do its Bangla Americans. This institution helped Pakistan become a nuclear power. Suhrawardy died a Pakistani and all his family stayed in Pakistan his granddaughter Barrister Shahida Jamil was a Minister in Pervez musharraf cabinet, the first law minister of Sindh province 1999


I decided to skip the rest I'm absolutely sure the rest of the propaganda crap would also be half-truth factoids that give birth to ppl like u @Doyalbaba
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read this extremely useful and eye opening article written by a Pakistani defence columnist about the cause of separation of East Pakistan.
Every thing can be eye opening,it totally depends on someone's point of view.
Let me give another eye opening link for you in Bengali language. I didn't believe his every claim though. He portrayed mujib as traitor but I don't think so.read this e book in Bengali.

What if I call it an eye opening book too? So called eye opening articles and books Are not enough to prove anything .

P.s. I failed to add link. but I will add it when the forum will allow me. You can search একাত্তরের ইতিহাস (the history of 71) , written by firoz mahbub kamal.
Search and read it. If it can open your eyes. Although I don't consider such books or articles eye opening.
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Every thing can be eye opening,it totally depends on someone's point of view.
Let me give another eye opening link for you in Bengali language. I didn't believe his every claim though. He portrait mujib as traitor but I don't think so.read this e book in Bengali.

What if I call it an eye opening book too? So called eye opening articles and books Are not enough to prove anything .

P.s. I failed to add link. but I will add it when the forum will allow me. You can search একাত্তরের ইতিহাস (the history of 71) , written by firoz mahbub kamal.
Search and read it. If it can open your eyes. Although I don't consider such books or articles eye opening.
So all these Pakistani writer writing these things at the instigation of RAW?
If you can't believe Pakistani writer than I guess nobody from no country can convince you to the obvious.I am not in a business to convince anyone with prejudiced and made up mind like yourself.You can only reach self realization through self driven study with inquisitive mind.It will not happen in one day and certainly I can't help you.It is up to you.
So all these Pakistani writer writing these things at the instigation of RAW?
If you can't believe Pakistani writer than I guess nobody from no country can convince you to the obvious.I am not in a business to convince anyone with prejudiced and made up mind like yourself.You can only reach self realization through self driven study with inquisitive mind.It will not happen in one day and certainly I can't help you.It is up to you.

ROFL what a joke if a Pakistani writer is supporting your BS, he must be true. Its same as you and Taslima Nasreen having factual authority on Bangladeshi muslims.

Self-driven study, inquisitive mind rofl. First check out other parts of literature apart from the ones that agree with your beliefs.

You people have divided your country in the name of Bangla nationalism[hidden atheism], you lecturing someone as 'prejudiced' and 'made up his mind' is truly hilarious.
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If you can't believe Pakistani writer than I guess nobody from no country can convince you to the obvious
Superb, comment of the century!

Well then if you can't believe Indian writers and journalists too and also can't believe soviet source, who can make you believe that 3 million killing is just bulsh!t?
As I said I can't post link yet. You can search 71 genocide. Don't need to search scholarly article just search easiest Wikipedia. Check reference .
Learn what sharmila Bose ,nirmal sen and some others wrote. Also you will find what Pravda said about your genocide . don't forget that it is soviet who used veto against pakistan, so that seperatists won with the help of indian army.

why only believe Anthony mascarenhas who was not in east pakistan that time?

Search please okay ?
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Boycott all the Pakistan made assets between 1947-1971, from Chittagong port to Kaptai dam to JAtiya Sangsad, Shahjalal airport, would love to see what you have done post 1971.
Those things in East Pakistan were built by the tax money collected from East Pakistan.But several times of that you have looted and spent in West Pakistan. In 1947, there was very little gap of per capita income between East and West Pakistan,but this gap gradually widened and become a huge 61 percent gap( West Pak Rs.504 vs East Pak Rs.314) in 1969-1970.But after independence we gradually closed this gap.Now Pakistani per capita income is 1561 USD and Bangladeshi per capita income is 1465 USD.Mere 6 percent higher in Pakistan.Within one or two years,we will overtake this paltry gap due to our higher growth rate.So,our success rate is much higher than Pakistan despite great destruction you imposed on us in 1971.

Hahahahah uptil late 1960s PAkistan tax collection was less than 10% of GDP. Without any industry and adequate agrarian base East Pakistan did'nt have much of a economy, it was heavily dependent upon imports and created balance of payment issues. Its rural uncontrolled population was hell of a burden Pakistan lost most of GDP due to this white elephant called East Pakistan.
Thanks that you figured out the hill tracts condition.
Actually bangladesh is not doing genocide there,just controlling the separatists terrorists .

As I always wanted to say that pakistan army also didn't do genocide ( during 71 civil war) but they were just fighting the separatists who were small in numbers and they never represent the whole Bengalis as Bengalis voted mujib to make PM, not to break pakistan ,but this is different argument!

Though the seperatists pushed by Indian government( no offense its just political nothing personal) . I do not blame every Indian for any act of Indian govt. As most of peoples don't understand the motive of bloody politicians and most are deceived by them

Same goes for bangladesh. our politicians also do dirty works but most of peoples are not responsible for that.
And specialty international political game can be worst sometimes ,I believe you know this too.
Balancing is always good Way .

Well its why I put CHT conflict as genocide in inverted commas. If you call what Pakistan did in 1971 as "genocide" why is it not applicable to CHT as well?

But you are not calling Pak army actions as genocide, so yes you are correct in your case it is completely fair to not call such for CHT either (and myriad of other such movements across whole region).

But I am targeting your countrymen that make 1971 the only "genocide" (and they dont use inverted commas) that has happened....as though their handling of separatists and insurgencies is without any blood on their hands.

Chakma people should complain in International court of Justice if they have specific evidence of wrongdoing or genocide against them.

How many people without a country have done so all by themselves? You understand how ICJ works?

Has Bangladesh filed any court case at ICJ against Pakistan even under SHW? So that we can see how valid your genocide claims are?

Or you being a hypocrite yet again?

You talked that one time about Armenia not getting "most of the world" to recognise its genocide (when considering its a small country of 5 million, it has got a heck of a lot of countries to do so). Why hasn't BD gotten even one other country to do the same to begin with (even India)? After all both your parties are united on it right? What's the hold up?

So yeah both 1971 and chakma "genocides" have that in common....no one outside recognises them as genocides.....but BD gets to delineate on which one is and which one isnt....as though you have some credible world-beating institutions to do so?

Rest of your post is just a personal attack, seems you have run out of arguments.

I as part of my faith seek the truth, whatever it be.... that is the ultimate goal for us.

So who's fault is it really that the whole "1971 genocide in BD" agenda basically stinks of the same old political garbage that haunts the region from partition and prior wealth-sapping of British? That also will be Pakistan's fault right? Not yours? Their inherent Pakistaniyaat has added so much smoke and mirrors to your glorious, righteous BD truth....right?

But I thought you have already surpassed Pakistan big league (RMG superpower etc)? Time to own up and get your truth to shine through to everyone....and stop making excuses and pointing fingers.
Well its why I put CHT conflict as genocide in inverted commas. If you call what Pakistan did in 1971 as "genocide" why is it not applicable to CHT as well?

But you are not calling Pak army actions as genocide, so yes you are correct in your case it is completely fair to not call such for CHT either (and myriad of other such movements across whole region).

But I am targeting your countrymen that make 1971 the only "genocide" (and they dont use inverted commas) that has happened....as though their handling of separatists and insurgencies is without any blood on their hands.

How many people without a country have done so all by themselves? You understand how ICJ works?

Has Bangladesh filed any court case at ICJ against Pakistan even under SHW? So that we can see how valid your genocide claims are?

Or you being a hypocrite yet again?

You talked that one time about Armenia not getting "most of the world" to recognise its genocide (when considering its a small country of 5 million, it has got a heck of a lot of countries to do so). Why hasn't BD gotten even one other country to do the same to begin with (even India)? After all both your parties are united on it right? What's the hold up?

So yeah both 1971 and chakma "genocides" have that in common....no one outside recognises them as genocides.....but BD gets to delineate on which one is and which one isnt....as though you have some credible world-beating institutions to do so?

Rest of your post is just a personal attack, seems you have run out of arguments.

I as part of my faith seek the truth, whatever it be.... that is the ultimate goal for us.

So who's fault is it really that the whole "1971 genocide in BD" agenda basically stinks of the same old political garbage that haunts the region from partition and prior wealth-sapping of British? That also will be Pakistan's fault right? Not yours? Their inherent Pakistaniyaat has added so much smoke and mirrors to your glorious, righteous BD truth....right?

But I thought you have already surpassed Pakistan big league (RMG superpower etc)? Time to own up and get your truth to shine through to everyone....and stop making excuses and pointing fingers.
If Chakma suffered any significant atrocity in the hands of Bangladesh army they they at least would have known to the whole world like the Rohingya people.It was not that old.It ended only in 1990s.

We could not proceed with international recognition because we had many limitation in the past.Now we are trying to correct that mistake and delay.Not all country get wide recognition of atrocity instantly.Even Armenian had to wait at least 50 years to raise any substantial voice about the crime in 1915.So was the Ukrainian Holodomor genocide.It was relatively unknown even a few years ago.But getting wider recognition.

1971 is not only our claim.Large part of the world agree with it.Both around 1971 and today.But self styled Tamil Hindu Rajakar like yourself are too blind to see any of this.
Nixon and Kissinger’s Forgotten Shame

Hahahahah uptil late 1960s PAkistan tax collection was less than 10% of GDP. Without any industry and adequate agrarian base East Pakistan did'nt have much of a economy, it was heavily dependent upon imports and created balance of payment issues. Its rural uncontrolled population was hell of a burden Pakistan lost most of GDP due to this white elephant called East Pakistan.
Again bogus claim without any source? Economic exploitation of East Pakistan is a topic which is agreed upon by all economic scholars in this world including Pakistani one.Only an uninformed or dishonest person can deny it.

This has to take the cake for the most absurd thing ever posted on one of these "1971" threads. Indians are now being accused of being "self-styled" Razakars. :omghaha:

Yah I just ignore the rabid triggering and try to poke as many holes into the meat of his "argument". Seems to be wrapped up here (name calling dead end etc)....waiting for the next thread in the never-ending series :P

Hence why I went with lets take absolutely everything you claim w.r.t 1971 to be true....here's why you are still a huge hypocrite etc etc. I guess it didn't sit well with him at all heh. But I like to explore the true depth of the delusion and hypocrisy on display....so cant stick to the same old "uh theres no good evidence" for the 1971 claims.

I will have to tell my best BD friend about this (I got called a razakar by some dude that thinks the British were the best thing since boiled rice for Bengal).....sure to have quite the laugh about it. :D
Those things in East Pakistan were built by the tax money collected from East Pakistan.But several times of that you have looted and spent in West Pakistan.
I will add 2 Bengali blog link here when I will cross 29 post limit.
Your claims are full of ignorance. West pakistan was not built by east Pakistani money ( as you guys claim),and also jute mills or other things were not made by east Pakistani tax money as most of east Pakistanis were too poor to pay tax (yes truth is always bitter).
However west pakistanis invested money to make jute mills and many other industries in east pakistan so that east Pakistani bengalis Can have some work and can feed hungry mouth.and also trying to develop this eastern wing.

When British withdraw, east Bengal was almost beggar state do you read the history? Why it became the beggar state don't you know?the main reason is permanent settlement (চিরস্থায়ী বন্দোবস্ত) . that time all jute mill were in Calcutta . all Jutes were cultivated in east Bengal and processed in Calcutta .
So all peoples of west bengal was beneficial from jute products and east Bengali peasants remain hungry
. Even if you read the story 'mahesh' of sharath chandrs chatarjee you will see that the man finally move to Calcutta to search work at jute mills.
(The story was also in SSC Bengali book during 1998-1999 times).
That time there were no west Pakistani to loot your golden country right? Yet why east Bengal was almost a begger state?
Do you have any idea? Or you don't study anything that doesn't fulfill your requirement ?
When pakistan was created the rich 22 family and other west Pakistanis invested a lot I east pakistan so that the eastern part can be developed.

And yes after your golden Bengali became independent( or Indian colony?) what did you get ? Even all main electric lines were made by pakistan (from Khulna to chuadanga) ,And many more. And still no development of those lines. If slight storm happen line fault statrted and hours after hour peoples suffer in power cut. {Although awami league now producing good amount of electricity but they need to develops the electric lines }.
So what make you think that west pakistan loot east pakistan? What is your logic ? Only some lectures of politicians and 6 points? Oh boy this politics still exists wnd will exist always!

now if awami league do some good BNP oppose and if BNP do some good( though BNP did nothing but looting money from 2001-2006) awami league oppose .
And all are the game of bloody politician.
And since 71 civil war was connected with international politics too so I don't think you will understand it ever.it is the genetic Bengali hype hujuge Bengal.
You guys don't even think that jute product not only devoured by west Bengal during british period but even all mills were in west Bengal.
West Pakistanis did not make those mills in west pakistan. They made them in east pakistan that their poor east Pakistani brothers can have some jobs. And also it is a great equal treatment.

Again Pakistan didn't capture the land forcefully but east Pakistan was the birth place of a separate Muslim country named pakistan. If there was no pakistan ,you would be begging o the stretvof Calcutta instead of bullish!ting here.
So wake up and open your eyes.
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