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Bangladesh mission in Islamabad observed Genocide Day

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Pakistani exploitation in 24 years period was much heavy compared to any 24 years period of British rules.

Whatever their motive of development by the british,truth is we benefited.It took the British to finally ban practice of Sati,human sacrifice,child sacrifice,widow remarriage.Do you want to say there was no human consideration behind those British ban? Or what about founding Congress by British which lead the independence movement? You can't entirely dismiss British only as an bad,evil guy.They have their good as well as their bad.

I will not compare 18th, 19th century British treatment with 1960s,1970s Pakistani conduct.This are still fresh.In 1700s,1800s many horrible things happened around the world.That was still early modern ages with primitive thinking and technology.

British didn't conduct genocide in entire India just before their leaving,Pakistani did in entire Bangladesh.And this bitterness will not wash away that easily.

But question is, why are you so eager to absolve any wrongdoing of Pakistani and prove themselves as innocent as an Indian? What is your benefit?

We will have to agree to disagree. To me British are the biggest culprits of the miserable state whole region is in....because the majority of problems stem from lack of wealth....which was the base scenario you all have in 1947 from 200+ years of unfettered, maximum wealth extraction (also why British grew very rich compared to Europe and North America in the 1800s especially till the rest caught up somewhat in 1900s).

As for no genocide when the British left? What you call what happened during partition? British are blameless in that too? It only continued in 1971 somewhat on your turf....because again there is failure to believe/implement a bigger united dream (and both point fingers at each other)....and it will only serve the purpose of the image of the previous (much more wretched) master regarding the "good old times"...as it seems to have done so with you.

But you know what? I don't go around blaming the British people today for actions of their forefathers and ancestors. I hold culpability with the people that did the disgusting things during the relevant time period. I don't blame children for sins of their fathers and grandfathers. Neither should you with Pakistan.....but here you are doing so almost every day of every week, each time a new thread on same old topic, on a Pakistan-named forum.

I am not eager to absolve anyone of "wrongdoing"....since the wrongdoing extends in each and every way from my vantage point...among the whole trifecta of India-BD-Pak....just its a matter of personal perspective depending which one you hold allegiance to. But neither am I much amused by you lot giving a free pass to the historical context of why you are in the situation you are today....if you are looking for a blame game on who is responsible for it.

Maybe if you have an opportunity to make some real life Pakistani friends, your attitude will change. I know I was always able to temper what my dad force-fed me about Pakistan with what I could see from one of my best friends growing up (Pakistani kid)...but even my dad always encouraged me to ask the other side's perspective too to be more balanced.

Till then, I leave you to it...and hope you lot change (because this attitude is seriously taking hold of your country still). If you dont, thats to your detriment, not mine...but maybe you prefer it that way since you see that detriment as a positive thing. So like I said, can agree to disagree and let any ultimate authority, if such exists, decide in the end. What else is there to say?
But you know what? I don't go around blaming the British people today for actions of their forefathers and ancestors. I hold culpability with the people that did the disgusting things during the relevant time period. I don't blame children for sins of their fathers and grandfathers. Neither should you with Pakistan.....but here you are doing so almost every day of every week, each time a new thread on same old topic, on a Pakistan-named forum.
Individual Pakistanis are not to be blamed but there is a collective responsibility of Pakistan as a state. Is this concept too alien to you?
Maybe if you have an opportunity to make some real life Pakistani friends, your attitude will change. I know I was always able to temper what my dad force-fed me about Pakistan with what I could see from one of my best friends growing up (Pakistani kid)...but even my dad always encouraged me to ask the other side's perspective too to be more balanced.
I as well as any informed Bangladeshi person will be very cordial with 'Pakistani friend' but Pakistan as a state and Pakistani army as an institution will always be hated by Bengali people for their crime against us.
Till then, I leave you to it...and hope you lot change (because this attitude is seriously taking hold of your country still). If you dont, thats to your detriment, not mine...but maybe you prefer it that way since you see that detriment as a positive thing. So like I said, can agree to disagree and let any ultimate authority, if such exists, decide in the end. What else is there to say?
We have roots from where we can acquire positive development.Our Independence value will always drive us to create a country free from religious jingoism,inequality,economic imbalance and drive us to embrace cultural/civilizational principles.On the other hand,Pakistan will always choose religious chauvinism and military+feudal nexus.It was the original sin Pakistan was born with.So having negativity with Pakistanism is actually good for us.
Individual Pakistanis are not to be blamed but there is a collective responsibility of Pakistan as a state. Is this concept too alien to you?

I as well as any informed Bangladeshi person will be very cordial with 'Pakistani friend' but Pakistan as a state and Pakistani army as an institution will always be hated by Bengali people for their crime against us.

We have roots from where we can acquire positive development.Our Independence value will always drive us to create a country free from religious jingoism,inequality,economic imbalance and drive us to embrace cultural/civilizational principles.On the other hand,Pakistan will always choose religious chauvinism and military+feudal nexus.It was the original sin Pakistan was born with.So having negativity with Pakistanism is actually good for us.
What crime? What will be your govt do if a state of Bangladesh announce freedom itself? Will u allow them?
Individual Pakistanis are not to be blamed but there is a collective responsibility of Pakistan as a state. Is this concept too alien to you?

I'm talking about today's British state as well. I don't hold it as a successor to the policies it did in earlier times (under earlier generations of people)....even though it is much more so technically (esp continued, relatively unadulterated political rule) compared to current Pakistan state and Yahya Khan dictatorship.

On the other hand,Pakistan will always choose religious chauvinism and military+feudal nexus.

Always? This coming from another clear "nexus"? How are Bangladeshi institutions rated in CPI and WEF compared to Pakistan? Care to tell me?

It was the original sin Pakistan was born with.

And where was the idea conceived of first? Karachi? Lahore?

So having negativity with Pakistanism is actually good for us.

Like I said, if you believe so, so be it. The hypocrisy of it is visible to everyone.

What crime? What will be your govt do if a state of Bangladesh announce freedom itself? Will u allow them?

Chittagong Hill Tracts. Move along, nothing to see there folks! Its perfectly ok when BD conducts its own "genocide".
British didn't conduct genocide in entire India just before their leaving,Pakistani did in entire Bangladesh.And this bitterness will not wash away that easily.
I asked you to prove Genocide in front of neutral body let alone neutral body there haven't been made any commission in your own country to get facts and figures...WHY???
Because no such fu@king thinking happened,you BD'ns haave made laughing stock out of yourselves after deceleration of such huge numbers,which can't be proved citing even number of PA troops.

I as well as any informed Bangladeshi person will be very cordial with 'Pakistani friend' but Pakistan as a state and Pakistani army as an institution will always be hated by Bengali people for their crime against us.
Actually after your continues whinning we have dug deeper,the deeper we have gone into history,the better we knew that,was just political stunt of AL which ended up as 1971 war,and you are only big mouths...

@Nilgiri Pakistan is doing good by not feeding haseena troll and the better they blabber about us,there is more chance of us haunting them.

Chittagong Hill Tracts. Move along, nothing to see there folks! Its perfectly ok when BD conducts its own "genocide".
Don't forget Biharis please....
Chittagong Hill Tracts. Move along, nothing to see there folks! Its perfectly ok when BD conducts its own "genocide".
Thanks that you figured out the hill tracts condition.
Actually bangladesh is not doing genocide there,just controlling the separatists terrorists .

As I always wanted to say that pakistan army also didn't do genocide ( during 71 civil war) but they were just fighting the separatists who were small in numbers and they never represent the whole Bengalis as Bengalis voted mujib to make PM, not to break pakistan ,but this is different argument!

Though the seperatists pushed by Indian government( no offense its just political nothing personal) . I do not blame every Indian for any act of Indian govt. As most of peoples don't understand the motive of bloody politicians and most are deceived by them

Same goes for bangladesh. our politicians also do dirty works but most of peoples are not responsible for that.
And specialty international political game can be worst sometimes ,I believe you know this too.
Balancing is always good Way .
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Chittagong Hill Tracts. Move along, nothing to see there folks! Its perfectly ok when BD conducts its own "genocide".
Chakma people should complain in International court of Justice if they have specific evidence of wrongdoing or genocide against them.No crime should go unpunished.And any supposed crime of Bangladesh army or Mukti Bahini do not automatically absolve Pakistan of it's crime.But you seems to hell bent for excuse for Pakistani army at any cost.You do not even defend your bharat that passionately like you are doing for Pak army.Although chances were that' if you lived in East Pakistan in 1971,you would have been the first to be targeted by Pak army for your Hindu faith.How can I explain this bizzare 'Stockholm syndrome' attitude of you? Are you yearning for a title of 'Tamil rajakar'?

You are a joke, your mental limitations and grasp on history is'nt only screwed up but it is dangerously hilarious.

Bangla jokers with no practical knowledge, or even hold on concepts of common sense.

If not for East Pakistan, RSS Hindu Mahasabha goons would be crushing you and your daddy with the help of hindu borgeousie. Cow slaughter bans, limits of what you eat, what you do, where you live, you would be in a gutter ghetto outside Mirpur, google the situation in Uttar Pradesh, Guajrat Right now. Check Congress deliberations,policies and actions 1937-39

And then google Pirpur Report 1938 and Sharif report 1939 [confined to Bihar]. HEavy hindu devotional music during Azan, beating people up for animal slaughter, eating of beef, muslims barred from drinking water from wells, muslims beaten and forced out of their property, official intervention in mostly hindus favor. 9 out of 10 times muslims leaving the area in case of hindu -muslim violence. This happened in areas incl. Bengal moron.

If British were so egalitarian why they did'nt left a single asset in newly made East Pakistan?

There was not even a port in present-day Bangladesh, thats why Suhrwardy and Jinnah tried to acquire Calcutta port cos there was zero infrastructure made up of muslim peasants on the behest of Hindu Zamindar, hindu mahajans. It was a HR hellhole as all the administration was made up of hindus most of them migrated, which was filled up by West Pakistanis. Check out the records and then speak for the British who left you a hungry peasant and illiterate knee deep cutting jute.

Your hindu icon rabindranath objected of building a university in dhaka twice, East Bengal muslims were cut out from the military, air force in british india which Pakistan changed, bringing in Ethnic Bengalis to the Air Force, Army who later served Bangladesh army. Check out you Air force post independence rofl Check out East Pakistan grants in Dhaka University during language movement under Sayed Moazzem Husain [VC at that time].

Making of Pakistan was not a piece of cake decision, muslim community was extremely divided, anyone who went to PAkistan sacrificed, some family, property, assets, their lives. Google how many Bengali, east Punjabis and ethnic Bihari were murdered along the way in Partition violence.

Chittagong port was a military facility it was converted into commercial operations by Pakistan another port was Mongla port. Pakistan built 2 ports, Bangladesh post independence could not even expand the chittagong port without outside funds. Not a single addition of infastructure in ports or reservoirs since 1971, a complete joke.

East Pakistan education gave FAzlur Khan [Architect] and Abdus Sattar Khan [worked in NASA], and many more, where are they most of them arei n USA. Bangladesh has contributed more manpower to USA then to itself. Before this manpower used to work in West Pakistan today they contribute to USA leaving bangladesh in a beggar condition infront of donor agencies asking to China for HR to build assets inland. An HR disaster with levels of Bangla middlemen creating income inequality, same as hindus. Even private sector like ispahani group are all west Pakistan origin.
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You are a joke, your mental limitations and grasp on history is'nt only screwed up but it is dangerously hilarious.

Bangla jokers with no practical knowledge, or even hold on concepts of common sense.

If not for East Pakistan, RSS Hindu Mahasabha goons would be crushing you and your daddy with the help of hindu borgeousie. Cow slaughter bans, limits of what you eat, what you do, where you live, you would be in a gutter ghetto outside Mirpur, google the situation in Uttar Pradesh, Guajrat Right now. Check Congress deliberations,policies and actions 1937-39

And then google Pirpur Report 1938 and Sharif report 1939 [confined to Bihar]. HEavy hindu devotional music during Azan, beating people up for animal slaughter, eating of beef, muslims barred from drinking water from wells, muslims beaten and forced out of their property, official intervention in mostly hindus favor. 9 out of 10 times muslims leaving the area in case of hindu -muslim violence. This happened in areas incl. Bengal moron.

If British were so egalitarian why they did'nt left a single asset in newly made East Pakistan?

There was not even a port in present-day Bangladesh, thats why Suhrwardy and Jinnah tried to acquire Calcutta port cos there was zero infrastructure made up of muslim peasants on the behest of Hindu Zamindar, hindu mahajans. It was a HR hellhole as all the administration was made up of hindus most of them migrated, which was filled up by West Pakistanis. Check out the records and then speak for the British who left you a hungry peasant and illiterate knee deep cutting jute.

Your hindu icon rabindranath objected of building a university in dhaka twice, East Bengal muslims were cut out from the military, air force in british india which Pakistan changed, bringing in Ethnic Bengalis to the Air Force, Army who later served Bangladesh army. Check out you Air force post independence rofl Check out East Pakistan grants in Dhaka University during language movement under Sayed Moazzem Husain [VC at that time].

Making of Pakistan was not a piece of cake decision, muslim community was extremely divided, anyone who went to PAkistan sacrificed, some family, property, assets, their lives. Google how many Bengali, east Punjabis and ethnic Bihari were murdered along the way in Partition violence.

Chittagong port was a military facility it was converted into commercial operations by Pakistan another port was Mongla port. Pakistan built 2 ports, Bangladesh post independence could not even expand the chittagong port without outside funds. Not a single addition of infastructure in ports or reservoirs since 1971, a complete joke.

East Pakistan education gave FAzlur Khan [Architect] and Abdus Sattar Khan [worked in NASA], and many more, where are they most of them arei n USA. Bangladesh has contributed more manpower to USA then to itself. Before this manpower used to work in West Pakistan today they contribute to USA leaving bangladesh in a beggar condition infront of donor agencies asking to China for HR to build assets inland. An HR disaster with levels of Bangla middlemen creating income inequality, same as hindus. Even private sector like ispahani group are all west Pakistan origin.
To kick the Hindu domination and exploitation we supported the separate muslim nation wholeheartedly.But could not foresee the future of Punjabi Pathan military rulers will create even a greater exploitation death trap for East Pakistani people.If we knew earlier we would have created a separate muslim state comprising Bengal and Assam.Cabinet mission plan suggested three group of states in a loose federation-
1.Hindu majority states
2.North western muslim majority states(current Pakistan)
3.Bengal & Assam(Muslim majority)
It would have been infinitely better if it was the case.We Bengali muslim did a great mistake for not doing agitation for a separate muslim homeland in Eastern zone.But how could we have known the true characters of Punjabi Pathan military+feudal nexus before hand? So great tragedy of 1947-1971 befalled on us.
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To kick the Hindu domination and exploitation we supported the separate muslim nation wholeheartedly.But could not foresee the future of Punjabi Pathan military rulers will create even a greater exploitation death trap for East Pakistani people.If we knew earlier we would have created a separate muslim state comprising Bengal and Assam.Cabinet mission plan suggested three group of states in a loose federation-
1.Hindu majority states
2.North western muslim majority states(current Pakistan)
3.Bengal & Assam(Muslim majority)
It would have been infinitely better if it was the case.We Bengali muslim did a great mistake for not doing agitation for a separate muslim homeland in Eastern zone.But how could we have known the true characters of Punjabi Pathan military+feudal nexus before hand? So great tragedy of 1947-1971 befalled on us.

Don't utter the word muslim u have nothing to do with it, Rabindra-bot. ROFL What is there in Bangladesh to be 'EXPLOITED' ? Your textile industry imports most of the cotton, what are your mineral reserves,Petroleum, etc..... Jute was replaced by synthetic fibres back in the 60s. Yes few gas reserves but Your limited amounts of gas reserves were used in East Pakisgtan cos it was non-feasible for them to be transported. Offshore drilling did'nt happen back then for that you had to beg Russia to help you in 1970s. What are the economic assets Bangladesh has created or had in both post 1971 or pre 1971. Ayub Khan wasted most ppublic sector funding in that Bangla black hole to this day no one has done that much. Well you don'ty have Punjabi-Pathan post 1971 so your bullsh*t is irrelevant on the cabinet mission and other plans. Those Bengalis in 1940s were more united than what you are today, you atheist bondhus who have divided the bengalis completely, just to do point scoring not Pakistanis

Boycott all the Pakistan made assets between 1947-1971, from Chittagong port to Kaptai dam to JAtiya Sangsad, Shahjalal airport, would love to see what you have done post 1971.

Bangladesh was created in the name of political representation why are minorities like adivasi, hindus reduced from pre-71 level

The best thing you gave the world are forced UN forces in Africa and garbage pickers, sanitation workers thruout SouthEast Asia and GCC. PAkistan never allowed any of its nationals to be exploited in this manner. Most of the Bangladeshi researchers opt for USA/UK then there country, why? Get your checkup done from a professional psychiatrist.
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Don't utter the word muslim u have nothing to do with it, Rabindra-bot. ROFL What is there in Bangladesh to be 'EXPLOITED' ? Your textile industry imports most of the cotton, what are your mineral reserves,Petroleum, etc..... Jute was replaced by synthetic fibres back in the 60s. Yes few gas reserves but Your limited amounts of gas reserves were used in East Pakisgtan cos it was non-feasible for them to be transported. Offshore drilling did'nt happen back then for that you had to beg Russia to help you in 1970s. What are the economic assets Bangladesh has created or had in both post 1971 or pre 1971. Ayub Khan wasted most ppublic sector funding in that Bangla black hole to this day no one has done that much. Well you don'ty have Punjabi-Pathan post 1971 so your bullsh*t is irrelevant on the cabinet mission and other plans. Those Bengalis in 1940s were more united than what you are today, you atheist bondhus who have divided the bengalis completely, just to do point scoring not Pakistanis

Boycott all the Pakistan made assets between 1947-1971, from Chittagong port to Kaptai dam to JAtiya Sangsad, Shahjalal airport, would love to see what you have done post 1971.

Bangladesh was created in the name of political representation why are minorities like adivasi, hindus reduced from pre-71 level

The best thing you gave the world are forced UN forces in Africa and garbage pickers, sanitation workers thruout SouthEast Asia and GCC. PAkistan never allowed any of its nationals to be exploited in this manner. Most of the Bangladeshi researchers opt for USA/UK then there country, why? Get your checkup done from a professional psychiatrist.


hahahahaaa rabindrabot respond to the query, how many times u going to post this vdo links repeatedly? Are these reports, reporters oblivious to bias, final authority on truth? How many bots like you represent opinion of Bangladesh? You have polarized weakened your state to take stand on anything esp. against india

You jokers believe in science, statistics sampling data, etcc.....

Take a scientific poll on the no. of agreements between u bangla ex-muslims and bangla religious, and compare it with
atheist bengali hindus and religious bengali hindus.

The hindus will outmatch u cos they believe in unity and shared interests u are poison to your community and even your state interests, and it can be seen in Bangladesh. Statistics, poverty , hunger, inequality can't be covered with Bangla nationalism.

Don't do these diversionary tactics, simply answer the infrastructure created post independence, defense of minorities and protection of political opposition in present day bangladesh rofl.
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Can you provide any neutral source?
I don't have to give neutral source.I will give a link of an article written from Pakistani perspective about the factors responsible for East Pakistan separation including economic factor.If you want more you can search google.a lot of books,journal,articles are available.I can't put all of them here.

How the East was lost

@Jacksparrow47 read this extremely useful and eye opening article written by a Pakistani defence columnist about the cause of separation of East Pakistan.
Demons of December —
Road from East Pakistan to Bangladesh

I don't have to give neutral source.I will give a link of an article written from Pakistani perspective about the factors responsible for East Pakistan separation including economic factor.If you want more you can search google.a lot of books,journal,articles are available.I can't put all of them here.

How the East was lost

Why don't you put an indian link no difference between Times of India and this foreign funded traitor Jang Group's the news. It has zero credibility in Pakistan,it has been proven taking direct funding from US govt. CIA station chief, State Department for sometime.

The author Naseer Memon was caught and dismissed from The News after he mixed statistics in order to target PAk military institutions on Balochistan, he has been thrown out before also from Express and I think he with DAwn, find a credible work from a scholar/researcher not biased anti-Pak journalist
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