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Bangladesh mission in Islamabad observed Genocide Day

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Traitors are those who fails to recognize the sacrifice made to achieve an independent Bangladesh. Traitors are those who fails to recognize the help offered to over 10 million refugees.
Traitors are those for whom enslavement is worth more than freedom. Traitors are those who still fails to recognize the sacrifices made by our forefathers for your freedom. Traitors are those who feel muslim identity is good enough of an excuse for committing genocide.
Surely,some peoples of bangladesh barks like you. But barking dogs seldom bite.
Traitors are those who fails to recognize the sacrifice made to achieve an independent Bangladesh. Traitors are those who fails to recognize the help offered to over 10 million refugees.
Traitors are those for whom enslavement is worth more than freedom. Traitors are those who still fails to recognize the sacrifices made by our forefathers for your freedom. Traitors are those who feel muslim identity is good enough of an excuse for committing genocide.

Surely , many dogs bark in bangladesh , surely they are increasing in numbers slowly. But barking dogs seldom bite you know that don't you?
So keep barking and be happy . let's see if your master India win or Muslims win.
Let's wait for second part of gazwa hind(1st part was in 1947) . let's see how long your master India survive by killing Muslims.
Do you know that there was a sovereign country named Hyderabad? That was annexed by your lord india?
If you don't know just keep barking and be proud.
Traitors are those who fails to recognize the sacrifice made to achieve an independent Bangladesh. Traitors are those who fails to recognize the help offered to over 10 million refugees.
Traitors are those for whom enslavement is worth more than freedom. Traitors are those who still fails to recognize the sacrifices made by our forefathers for your freedom. Traitors are those who feel muslim identity is good enough of an excuse for committing genocide.

You covered every BS apart from your ilk that cover up Bengali women raped by indians, bengali men murdered by indians in Nellie 84 and Kokrajhar Assam. You also did'nt mention the Ghar Wapsi forcible conversions of bengali migrants to hinduism in Agra in promise for aadhar cards.
How long will 'shameless patriots' like you use 71 to cover up these present issues?
Unlike Pakistan who are a state where military comes first
Yes you are state where Hasina and her family comes first and for her serving India comes first.

As you know,we had to start from the scratch after 24 years of massive looting from East Pakistan and finally a devastating war imposed by Pak military junta.
looting haha prove that myth like myth of rapes and killings.
War imposed by us,some fools took Arms against Government and started terrorism(see by modern terms Mukti Bahni were terrorist,no less then ISIL)and then finally India jumped when she saw on how incompetent fools she has invested who had not been able to secure an inch so a Government can be established.
Not a single power plant, road,bridge was unscathed in 1971.It was destroyed by all sides,Mukti Bahini,Pakistani army,Indian army, all.
Most of structure was targeted by Muktis to disturb PA logastics.When finally Indians came and when they saw well built industry and structure,rest you know what they did after 16 Dec in BD.Looting,plundering of resources etc.
Most of the meager Industry was also destroyed
Thank God you admitted we built mega industries over there which were transported to Calcutta via Rail Road.HINT:Gandhara Industries,the biggest motor manufacturer in Pakistan along with first steel mill of Pakistan and POF in East Wing.
But for this reason,isn't Pakistan at least partially responsible? You have looted and destroyed at least 40 years worth of development of Bangladesh.If we could develop our country uninterruptedly since 1947 like India and Pakistan than we could have built an armed forces which India would have taken note and Burmese would not dare to do any mischief.So you have a lot to do for our current weak position vis a vis with India and Myanmar.
Well responsibility lies on shoulders of AL,we looted what mineral,oil,gas,iron ore,gold what???We developed until Mad Mujib AL and Bhutto jumped into to teach us Democracy which has given us Mullahs and Indian BSF firing,water theft,poverty and Mynmar's aggression to you.we have nothing to do with your current position you peoples yourself allowed swarms of foreign agents to occupy your Government.
PS:when mongols were heading to attack khawarzim before that they made khawarzim to hate khalifa of bagdad
and vice versa through systemetic propganda campign,200 years later same tactics was used to capture spain which Muslims ruled for 800 years.
Surely,some peoples of bangladesh barks like you. But barking dogs seldom bite.

Surely , many dogs bark in bangladesh , surely they are increasing in numbers slowly. But barking dogs seldom bite you know that don't you?
So keep barking and be happy . let's see if your master India win or Muslims win.
Let's wait for second part of gazwa hind(1st part was in 1947) . let's see how long your master India survive by killing Muslims.
Do you know that there was a sovereign country named Hyderabad? That was annexed by your lord india?
If you don't know just keep barking and be proud.

How about just say " killing innocent human beings" instead of "killing muslims" because every human life is equal and important irrespective of race or religion. However I do not expect you to understand that. You guys are too blinded by your hate for non-muslims.
Infact your hate for non-muslims are so great that you even fail to see that in 71 it was the muslims that killed muslims and it was a non muslim leader of a non muslim country who came to our rescue.
How about just say " killing innocent human beings" instead of "killing muslims" because every human life is equal and important irrespective of race or religion. However I do not expect you to understand that. You guys are too blinded by your hate for non-muslims.
Infact your hate for non-muslims are so great that you even fail to see that in 71 it was the muslims that killed muslims and it was a non muslim leader of a non muslim country who came to our rescue.

Hhahahaha whatta joker passing judgements making assumptions by himself. ROFL this is the crap Dhaka
UNi. created? Atheist Frankensteins who live in a parallel universe. Absolutely non-muslim country came to the rescue of your mom Taslima Nasreen, u forgot to mention that. Same BS not one response to Nellie or other undian mob violence just resorting to 1971, mukti bahini should start cartoon network based on 71. Whenever there is a scandal put 1971 cartoon to silence criticism. I guess this is how these jokers helped india to build dams on bangladesh waters.
Simple response is that our embassy in Dhaka start working relationship with stranded Pakistanis and highlight their misery, and killing / genocide of pro Pakistan Bengalis/Beharis.
Sheikh Mujib wanted freedom for Bengali nation and if that means separation with Pakistan,he was ready.He preferred a negotiated freedom through 6 point formula instead of bloodshedding.When Pak military junta refused that and started genocide he done what he should have done as a leader of Bengali nation and declared independence.Pakistani rulers didn't allowed him Prime ministership because they knew rightfully that 6 point formula is a recipe of dismemberment of Pakistan.If Sheikh Mujib compromised on 6 point,then there was a chance that they may allowed him to form govt.But Sheikh Mujib did not do that.So your assertion that Sheikh Mujib wanted to become PM of Pakistan rather than freedom is bullsh!t at best.
haha i knew How AL manged BD affairs after 1971.Millions died due to mismanagement and Bahanis,but as usual you will brush it under carpet because it happened under AL.

Traitors are those who feel muslim identity is good enough of an excuse for committing genocide.
Prove that bengali Babu that a Genocide did happened,posting pics of Bihars killed and Bhola Cyclone victims shamelessly doesn't proves anything,go and prove that myth in front of neutral body.
But of course AL supporters have no need for such things,they can take out any myth from there rear and use it.
raitors are those who fails to recognize the help offered to over 10 million refugees.
I don't think so a country whose around 40% population lives under poverty lines and is still whose's 500 million population is toilet less will provide shelter to you.And what happened with respect and honor of those refugees in well known.
Traitors are those who fails to recognize the sacrifice made to achieve an independent Bangladesh.

Traitors are those for whom enslavement is worth more than freedom. Traitors are those who still fails to recognize the sacrifices made by our forefathers for your freedom.
Fresh taste of freedom was tasted by villagers of BD villege on eve of so called independence day,isn't it....more will come in coming days along with water theft

it was a non muslim leader of a non muslim country who came to our rescue
And that fu@king rescue started from 1968 Agartala conspiracy case....huh
How about just say " killing innocent human beings" instead of "killing muslims" because every human life is equal and important irrespective of race or religion. However I do not expect you to understand that. You guys are too blinded by your hate for non-muslims.
Infact your hate for non-muslims are so great that you even fail to see that in 71 it was the muslims that killed muslims and it was a non muslim leader of a non muslim country who came to our rescue.
Go and lick the the feet of your saviour's narendra modi you idiot.
And who said that we do.hate non Muslims? We don't hate non Muslims , Islam never allow that. But you guys ante Muslims and love some psedu atheist like taslima nasreen , humayun azad and some bastard Islam basher bloggers who are actually hindutva badi but pretending to be Muslim or SK called secular muslim what ever you wish to call.
Can you answer a single question of mine? If mujib wanted separation why he didn't declare it in 7 march? And if he did so by saying এবারের সংগ্রাম আমাদের মুক্তির সংগ্রাম..... Why didn't pakistan govt arrest him just after this sentence? If now a seperatist leader will openly declare that bangladesh govt will kill him right? So why pakistan govt even didn't arrst him after this bhashon?
And why he surrendered to army and why his family was very safe in Dhaka during the war?
Or why mujib was not murdered in west Pakistani prison?
You guys claim that the world would burst if west Pakistanis killed mujib right?
Oh man if Pakistani army can kill your hypothetical 3 million bangalis then why can't they kill another Bengali named sheikh mujib? What speciality made him superior to so called mythological 3 million shahid?
Can you answer my question? In reality mujib was patriot Pakistani. But after the war when pakistan lost to India mujib had no other option but to compromise with india in order to save his life.
Because that time no army could protect him or his family like 26 march because they were captured by india and east pakistan is under control of Indian seperatist traitors?
If I were mujib I would also have compromised in order to ssve my Life from enemy India.
Can you answer my questions and refute my points?
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I think this is changing now.

Hasina might be a blessing in disguise vs-a-vis Pakistan - Bagladesh relations.

We don't need any special relations with that country, just acknowledge that a country like this exists just like you would for Ethiopia and move on. Let India destroy it completely, who cares...

There was absolutely no need for "East Pakistan" separated by 1000 km or so by an adversary. Thank God this is no more a part of present day Pakistan!

Exactly. The BNP (not just Hasina/Awami League) spouts the same "genocide" and "atrocities" nonsense. They are two sides of the same coin:

"Bangladesh Nationalist Party on Tuesday said Pakistan in no way can hide the fact of ‘genocide’ and ‘atrocities’ committed by its army during Bangladesh’s war of independence in 1971.

The party came up with the statement following Pakistan’s foreign ministry’s claim that Pakistan did not commit war crimes during Bangladesh’s war of independence.

‘Pakistani army committed genocide and atrocities in Bangladesh in 1971. They cannot conceal the truth’ BNP spokesman Asaduzzaman Ripon said at a news briefing.

He made the remarks when asked about Pakistan foreign ministry’s recent statement about denial of committing war crimes during Bangladesh’s Liberation War."


The bottom line is that both Mujib and Zia were traitors. And we are much better off without an eastern wing surrounded by an adversary. India lost all of that leverage over us in 1971. It still has it over the Bangladesh though, obviously.

It was well worth the trade. Bangladesh has nothing to offer us. We are much better off without it.
Go and lick the the feet of your saviour's narendra modi you idiot.
And who said that we do.hate non Muslims? We don't hate non Muslims , Islam have allow that. But you guys ante Muslims and love some psedu atheist like taslima nasreen , humayun azad and some bastard Islam basher bloggers who are actually hindutva badi but pretending to be Muslim or SK called secular muslim what ever you wish to call.
Can you answer a single question of mine? If mujib wanted separation why he didn't declare it in 7 march? And if he did so by saying এবারের সংগ্রাম আমাদের মুক্তির সংগ্রাম..... Why didn't pakistan govt arrest him just after this sentence? If now a seperatist leader will openly declare that bangladesh govt will kill him right? So why pakistan govt even didn't arrst him after this bhashon?
And why he surrendered to army and why his family was very safe in Dhaka during the war?
Or why mujib was not murdered in west Pakistani prison?
You guys claim that the world would burst if west Pakistanis killed mujib right?
Oh man if Pakistani army can kill your hypothetical 3 million bangalis then why can't they kill another Bengali named sheikh mujib? What speciality made him superior to so called mythological 3 million shahid?
Can you answer my question? In reality mujib was patriot Pakistani. But after the war when pakistan lost to India mujib had no other option but to compromise with india in order to save his life.
Because that time no army could protect him or his family like 26 march because they were captured by india and east pakistan is under control of Indian seperatist traitors?
If I were mujib I would also have compromised in order to ssve my Life from enemy India.
Can you answer my questions and refuse them with logic?

Lol.... hairey razakar...
you can distort facts and history all you want..... replying to any of your comments is encouraging you further and giving too much importance to someone who clearly lacks even the basic education.

First educate yourself and learn to write a sentence properly with clear structure. Than try to learn the history of your nation. Than read scholarly articles about the liberation war. Go through publications from the time of the war. Than come and comment on my post. Otherwise adios.
Lol.... hairey razakar...
you can distort facts and history all you want..... replying to any of your comments is encouraging you further and giving too much importance to someone who clearly lacks even the basic education.

First educate yourself and learn to write a sentence properly with clear structure. Than try to learn the history of your nation. Than read scholarly articles about the liberation war. Go through publications from the time of the war. Than come and comment on my post. Otherwise adios.
Your family just taught you how to attack people personally. You don't need to correct my English structure you can do your own business.
If you can't refute any logic you guys start personal abuse.you are nothing but Indian agents and asshole who love to bark. Keep barking you sh¡t. If you can refute then do, neither fuc.k off.
I have read many books of Indian agents on so called freedom fight ,and I spit on them okay?

And hey hypocrite, it was not me who was replying you first. It's you who started barking first,forget that so easily you Indian slave?
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Lol.... hairey razakar...
you can distort facts and history all you want..... replying to any of your comments is encouraging you further and giving too much importance to someone who clearly lacks even the basic education.

First educate yourself and learn to write a sentence properly with clear structure. Than try to learn the history of your nation. Than read scholarly articles about the liberation war. Go through publications from the time of the war. Than come and comment on my post. Otherwise adios.

Whatta clown!!!

Anyone can see, this members' post contains a verb, noun and invocation of 1971.

Tries to divert all indian atrocities on bangali, does'nt address them directly at all

Then starts crap in a humanist joker manner. Reminds me of the Hippies of 60s with flowers in their hair smoking weed, most of the time used to crap similar ideals like this member as they were mostly away from the ground realities in their drugged condition.
they should be ashamed, you got me right? Definitely they should be ashamed.
So some peoples are happy? Who are they? Were they serving the purpas of India? Pakistan was biggest Muslim nation and India was trying to break it and India is successful. Yes East Pakistan could be separated but why India poked her nose? Who let them poke Indian dirty nose in the internal business of pakistan?
Pakistan is not the land of west pakistan only ; we bengalis actually lead the pakistan movement although mr zinnah was Qayed E Azam or main leader ( correct me if I am wrong ,I don't understand Hindi or Urdu well).
And another thing, if balochistan will be cut from pakistan some peoples will be happy in pakistan too.
If hil tract Chittagong will be separated from Bangladesh, some will be happy too. Look at the similarity
! Do I need to explain further?
Finally if both side agreed on separation then we could get indioendant east pakistan and that would be a strong Muslim nation, not a puppet state of India!
Failing to control its eastern wing pakistan military regime indeed should be ashamed because they failed to protect more than half patriot Pakistani citizen from Indian prey. Is it the success of Pakistan for whom bengis fought and gave their life?
And rest of your comment is so rude that I don't want to answer.
Just remember ,pakistan was never ever west Pakistan only but it was east pakistan too. The east pakistanis were the real creator of pakistan and west Pakistanis followed us.
But I will not judge other Pakistanis because of some peoples insulting remarks and here in Bangladesh also some peoples like them who talk much and work less ,I don't care about them. Thank you.

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HMMM this word beggardeshi or kangladeshi ( country of kangal) frequently use by indians on facebook.
I hope you are not one of them as your profile showing that you are from pakistan ,not from India.
i used to think like you but i don't anymore
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