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Bangladesh mission in Islamabad observed Genocide Day

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Pakistan should also celebrate 25th march as genocide day. That is, genocide of civilians by Indian sponsored Mukti Bahini terrorists who were also using fake PA uniforms to give an impression that killing were being done by the PA.

This day should then be celebrated with full protocol in Dhaka right before Hasina's own eyes...

Bangladesh (read Hasina), just like Afganistan are becoming such a nuisance in their obnoxious behavior in order to please their Indian masters. It is becoming absurd by the day.
ROFL Check this beggardeshi @Doyalbaba confidence, btw your US masters disbursed $114 million in food aid lst year.
How many fathers you have everyone knows, one should why they(USA,India )treat you like an illegitimate child.

These Banglas are opportunists they don't have any love for China either. Its just China providing them military support otherwise they hated China and objected PAkistan's closeness with them. Wanted Pakistan to remain as US slaves. Suhrwardy and Sheikh Mujib both were pro-US as well as that traitor minister Shoaib. These jerks were most happy when pro-China hawk on India, Z.A. Bhutto resigned in 1966 as Foreign Minister.

I have no concern to these jokers, why Pakistanis are accomodating these Banglas? Why should their be ties and trade?

They have their country and their India, whatever India does with them is not of our concern and we should let them be...

Check our trade to these pathetic jokers Afghans and Bengalis
Selling these banglas machinery nuclear plant parts, to receive their spit just shameful This all going on with no Pakistani obejcting to fat moron Sharif's eyes closed trade to these jerks.
Yar ye Bangladesh kab agay barhaiga??? This is not important for Pakistan as we have more things to focus on rather than Bangladesh.
Welcome to the land of conspiracy theory.:pakistan:

So Indian sponsored Mukti Bahini terrorists are not responsible of killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians in then East Pakistan?

But hey, I am asking this question to some Hasina fan who believes in "genocide" of 3 million (or was it 30 million?) Bengalis. Whom am I kidding...
ROFL Check this beggardeshi @Doyalbaba confidence, btw your US masters disbursed $114 million in food aid lst year.
How many fathers you have everyone knows, one should why they(USA,India )treat you like an illegitimate child.

These Banglas are opportunists they don't have any love for China either. Its just China providing them military support otherwise they hated China and objected PAkistan's closeness with them. Wanted Pakistan to remain as US slaves. Suhrwardy and Sheikh Mujib both were pro-US as well as that traitor minister Shoaib. These jerks were most happy when pro-China hawk on India, Z.A. Bhutto resigned in 1966 as Foreign Minister.

I have no concern to these jokers, why Pakistanis are accomodating these Banglas? Why should their be ties and trade?

They have their country and their India, whatever India does with them is not of our concern and we should let them be...

Check our trade to these pathetic jokers Afghans and Bengalis
Selling these banglas machinery nuclear plant parts, to receive their spit just shameful This all going on with no Pakistani obejcting to fat moron Sharif's eyes closed trade to these jerks.
Still bitter for loosing the opportunity to loot East Pakistan? :lol: You either need loot or alms for survival.After loosing the free loot from East Pakistan,you are depending on alms/khairat provided by America/China/Saudi up to this days.:P

Check our trade to these pathetic jokers Afghans and Bengalis

Perhaps Afghan knows better about you? After all they are the most close muslim neighbor of you.still hate Pakistan to their gut.Perhaps Afghan have a reason?
Still bitter for loosing the opportunity to loot East Pakistan? :lol:You either need loot or alms for survival.After loosing the free loot from East Pakistan,you are depending on alms/khairat provided by America/China/Saudi to this days.

Perhaps Afghan knows better about you?After all they are the most close muslim neighbor of you.still hate Pakistan to their gut.Perhaps Afghan have a reason?
Still please show us a city or even a town like Islamabad in Bangladesh...Where did you manage to develop something like this after 1971 ? when there was no loot of your country...Jute might have cause the flood of dollars in Bangladesh..
Typical Bangali ignorant of Economics can you tell me how much % of paksitani GDP is on so called aid or khairat ?While Pakistan doesn't get khairat when you render services you do not do it for free..
1960s was the only golden period of west Pakistan due to spectacular looting of East Pakistan.You lost that opportunity in 1971.So still observing 'sukoot-e-Dhaka' day for missing those wonderful looting opportunity.
As I know when Ramna Race Course Enterence was under shadow of Pakistani Flag there were no bengalis working in menial jobs in Gulf and no heaps of prostitutes of East Pakistan were in international market,no bengali was shot on borders,Mynmar use to keep shut though we will occasionally lending help to Rohangiyans but today what you became,a laughing stock whom evens Indians are laughing to whom you are serving for 5 decade's.
Pakistan made PAC Kamra,Nuclear Power Projects,Nuclear weapons,HIT and many more things after separation.We have been in war for 15 years but still our common man is more happy then yours.Once this war ends you will see economically where we are as compared to you.
Go Answer BSF at your border who intruded your village on eve of so called Independence day showing you actually that you are not independent,Go and defend fishmen of cox bazar who are killed and harassed by Mynamrese Navy.....go bengali babu...wake up....you are next after Rohangiyans because according to sangis all Muslims in sub-continent shout convert back to Hinduism or leave,like burmese are saying....
Still bitter for loosing the opportunity to loot East Pakistan? :lol: You either need loot or alms for survival.After loosing the free loot from East Pakistan,you are depending on alms/khairat provided by America/China/Saudi up to this days.:P

Majority of Pakistanis on PDF were not even born in 1971 or beyond so we don't give a shyt about Bangladesh, we know that a country like this exists in the world, but thats about it.

That the Bengali women are killed by Indians at the border and their bodies are left there to rot for days is your problem, if you are happy with it then so be it.

So good luck with being a pathetic slave of India under Hasina and good luck with killing/imprisoning everyone who opposes her...

Ps: I know that majority of Bengalis, even on these forums opposes the tyrant called Hasina. Apologies for writing this post, it is not directed at them.

Bro check out these beggardeshis newspapers, dhaka tribune and the daily star no mention of the ppl killed by indians, happens daily in Assam, Nagaland and Tripura. Instead there is gloating of the events of 1970/71 still being published daily in their newspapers. There is no mentions of Benglaids raped and murderede in Nellie Assam 1983. They simply need Pakistan as a bogeyman, diversion from their pathetic current status as a beggar state. Most of their water resources have been surrendered to india. Their Air Force strength is not even at the level of East Pakista, completely outnumbered by indians.

I recall a tv report how 'prosperous' East Pakistan was, that Dhaka University masters students used to do boot polish infront of Gulestan cinema in their spare time. A beggar state completely dependent on West Pakistan for most of the public sector funding with 20% literacy level, what loot would they have. Yes these Bangla beggars owe Rs. 9.25 billion to Pakistan in debt [Source : State Bank of Pakistan]

The problem is with us [Pakistani ppl] and Pakistan govt.. Why are we sending them cotton and nuclear plant parts knowing the end result, there is no need for this. BNP is also a joke both Awami League and BNP are anti-Pak we don't need these ties or trade.

Bro check out these beggardeshis newspapers, dhaka tribune and the daily star no mention of the ppl killed by indians, happens daily in Assam, Nagaland and Tripura. Instead there is gloating of the events of 1970/71 still being published daily in their newspapers. There is no mentions of Benglaids raped and murderede in Nellie Assam 1983. They simply need Pakistan as a bogeyman, diversion from their pathetic current status as a beggar state. Most of their water resources have been surrendered to india. Their Air Force strength is not even at the level of East Pakista, completely outnumbered by indians.

I recall a tv report how 'prosperous' East Pakistan was, that Dhaka University masters students used to do boot polish infront of Gulestan cinema in their spare time. A beggar state completely dependent on West Pakistan for most of the public sector funding with 20% literacy level, what loot would they have. Yes these Bangla beggars owe Rs. 9.25 billion to Pakistan in debt [Source : State Bank of Pakistan]

The problem is with us [Pakistani ppl] and Pakistan govt.. Why are we sending them cotton and nuclear plant parts knowing the end result, there is no need for this. BNP is also a joke both Awami League and BNP are anti-Pak we don't need these ties or trade.

I think this is changing now.

Hasina might be a blessing in disguise vs-a-vis Pakistan - Bagladesh relations.

We don't need any special relations with that country, just acknowledge that a country like this exists just like you would for Ethiopia and move on. Let India destroy it completely, who cares...

There was absolutely no need for "East Pakistan" separated by 1000 km or so by an adversary. Thank God this is no more a part of present day Pakistan!
As I know when Ramna Race Course Enterence was under shadow of Pakistani Flag there were no bengalis working in menial jobs in Gulf and no heaps of prostitutes of East Pakistan were in international market,no bengali was shot on borders,Mynmar use to keep shut though we will occasionally lending help to Rohangiyans but today what you became,a laughing stock whom evens Indians are laughing to whom you are serving for 5 decade's.
Pakistan made PAC Kamra,Nuclear Power Projects,Nuclear weapons,HIT and many more things after separation.We have been in war for 15 years but still our common man is more happy then yours.Once this war ends you will see economically where we are as compared to you.
Go Answer BSF at your border who intruded your village on eve of so called Independence day showing you actually that you are not independent,Go and defend fishmen of cox bazar who are killed and harassed by Mynamrese Navy.....go bengali babu...wake up....you are next after Rohangiyans because according to sangis all Muslims in sub-continent shout convert back to Hinduism or leave,like burmese are saying....
Unlike Pakistan who are a state where military comes first we concentrated on different things.As you know,we had to start from the scratch after 24 years of massive looting from East Pakistan and finally a devastating war imposed by Pak military junta.It may sound incredible,but we started with just 34 dollar reserve money in the state treasury after 16th december 1971.Now it is close to 34 billion dollar.Not a single power plant, road,bridge was unscathed in 1971.It was destroyed by all sides,Mukti Bahini,Pakistani army,Indian army, all.Most of the meager Industry was also destroyed.10 million people were refugees returned from India.Then come Pakistani style military coup by Pakistani educated military man.1971 to 1991 this 20 years were needed just to return to the previous level.While Pakistan enjoyed a robast economic growth thanks to American dollar and build an army which can counter India.We have no such option.It is only in the last 5-7 years that we are now in a position to spend some money to modernize the armed forces.What you have said about India and Myanmar is partially true.They don't fear Bangladesh militarily.But for this reason,isn't Pakistan at least partially responsible? You have looted and destroyed at least 40 years worth of development of Bangladesh.If we could develop our country uninterruptedly since 1947 like India and Pakistan than we could have built an armed forces which India would have taken note and Burmese would not dare to do any mischief.So you have a lot to do for our current weak position vis a vis with India and Myanmar.
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Bro check out these beggardeshis newspapers, dhaka tribune and the daily star no mention of the ppl killed by indians, happens daily in Assam, Nagaland and Tripura. Instead there is gloating of the events of 1970/71 still being published daily in their newspapers.

Good, you got the drift. These newspapers are known indian and awami league mouth piece.
Oh Awami league committed genocide against Bangladeshis on 2014 and suppressed news media and even tortured people who had evidence. So awami league HC saing something about genocide is pure and utter farce. See awami league committed genocide

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And when is the new Hasina Trademarked Bagla flag is coming?
I mean the one with Saffron colour backgeound and a big Wheelchakkar in the middle

I know about the motijheel massacre. Such events going on since 1972. Bengalis are being murdered by Bengalois and indian in huge no.s sometimes labeled as rajaakars and Pakistanis.
Frankly its not Pakistan's concern.
Why are u electing her shows the problem is with Bengalis themselves.

Pakistan can only remove ties, we don't have a geographical or ideological stake there in future. No Pakistani incl. I wants anything to do with Bangladesh for the foreseeable future.
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