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Bangladesh mission in Islamabad observed Genocide Day

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east Pakistani beglais
Again you have used degrading word for Bengali people.Now I am sure you are a Bihari refugee living in Bangladesh.You never mispronounced Pakistan related things but doing repeatedly for Bengali word.This show your hatred for Bengali people and language/culture.I have no stomach to read your rest of blabbering.
Again you have used degrading word for Bengali people. Now I am sure you are a Bihari refugee living in Bangladesh.
You Are an asshole I am sure now. I already said that I use mobile and sometimes its natural to misspell. Look again I have edited my post.

You never mispronounced Pakistan related things but doing repeatedly for Bengali word.

many times I mispell Pakistani things too and then edit too even after hours!
just the difference is, they do not react like you.

So stop acting like a kid , grow up mentally.
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This has to take the cake for the most absurd thing ever posted on one of these "1971" threads. Indians are now being accused of being "self-styled" Razakars. :omghaha:
Honestly , for them( some BD cultists) everyone is rajakar ,even Indians too if their any opinion go against the neo cultists group of bangladesh.

These cutists ( like doyalbaba and such peoples)
Even calls atheist like Ahmad sofa ( a Bangladeshi writer) a mollah because Ahmad sofa criticized humayun azad, another anti Islamic psedu atheist.

Even some days the cultists will call tajuddin Ahmad's ( who was the main leader who lead the seperatists mukti bahini) daughter sharmin Ahmed a rajakar once ,because she wrote and tried to claim indirectly that not mujeeb but her father tajuddin was the main hero of so called freedom fight in bangladesh.
Now qader siddiki and few other so called freedom fighters became rajakar for them because they criticized their( doyal baba and such peoples) cult like activities.

And I am convinced that they may even declare Indira Gandhi's family as razakar too if they even go against their opinion!!
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Again bogus claim without any source? Economic exploitation of East Pakistan is a topic which is agreed upon by all economic scholars in this world including Pakistani one.Only an uninformed or dishonest person can deny it.

Like you I don't have factoids or twisted lies. These are international body figures joker google IMF report or World Bank report Pakistan economy 1951-1971. The info. is on wiki also in Economy of Pakistan under the section of East Bengal economy. Try reading facts first which is something u have a problem with. You Bangla atheist Rabindrabots are like the Muslim characters of Bankim Chattterjee's Anandamath, you are knaves.
You Bangla atheist Rabindrabots are like the Muslim characters of Bankim Chattterjee's Anandamath, you are knaves.
Why do you hate Rabindranath? If You were to understand Bengali language than you would have understood what magnificence are in his songs,poems,novels,non-fictions.Listen one of his song.It always produce profound calmness in my mind.One of the greatest humanistic songs in Bengali languege.

Bankim was an ultra-orthodox Hindu communalist.So it is no coincidence that his literature will show muslims in a bad light.
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Actually pakistan army made a mistake and the mistake is they moved out from cantonment at 25 march 11:30 pm . they should have waited 30 minutes more ,so that so called independence day and newly invented genocide day would be the same day.
So the idiots would think second time before inventing such new bullish!t !
Why do you hate Rabindranath? If You were to understand Bengali language than you would have understood what magnificence are in his songs,poems,novels,non-fictions.Listen one of his song.It always produce profound calmness in my mind.One of the greatest humanistic songs in Bengali languege.

Bankim was an ultra-orthodox Hindu communalist.So it is no coincidence that his literature will show muslims in a bad light.

Hahahaha Rabindra-bot, bloody apologist re-read Tagore's Nava Barsha, Shivaji Utshab, Ma Bhoi and Brahman. How he glorified Sati and marathi anti-mughal islam hater Sivaji [now used as symbol by hondu extremists against muslims in india]. His vision can be seen not different from Shiv Sena or RSS ideology of hindu supremacy, one religion one country, you joke.

Tagoretwice objected of building educational institution in Dhaka. Tagore was the mild version of Sarat Chaterjee[ who called for expulsion of muslims in 1926 for betterment of India] and Bankim Chatterjee, Pakistan was'nt built in a day, atheist joker.
Hahahaha Rabindra-bot, bloody apologist re-read Tagore's Nava Barsha, Shivaji Utshab, Ma Bhoi and Brahman. How he glorified Sati and marathi anti-mughal islam hater Sivaji [now used as symbol by hondu extremists against muslims in india]. His vision can be seen not different from Shiv Sena or RSS ideology of hindu supremacy, one religion one country, you joke.

Tagoretwice objected of building educational institution in Dhaka. Tagore was the mild version of Sarat Chaterjee[ who called for expulsion of muslims in 1926 for betterment of India] and Bankim Chatterjee, Pakistan was'nt built in a day, atheist joker.

How could he glorify Sati if he was part of the Brahmo Samaj, the very organization which aimed to ban that practice? And Shivaji was a much more complex character than the saffron paint job you see him being portrayed as today. His chief of navy was a Muslim (Daryadarang), his chief of artillery was a Muslim (Ibrahim Khan), along with other major generals like Dault Khan and Siddhi Hilal. You can accuse him of being Anti-Mughal (and they were no true defenders of a Islam themselves)but not Anti-Islam.

Anyways, we appreciate Tagore for his literary skills, his politics are irrelevant to that. You will see people still enjoy Rudyard Kipling, despite his 19th century beliefs of the "white mans burden" and the "noble savage". Similarly, many Germans still appreciate Wagner, despite his anti-Jewish overtones, which partially inspired the rise of Nazism. Good literature is good literature.
His chief of navy was a Muslim (Daryadarang), his chief of artillery was a Muslim (Ibrahim Khan), along with other major generals like Dault Khan and Siddhi Hilal
A p j Abdul kalam was bjp president too.tasleema nasreen ,humayun azad and such peoples Are nominally Muslim too.does that really matter?

Shivaji was the leader of barghi;one of the most violent robbers in history. Did you read the poem shivaji utsab?
Brahmo Samaj
This brahmo samaj is just an eye wash.I personally like some poems and songs of rabindranath too ,but all Are because of this melody ( soor) , and that was influenced by bauls.
But rabindranath tegor was a pure anti Muslim and many of his writings show that.
So a Muslim shouldn't be a fan of rabindranath tagor.
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A p j Abdul kalam was bjp president too.tasleema nasreen ,humayun azad and such peoples Are nominally Muslim too.does that really mattet?
Shivaji was the leader of barghi;one of the most violent robbers in history. Did you read the poem shivaji utsab?
Brahmo Samaj[/QUOTE]
This brahmo samaj is just an eye wash.I personally like some poems and songs of rabindranath too ,but all Ade because of this music style ( soor) , and that was influenced by bauls.
But rabindranath tegor was a pure anti Muslim and many of his writings show that.
So a Muslim shouldn't be a fan of rabindranath tagor.[/QUOTE]

I see very little difference between what Shivaji did and what our own Isa Khan did, both fought against the Mughals, both resorted to assymetrical warfare (guerilla tactics) and both made alliances with communities belonging to different faiths. The only difference we will hold Isa Khan as a hero because he was a Bengali Muslim, whilst Shivaji was a Marathi Hindu. I haven't read that specific poem no, but I was referring to the more general view of Shivaji today.

I'm not saying anything about his politics or his personal views, however his talent and ability to create great pieces of art are undeniable, there are many famous writers, musicians, artists etc who hold views that most people would consider abhorrent but we can look past that and purely appreciate the good things they created. And in my personal opinion, I wouldn't regard him as a "pure Anti-Muslim", he had the standard condescension towards Islamic culture that was apparent in the Calcutta Bhodro Lok, but nothing particularly malicious.
however his talent and ability to create great pieces of art are undeniable
I agree, he was a great poet no doubt as I said I also like lots of his song that is not communal type I just oppose his communal behaviour. I dislike the person rabindranath who was a hindutva vadi, and I hate this ideology .
But as for poet rabindranath I like his peoms and songs.
But some accuse him for plagiarism. Here one video watch it. There is a big argument in bengali blogs that he copied the same music from gagan Harkara.
Most of his songs was inspired by baul some but that's not a problem. It is not forbidden in arts and literature .
But the this one is not any inspiration but just copy .
Watch this link

National anthem of bangladesh that was a song of rabindrantha. But it has the striking similarity of the baul song that I posted. Listen carefully.you will find no difference with amar sonar bangla, the national anthem of bagladesh. So clear theft from gagon harkora. Even you can find an argument on atheisth bengali blog named mukto Mona.
So how many songs are his own and how many are copy from another only he and Allah knows best!

But yes as I said I really like his poems and songs that are non communal as I said already I hate his communal behavior but this is person rabindranath, not the poet rabindranath .
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How could he glorify Sati if he was part of the Brahmo Samaj, the very organization which aimed to ban that practice? And Shivaji was a much more complex character than the saffron paint job you see him being portrayed as today. His chief of navy was a Muslim (Daryadarang), his chief of artillery was a Muslim (Ibrahim Khan), along with other major generals like Dault Khan and Siddhi Hilal. You can accuse him of being Anti-Mughal (and they were no true defenders of a Islam themselves)but not Anti-Islam.

Anyways, we appreciate Tagore for his literary skills, his politics are irrelevant to that. You will see people still enjoy Rudyard Kipling, despite his 19th century beliefs of the "white mans burden" and the "noble savage". Similarly, many Germans still appreciate Wagner, despite his anti-Jewish overtones, which partially inspired the rise of Nazism. Good literature is good literature.

Having a name like Tarek Fatah or
Taslima Nasreen, or being born in a muslim household makes one a muslim rofl?

Bloody rabindra-bhakta read the poem and the context dont make xcuses for that pro-hindu mahajan pro-hindu zamindar *******.

Don't think any South Asian glorifying imperialist like Kipling, he is glorified by western sources like Disney.

Tagore and hindu mindset have these contradictions, as they support the idea as sati in the mythical or historical time, between Sati as an event [ghatana] and sati as a system [pratha], authentic sati and unauthentic sati rofl. These mental imblance of glorified hindu past has given rise to this hindu terrorism existing rite now in india.
In same light Tagore opposed it in contemporary times yet treated idea behind it respectfully. There are still sati temples in india.

Another example of his pro-caste support for modern sati is the character of Binodini [widow who does'nt marry] in Chokher Bali, how she refuses offer of marriage by Bihari.
Having a name like Tarek Fatah or
Taslima Nasreen, or being born in a muslim household makes one a muslim rofl?

Bloody rabindra-bhakta read the poem and the context dont make xcuses for that pro-hindu mahajan pro-hindu zamindar *******.

Don't think any South Asian glorifying imperialist like Kipling, he is glorified by western sources like Disney.

Tagore and hindu mindset have these contradictions, as they support the idea as sati in the mythical or historical time, between Sati as an event [ghatana] and sati as a system [pratha], authentic sati and unauthentic sati rofl. These mental imblance of glorified hindu past has given rise to this hindu terrorism existing rite now in india.
In same light Tagore opposed it in contemporary times yet treated idea behind it respectfully. There are still sati temples in india.

Another example of his pro-caste support for modern sati is the character of Binodini [widow who does'nt marry] in Chokher Bali, how she refuses offer of marriage by Bihari.

Do you have any proof that any of the Muslims I named were Munafiqs like the people you said just now, making Takfeer is a serious thing in Islam and it's not something you should do lightly.

Look if your just going to spit Ad Hominem at him, at me or at anyone who can enjoy his literature than this debate is pointless as you've made up your mind.

We are going at two different trajectories, I am saying this from the point of view of his literary and artistic ability, something which you can't really appreciate unless you can read the original language Tagore wrote it in. What you are looking at is the political messages you find in his works and what he did in his personal life, which I think are irrelevant to discussing his talents, if you don't like Tagore's works then I'm not forcing you to enjoy them, yet you are spitting insults at me calling me a "Rabindra-Bhakta" if I choose to.
I see very little difference between what Shivaji did and what our own Isa Khan did, both fought against the Mughals, both resorted to assymetrical warfare (guerilla tactics) and both made alliances with communities belonging to different faiths. The only difference we will hold Isa Khan as a hero because he was a Bengali Muslim, whilst Shivaji was a Marathi Hindu.
Your claim is totally wrong.isa khan didn't invade mughal empire ,but Akbar wanted to capture Bengal so isa khan just protested .
What will Bangladeshi army do if india want to annex Bangladesh? They will fight for self defense right?
Shivaji was trouble maker and raider, he was anti Islamic who betrayed against Muslim mughal regime, make trouble ,looted and robbed innocent peoples . so how can you compare isa Khan with shivaji?
Will you compare Muslim countries too with terrorists like isis? I hope not!
Shivaji was nothing but a terrorist like Isis.
And and shivaji had Maratha empire? So Isis has self claimed khilafat, but in reality Isis is dajjal I believe .
So comparing shivaji with isa khan make no sense!

Do you have any proof that any of the Muslims I named were Munafiqs like the people you said just now, making Takfeer is a serious thing in Islam and it's not something you should do lightly.
The order of Islam is not to revolt against Muslim rulers until they are not banning you from prayers like namaz ,Roza ,hajja zakat etc.
Or if the nominal Muslim ruler is imposing shirk e aqida then revolt is fine.
So the nominal Muslim companions of shivaji was betraying and opposing the mughal muslim ruler ,so still you think that calling them munafik is non Islamic?
No Muslim can revolt against a Muslim ruler except some special cause that I have already said.
And those companion of shivaji not only revolted but revolted for a terrorist name shivaji.
Do you still not think that they are munafik?
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