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Bangladesh military's new force:Navy SWADS

Claim has been made by you in post # 10 and I am seeking proof for your claim. Provide reliable proof other than bdmil style speculation. Neither wiki (not any reliable source) nor patteren and color fiction your try to propagate here are any proof.

idune, brother - what exactly is your point? .....Oh my god. I get it now. That soldier must be a RAW agent posing in a fake disguise. That cowardly RAW must have posted that picture on Wiki ...... i tell you idune- this RAW will go to any length to discredit your armed forces. The ultimate goal behind this exercise --- Hmmmm .... YES .. to give a false hope of pride to BD citizens so that AL wins again in next election.

Darn this RAW. BD needs Mrs.Zia, NOW , before AL destroys BD with such false propaganda.
Leon, if you your-self accept that YOUR not raising a Elite unit because of OUR objection ..... it simply implies a subservient clulture of not only your past governments but also of your armed forces (At least those who ruled over BD). Your comments would be interesting.

The objection is true but that does not mean we did not raise those offensive forces. Yes we did and nobody is subservient in this country.
The objection is true but that does not mean we did not raise those offensive forces. Yes we did and nobody is subservient in this country.

Fine. Can you point to any credible source for this "Objection" ?
Claim has been made by you in post # 10 and I am seeking proof for your claim. Provide reliable proof other than bdmil style speculation. Neither wiki (not any reliable source) nor patteren and color fiction your try to propagate here are any proof.

Totally Ridiculous.

First Define "Proof".

What do you want as proof?

When the camouflage pattern and color is exactly the same,and also the M-4 carbine's forward handgrip's colour is exactly the same as the picture in Post#3.

Now what else do you want as proof?
How else people prove the authenticity of a picture?You don't believe the source,when I clearly said this in post 24.

You must be knowing that Wiki doesn't allow uploading of photos unless the uploader is the owner of the photo_Or it is not breaking any copyright laws.WIKI identifies them by an unique signature on those photos.

Try posting a different picture in Wiki that's not yours,and see whether it gets deleted or not , after evaluation.

And still you need proof? :rolleyes:

Listen Mr.,I can not prove anything to you if you pretend to remain blind.And I don't need to prove anything at least to you.

You just needed to pick a fight,and you got one.As the saying goes,"jhogra na korle pet er bhaat hojom hoi na".
Hopefully your digestive system is back in order now.
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Leon, if you your-self accept that YOUR not raising a Elite unit because of OUR objection ..... it simply implies a subservient clulture of not only your past governments but also of your armed forces (At least those who ruled over BD). Your comments would be interesting.

The rulers definitely bent under pressure.That's why we find this.

BTW the claims are not by me but by military professionals themselves.So it is clear whoever goes to power,bends under pressure.

Military rulers were Zia ur Rahman and Ershad.

Zia did not bend,because he formed DGFI and protested against Indian intrusion in South Talpatti.

And as for Ershad,he is just a corrupt soul.What else do you expect from him?

As for democratic govts.They were too busy reducing military so that they don't become threat to their "Chair".That is the truth.

Exception was last caretaker Govt/military govt.For example,they even dared to test C-802 without warning India.Also raising SWADs is another example.

But as I praised Moeen U Ahmed now,I am expecting some babbling from our Great "Idune" the fighter.But who cares :lol:
BTW the claims are not by me but by military professionals themselves.So it is clear whoever goes to power,bends under pressure.
Bro : I'm not disputing what you say. I just needed YOUR source for this line of thought. Did you hear it or did you read it?
Exception was last caretaker Govt/military govt.For example,they even dared to test C-802 without warning India

Neighboring countries are supposed to warn each other of missile test. Ind-Pk follow this protocol. What was your point on this but?
Bro : I'm not disputing what you say. I just needed YOUR source for this line of thought. Did you hear it or did you read it?

heard it from relative in the military.Read the same thing in BDmilitary forum by a military professional.And here I find its not only me,there are other people who knows about "objection of Indian Govt".
So I believe it must be true.
Besides looking back at Indira Gandhi's suspicious policies regarding Bangladesh after 1971,its not too hard to digest.

And about missile testing,my point was previous Govts. didn't even bother building missile arsenal for Bangladesh military.But the caretaker(military) govt. not only bought missiles but also tested without notifying.Which means totally ignoring "any possible objection" .

Though they should have followed protocol,but they probably didn't notify,foreseeing a possible "Objection" from Indian Govt.Now this is just my assumption.I don't see any other reason.
heard it from relative in the military.Read the same thing in BDmilitary forum by a military professional.And here I find its not only me,there are other people who knows about "objection of Indian Govt".
So I believe it must be true.
Besides looking back at Indira Gandhi's suspicious policies regarding Bangladesh after 1971,its not too hard to digest.

And about missile testing,my point was previous Govts. didn't even bother building missile arsenal for Bangladesh military.But the caretaker(military) govt. not only bought missiles but also tested without notifying.Which means totally ignoring "any possible objection" .

Though they should have followed protocol,but they probably didn't notify,foreseeing a possible "Objection" from Indian Govt.Now this is just my assumption.I don't see any other reason.

Leon, expected better from you. You would be surprised to hear some of the things we all are led to believe by our history textbooks. No doubt some is pure hear say and some is deliberately fed for convenience. What you want to believe or discard is your choice.

What really is difficult to *digest* is that successive governments (and some of which were definitely Anti India) succumbed to this indian pressure(and when they had the support of Pakistan/Chinese establishments!!). What threat did india provide for non compliance?
What long term gain does India get ? .. Why not a single armed force authority in any government claim so openly? .... Is this digestable?

As for missile test, Again .... pure hear say. India and Pakistan declare each others missile tests (as per international best practice).
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