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Bangladesh may be forced to recognize Myanmar’s national unity government


Dec 31, 2010
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Bangladesh may be forced to recognize Myanmar’s national unity government


May 28, 202122:03

Bangladesh may be forced to recognize Myanmar’s national unity government
Rohingya refugees receive aid distributed by local organizations at Balukhali makeshift refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, Sept. 14, 2017. (Reuters)

As Bangladesh continues to struggle to provide adequately for the Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar, near the border with Myanmar, the best possible solution for everyone involved — from the Rohingya themselves to their hosts — would be if the refugees could safely return home to their ancestral lands. But, whereas the previous government of Myanmar under Aung San Suu Kyi at least pretended it was interested in allowing the Rohingya to return, the new military junta has already indicated it will stop pretending altogether.

This puts the government of Bangladesh in a bind. On the one hand, it will be wary of the fact it needs to deal with Myanmar as its neighbor and so will need to have some kind of relationship with whichever government is in power in Naypyidaw. On the other hand, the incumbent military junta in Myanmar has just slammed the door in its face on the most important issue between the two countries at this moment in time.

Given the politics of the matter, both internationally and domestically, it is unlikely that Dhaka can take this sitting down. It simply must push back. Other than on the issue of the Rohingya, Myanmar has no leverage over Dhaka, so there is nothing to excuse passivity. Moreover, the domestic politics of Bangladesh will not allow the government to appear to be conceding that the Rohingya will become a permanent population in the country.

But how to push back? The answer should already be obvious: The international community has already widely condemned the military junta; a national unity government (NUG) representing an alliance of the ousted democratic government of Aung San Suu Kyi and of the ethnic minorities of Myanmar has already been established; and there is increasing momentum internationally toward the recognition of the NUG as the legitimate government of Myanmar.

If Bangladesh has nothing to gain in bilateral relations with the current military government, there is nothing to stop it from openly endorsing the NUG as the legitimate government of Myanmar, and the only authority it will deal with.

Bangladesh is not quite there yet. And it will probably want to approach this carefully and exhaust (or at least be seen to have exhausted) all other avenues of engaging with the junta in Naypyidaw. Moreover, it will probably be reluctant to be the first country to issue a full recognition of the NUG. Lastly, the NUG also currently has an ambivalent attitude toward the Rohingya, not least because some of its members in the National League for Democracy have been active participants in the Rohingya genocide over the past few years.
If Bangladesh has nothing to gain in bilateral relations with the current military government, there is nothing to stop it from openly endorsing the national unity government as the legitimate government of Myanmar.
Dr. Azeem Ibrahim
But the international community, led by the US, is already impressing on the NUG the importance of integrating representatives of the Rohingya within its structures and its movement more broadly. And this also represents an opportunity for Bangladesh: Its Rohingya policy — that of enabling the refugees to return home when it is safe for them to do so — can be fulfilled in its entirety if the Rohingya are finally integrated as a normal part of the state of Myanmar in the structures of the NUG. So Bangladesh can communicate this directly to the NUG: We will recognize you as the rightful government of the country, if you accept the Rohingya as a natural part of your country and pave the way for their return to their homeland.

For now, Dhaka may continue to publicly try and broach some kind of dialogue with the junta on the issue of the Rohingya. But it must know that these efforts will lead nowhere. So, behind the scenes, it must already be negotiating with the NUG for recognition in exchange for granting full rights to the Rohingya. At this moment in time, such an agreement with the NUG seems more likely than not.
  • Dr. Azeem Ibrahim is a director at the Newlines Institute for Strategy and Policy in Washington and research professor at the Strategic Studies Institute US Army War College. Twitter: @AzeemIbrahim
Disclaimer: Views expressed by writers in this section are their own and do not necessarily reflect Arab News' point-of-view
So Bangladesh can communicate this directly to the NUG: We will recognize you as the rightful government of the country, if you accept the Rohingya as a natural part of your country and pave the way for their return to their homeland.
Seems the Rohingya issue is very simple to Bangladesh. We recognize NUG and NUG takes back the Rohingya as if NUG cannot survive without being endorsed by BD.

ইহার পর তাহারা সুখে স্বচ্ছন্দে বার্মিজ নাগরিক হিসাবে বসবাস করিতে থাকিবে এবং সামান্য সমস্যার সৃষ্টি হইলেই তাহারা সুরাহার জন্য শক্তিশালী বঙ্গসরকারের কাছে নালিশ করিবে। Not a bad prospect.

I wonder when NUG will kindly send an Application in this regard to the weak govt of BD via the proper channel of this thick-headed writer.
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Bangladesh have another option, work to establish an independent rohingya state.

The simian collective is due a very painful lesson as MLK said the the ark of time always bends towards justice.
Bangladesh have another option, work to establish an independent rohingya state.

The simian collective is due a very painful lesson as MLK said the the ark of time always bends towards justice.

Lmao establish an independent Royhinga state ? Americans will try to put a dam naval base there and we DO NOT WANT THAT neither does India nor even China want that. So nope
Lmao establish an independent Royhinga state ? Americans will try to put a dam naval base there and we DO NOT WANT THAT neither does India nor even China want that. So nope

Why would the US want a base there? US has dieago garcia in the indian ocean, satelites covering the globe and multiple CBGs....

I get you dont want that.... but i wont have an issue if it results in the rohingya getting an independent state and BD having another Muslim State next to it.
Bangladesh have another option, work to establish an independent rohingya state.

The simian collective is due a very painful lesson as MLK said the the ark of time always bends towards justice.
Rohyngas are double aged sword. Any training funding with weapons could backfire at our selves just like taliban
Why would the US want a base there? US has dieago garcia in the indian ocean, satelites covering the globe and multiple CBGs....

I get you dont want that.... but i wont have an issue if it results in the rohingya getting an independent state and BD having another Muslim State next to it.
Independent Rohingya State would Cause problems.

1) This Rohingya state will be manipulated by other regional powers to lay claim to the Chittagong division of BD. This will create a new standoff situation between Muslims at a time when muslims should be united. Really want another hostile border ?

2) China: The Chinese have stake with Burma. The Chinese may not be happy if BD plays an active role in the disintegration of Burma.

3) BD has more issues with India to work out than with Burma. Contrary to what BD members think. Burman's have no wish to fight BD. There is too much internal trouble . No Burmese general will want a fight. Other than the Rohingya issue , what other Issue does BD have with Burma? More chance of India showing hostility towards BD than Burma.

4) Suppose BD does create The Rohingya state . BD will be depleted militarily and financially . This vacuum will be exploited by india to get even more concessions from BD. Water is getting scarce in the sub - continent. Unless BD- India can come to terms regarding the water issues then expect relations to go down more. RSS ideology is not helping relationship to improve either.

5) Even if BD does liberate arakan. It will just become another province of BD. There is more Bangladeshis than Rohingya. I dont think even rohingya want a independent state due to this. Rohingya will become minority in their own land. Excellent reciepe for more muslim - muslim conflict. RSS would love this for propaganda

6) Best option is to wait till Burma is further weakened. Then negotiate the safe returns of the Rohingya under protection of Burma. BD should Work towards a Hong Kong like arrangement between rohingya and Burmese state. Even if BD takes military action. A Hong kong style relationship between Rohingya and Burmese state is the solution.

7) If BD arms the Rohingya, then these arms will eventually find their way in the hands of Indian Muslims who don't like the Indian state. Does BD want to take on Indian state at this moment ? Because in the subcontinent more Muslims have issues with India then with Burma. BD will be labelled a terrorist's sponsoring state by the west and middle east. No chance of Rohingya becoming another TTP. But the biggest issue is will BD be able to withstand the Indian wrath?
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Independent Rohingya State would Cause problems.

1) This Rohingya state will be manipulated by other regional powers to lay claim to the Chittagong division of BD. This will create a new standoff situation between Muslims at a time when muslims should be united. Really want another hostile border ?

2) China: The Chinese have stake with Burma. The Chinese may not be happy if BD plays an active role in the disintegration of Burma.

3) BD has more issues with India to work out than with Burma. Contrary to what BD members think. Burman's have no wish to fight BD. There is too much internal trouble . No Burmese general will want a fight. Other than the Rohingya issue , what other Issue does BD have with Burma? More chance of India showing hostility towards BD than Burma.

4) Suppose BD does create The Rohingya state . BD will be depleted militarily and financially . This vacuum will be exploited by india to get even more concessions from BD. Water is getting scarce in the sub - continent. Unless BD- India can come to terms regarding the water issues then expect relations to go down more. RSS ideology is not helping relationship to improve either.

5) Even if BD does liberate arakan. It will just become another province of BD. There is more Bangladeshis than Rohingya. I dont think even rohingya want a independent state due to this. Rohingya will become minority in their own land. Excellent reciepe for more muslim - muslim conflict. RSS would love this for propaganda

6) Best option is to wait till Burma is further weakened. Then negotiate the safe returns of the Rohingya under protection of Burma. BD should Work towards a Hong Kong like arrangement between rohingya and Burmese state

7) If BD arms the Rohingya, then these arms will eventually find their way in the hands of Indian Muslims who don't like the Indian state. Does BD want to take on Indian state at this moment ? Because in the subcontinent more Muslims have issues with India then with Burma. BD will be labelled a terrorist's sponsoring state by the west and middle east.

You have conflated too many issues.

BD can wait and be victims of circumstances or take charge and direct destiny.

Your position of doing nothing I do not believe is feasible. It does not matter if China is happy or otherwise, BDs interest is all that matters.

Whilst I agree that india is the primary enemy I do not believe that the burmese will allow the rohingya to return without forceful BD intervention. We need to be prepared to directly support them or cross the Naff ourselves. Without credible threat the burmese will continue as they have. Your assumption they will become weaker is not supported by history. They are a hermit nation and their military like is like that.

I see rohingya needing their own sovereign state. Fears of them claiming Chittagong or being inimical towards BD seems to be extremely far-fetched.

Your assumption that arms to rohingya will end up in the hands of indian muslims, I must admit I can not follow. Are indian muslims fighting for their own land, I have missed this development, please expand on it.

Our interaction with india in every field would be more fruitful if we grew a pair of balls. No one respects weakness and being forever meek is not a strategy it is merely the acceptance of submission.
You have conflated too many issues.

BD can wait and be victims of circumstances or take charge and direct destiny.

Your position of doing nothing I do not believe is feasible. It does not matter if China is happy or otherwise, BDs interest is all that matters.

Whilst I agree that india is the primary enemy I do not believe that the burmese will allow the rohingya to return without forceful BD intervention. We need to be prepared to directly support them or cross the Naff ourselves. Without credible threat the burmese will continue as they have. Your assumption they will becone weaker is not supported by history. They are a hermit nation and their military like is like that.

I see rohingya needing their own sovereign state. Fears of them claiming Chittagong or being inimical towards BD seems to be extremely far-fetched.

Your assumption that arms to rohingya ending up in the hands of indian muslims, I must admit I can not follow. Are indian muslims fighting for their own land, I have missed this development, please expand on it.

Our interaction with india would be more fruitful if we grew a pair of balls. No one respects weakness and being forever meek is not a strategy it is merely the acceptance of submission.
1) Sure I agree with you . That If necessary BD should be willing to cross the NAF river. But the way situation in Burma is lowering the generals will not want another enemy. Why wage war when hands are full.

2) The way Sanghi's are discriminating against Indian Muslims, Just because Indian Muslims are not demanding a separate land today . can you guarantee that tomorrow they wont want a separate state ?

2) How the guns will end up in Indian Muslim's hands ? First thing is that arming freedom fighters is no easy task. Only elite agencies have been able to do this . for example RAW, ISI, CIA , MOSSAD, KGB, level organizations can do this. This means BD intelligence agencies will have to work with a foreign agency to do this. As BD intelligence agencies are simply not up to the mark to achieve this task on its own.

Say in the Hypothetical scenario. It is the Chinese intelligence agencies that BD works with. This means that When the Rohingya state is formed the Anti India elements of BA will simply divert those weapons to the India Muslims/naxals who are against India ( with full blessing of China). Also black market infiltration of such weapons will find their way into the hands of these organizations anyway. What will BD do when India accuses BD of sponsoring anti india elements and becomes hostile ? West and GCC imposes sanctions to bully BD on Indian wish ( India is more important to them than BD) ? Pakistan got away with it because Pakistan has Nukes. what can BD in such a situation ?

Script can also be turned and say BD works with CIA/RAW. The independent Rohingya state will serve as a training ground for TTP type organizations that in the future will be used against BD if BD goes against the interest of RAW/CIA.

3) Providing Rohingya's with arms will also create condition where terrorists can thrive. Lets not go there. Terrorists of any religion are evil. Terrorists should be eliminated .

If BD wants to show courage against India. Simply developing a Strong national air force and / or a strong missile force is sufficient. This will deter India from bullying behavior and bring Burma to the negotiating table to solve the Rohingya Issue.
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View attachment 749191
You people have direct flights?
That plane has a rather peculiar flight history https://www.flightradar24.com/data/aircraft/xy-alp
Could be carrying diplomats/officials.
View attachment 749191
You people have direct flights?
That plane has a rather peculiar flight history https://www.flightradar24.com/data/aircraft/xy-alp
Could be carrying diplomats/officials.
Could be carrying diplomats/officials.

Could be carrying diplomats/officials.
This raises a question, what Burmese diplomats/officials had an urge to do in Dhaka out of all places now.
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