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Bangladesh Hindu teacher sacked in Mohammed Prohpet dispute

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AL came to power
they employed 6 male Hindu
teachers of the same district
(Tongi Para) in Vakinoor Nesha
Noon Girls School violating the school norms and traditioin ?
Among all the the 6 teachers 5
are more or less involved in
sex crime. What a shame for a
nation ????
Omfg 6 male hindoo teachers ... Must be doomsday scenario 4 BD.0
Talking with this bhartis is futile.... They have clearly diverted the topics with their own agenda... as usual they have started talking crap... by equating rabindranath as prophet and by bringing topics like modi n mass following...

1st thing the student did not insulted rabindranath... but just tried to prove that having beard does not mean 1 is goat...

2ndly the teacher clearly insulted the most holy figure of islam by terming him goat that he has no right to do... even though no one has right also to insult other religion or religious feeling n that is the reason hardly you will see any muslim speak ill of krishna despite he had more then 16000 wives and used to do perv by watching girls while bathing in nude.

In islam and obviously in quran it is clearly mentioned not to insult other people's god as in return they will also insult allah.

Quarn 6:108 And abuse not those whom they worship beside Allah because they will commit rudeness in respect of Allah through their excessiveness and ignorance.

All this bhartis should be ashamed of by trying to justifying the rudeness and in appropriate behavior has done by this so called hindu teacher... not in an oridinary school but in a madrassah.

N I am also watching all audacious comment of bhartis like abir.. n all his mamboo n zamboo on east bengal n west bengal ... Just busy now a days so not replying... but any way what was your west benagl..???? n what all dhoti clat of east bengal has done good so far for west bengal n what east bengal lost due to their departure???

Even up to 1971 Bangladesh enjoyed much higher per capita GDP then India ... 135 against 115 USD... n west bengal was far lagged behind... so sorry to say you Mr. Abir east bengal or bangladesh did not loss anything due to the departure of dhoti clat... those who has chosen communists so far and also lured their other poor relative with day dream like heaven like life in India and asked them to go to india with all their belongings but unfortunately now they are poorest of the poor.

N from which day dream you have found in WB living standard is 4 time better then Bangladesh??? in 2010 west bengal had a per capita GDP of 875 USD compared to bangladesh's 751 USD. But point to be noted Bangladesh's per capita gdp is based on 1995 economic base year... with 2005 base year it is likely to be more then 1000 USD.

So sorry again Mr. Abir, people of WB does not enjoy 4 time living standard then Bangladesh even if we consider 751 USD per capita gdp. With the 2005 economic base year it will be higher then WB.

Come out of your wet dream. Sooner you will come out, it will be better.

Sorry to bring little bit off topic stuff. But it was needed due to some comment made by abir regarding bangladesh and west bengal which is considered as 1 of the backward state in India.
you have many bhagwans we have only ONE GOD so kindly avoid mixing these

Please keep to misinterpreting your own religion only. Do not teach us our religion. You are the least qualified person for that or any other useful topic.

BTW Tagore was definitely the last prophet, he looked the part too!
He doesn't have to, does he?

at least as long as he is alive... suppose you started doing fraud by his name... then definitely he will become involved in it... even though no one should insult other religion.. even your newly founded cult but if modi did any thing wrong then accuse n criticize him for that n bring him to justice is not wrong.

n why this off topic is coming here???

here no one insulted anyone even the student did not insulted rabindranath only the hindu teacher insulted the boy, rabindranath n islams most holy prophet mohammad...

indirectly insulted all the sikh n sannasi with beard.
I recall that Mr. Tiki Tam Tam had no problem when "Jamaat supporters" get arrested for keeping "anti-government" booklets in a school they own. However, now that some hindu teacher got himself in trouble by insulting the Prophet in his class, he's supporting the teacher.

I don't see what the fuss is about. Jamaat people go to jail on nominal charges. No one complains. Hindu teacher gets jailed for insulting the Prophet. No one should be complaining. Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword.
Why this stupid argument ?

The Hindus in BD are paying for not leaving for their spiritual homeland (India) during Partition even after knowing fully well how the Muslims treat the minorities especially when they are the absolute majority. They should leave for India ASAP giving a flying fcuk to the place that persecutes them and the Indian Govt should facilitate their return to their home (India).
This thread is an embodiment of Indian hypocrisy. When they have to act innocent or to show their bigoted and racist nature towards Muslims, they promptly use the religion card. But if they are to be blamed for anything, you shouldn't mention religion.
Talking with this bhartis is futile.... They have clearly diverted the topics with their own agenda... as usual they have started talking crap... by equating rabindranath as prophet and by bringing topics like modi n mass following...

1st thing the student did not insulted rabindranath... but just tried to prove that having beard does not mean 1 is goat...

2ndly the teacher clearly insulted the most holy figure of islam by terming him goat that he has no right to do... even though no one has right also to insult other religion or religious feeling n that is the reason hardly you will see any muslim speak ill of krishna despite he had more then 16000 wives and used to do perv by watching girls while bathing in nude.

In islam and obviously in quran it is clearly mentioned not to insult other people's god as in return they will also insult allah.

Quarn 6:108 And abuse not those whom they worship beside Allah because they will commit rudeness in respect of Allah through their excessiveness and ignorance.

All this bhartis should be ashamed of by trying to justifying the rudeness and in appropriate behavior has done by this so called hindu teacher... not in an oridinary school but in a madrassah.

N I am also watching all audacious comment of bhartis like abir.. n all his mamboo n zamboo on east bengal n west bengal ... Just busy now a days so not replying... but any way what was your west benagl..???? n what all dhoti clat of east bengal has done good so far for west bengal n what east bengal lost due to their departure???

Even up to 1971 Bangladesh enjoyed much higher per capita GDP then India ... 135 against 115 USD... n west bengal was far lagged behind... so sorry to say you Mr. Abir east bengal or bangladesh did not loss anything due to the departure of dhoti clat... those who has chosen communists so far and also lured their other poor relative with day dream like heaven like life in India and asked them to go to india with all their belongings but unfortunately now they are poorest of the poor.

N from which day dream you have found in WB living standard is 4 time better then Bangladesh??? in 2010 west bengal had a per capita GDP of 875 USD compared to bangladesh's 751 USD. But point to be noted Bangladesh's per capita gdp is based on 1995 economic base year... with 2005 base year it is likely to be more then 1000 USD.

So sorry again Mr. Abir, people of WB does not enjoy 4 time living standard then Bangladesh even if we consider 751 USD per capita gdp. With the 2005 economic base year it will be higher then WB.

Come out of your wet dream. Sooner you will come out, it will be better.

Sorry to bring little bit off topic stuff. But it was needed due to some comment made by abir regarding bangladesh and west bengal which is considered as 1 of the backward state in India.

Every Men would include the Gods and Prohpets!

In Hinduism, God is counted just like a human being. They have the same feelings as Ordinary Humans do!

We need not be Slaves of anybody!
The best defence is to attack.

Now that unfortunately Hindus are in a bit of trouble over Neem Chandra Bhowmik harassing Nepali women and the Hindu teacher raping the college girl and this school incident, even though no one is inciting communal tensions, I see Hindus attacking Islam, all over this forum and on Facebook as well. Nice try to divert away the attention.

I hope they realise that absolutely no one in BD is playing the religion card or inciting tensions against Hindus. So attacking Islam and Muslims will only create a problem, which wasn't there before.
Well it seems the thread went right towards
where it should not have been.

The thing that I fail to understand is how can
one teacher reply with such bigoted perceptions?
I used to be a teacher during my high-schools,
though young I was but atleast I knew how to
communicate with brats.

As far as one can guess that teacher called the student
"Chagol' or 'Patha'. Now the difference between the
two is one(Patha) is considered haram and dirty in some
places. If the teacher called the boy a Patha then ofcourse
he would have protested and he did. Then it went towards Tagore
and the teacher was retarded enough to answer in that kids
level. Think about the difference in age of the two.

This sort of irresponsible teachers are better left kicked out.
Tagore was just a poet nothing else. Comparing him
with religion will only make one look like a Faker or rather
a fanboy at best. .
muslim speak ill of krishna despite he had more then 16000 wives and used to do perv by watching girls while bathing in nude.

Do you see any Hindu speaking about your Prophet's marriage to a six year old ? Don't bring in these stupid things which can be easily retorted.
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