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Bangladesh editor jailed for seven years over Israel visit

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May 10, 2012
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DHAKA: A Bangladesh court Thursday jailed a newspaper editor for seven years for trying to travel to Israel more than a decade ago to speak about a rise in Islamic militancy.

Salahuddin Shoaib Choudhury, 48, who edits the Weekly Blitz newspaper, was found guilty of harming the country's interests through his articles as well as trying to make a banned trip to Israel, said prosecutor Shah Alam Talukder.

The verdict in the capital of the Muslim-majority nation came amid mounting criticism of the government's muzzling of dissenting voices, and after a blood-soaked general election boycotted by the opposition and dismissed as a farce.

The ruling also came just a day after another court indicted top human rights activistson similar charges for publishing “false” details of a police crackdown — a case criticised by local and international rights groups.

Choudhury was arrested in November 2003 at Dhaka airport as he tried to go to a conference in Tel Aviv to present a paper on the emergence of Islamic militancy in Bangladesh, Talukder said.

“Police seized several CDs, a laptop and a Dhaka-Bangkok-Tel Aviv air ticket from him. He was going to Israel to speak on the rise of Islamic militancy in the country and how the madrassahs are being used to spawn militants,” Talukder told AFP.

Muslim-majority Bangladesh does not have any diplomatic relations with Israel and the country's 154 million citizens are banned from travelling there.

Choudhury's writings, some of which were apparently published in the USA Today newspaper, were found to be “derogatory”, “seditious” and to have tarnished the country's image, the prosecutor said.

He said Choudhury was in court for the verdict and was immediately sent to prison.

Defence lawyer Prokash Ranjan Biswas said he would appeal as the verdict was “extremely unjust” and based on spurious charges.

“The prosecution could never prove that he was planning to travel to Israel. (And) His writing in the USA Today could never be found,” Biswas said, adding that the court also denied his client's right to recall the prosecution witnesses to testify.

Choudhury was critical of the 2001-2006 Bangladesh government led by the then-premier Khaleda Zia.

During the period, several Islamic militant groups carried out a series of deadly bomb attacks in the country.

Bangladesh's current secular government under Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has targeted pro-opposition journalists, and detained a top editor on charges of inciting terrorist activities.

The editor's pro-opposition Bengali-language newspaper as well as two pro-Islamist television channels were shut down last year after they telecast a police crackdown on a hardline Islamic group.

Bangladesh editor jailed for seven years over Israel visit - DAWN.COM
Bangladesh has absolutely to relation with Israel. You will be jailed if you visit Israel but funny thing is its the first country which recognized Bangladesh.
yes many did't recognize them but travel jail ? what a stupidity ? in fact alquds third holy city of islam is capital of israel now .
No recognition? - That's Epic Denial in Action. How does that work? What do you read in World Politics in school? Deserts in Negev to Lebanon - uninhabited deserts? :azn:
Because GoB does not recognize Israel as a country.
its not the matter sir still they can travel via third party visa pakistanis visit most of the time via Jordan or turkey to Israel .
its not the matter sir still they can travel via third party visa pakistanis visit most of the time via Jordan or turkey to Israel .
Third party visa? Well,I have no idea if that is legal in Bangladesh or not. At least this was the primary charge against him.
No recognition? - That's Epic Denial in Action. How does that work? What do you read in World Politics in school? Deserts in Negev to Lebanon - uninhabited deserts? :azn:

Bangladesh is continuously violating WTO rule as no country can have total ban on another country. Israel tried to develop a relation several times but BD govt. every time rejected it. There is immense hatred for Israel and Pakistan in Bangladesh but since Pakistan is Muslim country BD has formal relation and since Israel is Jewish country it can't have relation until Israel recognizes Palestine otherwise there will be huge bloodshed in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh undermines WTO rules

Sunita Paul - 6/8/2008

According to rules of World Trade Organization (WTO), none of its member countries are allowed to maintain total ban on another member country. Bangladesh is a member of WTO and continues to undermine such rule, thus in other words, violating international law. Because of this specific rule of WTO, country like Saudi Arabia even lifted trade embargo on Israel.

Bangladesh presently continues the following bans and embargoes on Israel, the only Jewish state in the world, despite the fact that, a large segment of readymade garment and shrimp buyers in the world are Jewish entrepreneurs. By doing business with Bangladesh, these Jewish entrepreneurs are in other words, patronizing an extremely hostile nation, which dreams of elimination of Israel from the global map.

Despite series of requests from the international community, Bangladesh did not change its anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic sentiment. Rather, the foreign advisor in the military backed interim government in Dhaka, Dr. Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury, continues to give anti-US, anti-West, anti-Israel and anti Semitic statements. He has openly expressed solidarity to mega terrorist organization like Hamas and Hezbollah. Bangladeshi authorities even recently passed remarks in press stating that the country is no more a partner in war on terror. But, the international community is silent. Bangladeshi soldiers are continuing to work in joint forces under United Nations. But, for sure, it is time for the international community to look into the entire matter with due urgency and initiate some strong measures against Bangladesh for its anti-Israel and anti-Semitic as well as anti-US and anti-West notions.

Bangladesh continues the following bans and restrictions on Israel. According to experts, most of such actions by Bangladesh are direct violations of international charter and law:

1. Israeli Flag Vessel: Whenever any Letter of Credit (L/C) is established from a Bangladeshi bank, there is a specific clause in the L/C document stating, the good 9to be imported by Bangladesh) cannot be carried in 'Israeli flag' vessels.

Bangladesh previously did not have diplomatic relations with South Africa and now even does not have diplomatic relations with Taiwan. But, such notorious clause has never been used in case of any other country, except Israel, as if Bangladesh is at war with Israel.

2. Postal Services between Bangladesh and Israel: Bangladesh Postal Service does not accept any letter or postal materials bound Israel nor it delivers anything from Israel. Such restrictions had never been applied on South Africa when Bangladesh did not have diplomatic relations, nor it is applicable with Taiwan, with which Dhaka does not have diplomatic relations as yet.

3. Telecommunications to Israel: Bangladesh blocks telephone and fax communications with Israel. Restrictions had never been applied on South Africa when Bangladesh did not have diplomatic relations, nor it is applicable with Taiwan, with which Dhaka does not have diplomatic relations as yet. As everyone knows, in today's world, people can use Email to communicate and even send or receive fax while Net Phone to make calls. But, by blocking the telecommunication with Israel, Bangladesh certainly continues to show that, Dhaka considers Jerusalem as an enemy country.

4. Travel Ban: Bangladesh continues travel ban on Israel. Meanwhile, travel ban on South Africa was lifted when Bangladesh established diplomatic relations with that country. Dhaka is yet to recognize Taiwan although the travel ban was silently lifted several years back. In all Bangladeshi passports, issued to civilians it is clearly written, "Valid for all countries in the world, except Israel", while in all Bangladeshi passports issued to Bangladeshi diplomats, Bangladeshi MPs and Bangladeshi Ministers, which is known as 'Red Passport', it is written, "All countries of the world". This is a clean sign of mockery by Bangladesh. While Bangladeshi citizen are not allowed to travel to Israel, Bangladesh very tactfully omitted the same restrictions in the diplomatic passports, in other words to befool the international community showing that the country does not have any travel ban on Israel. By stopping the civilians from traveling to Israel, Dhaka is continuing to commit gross violation of people's right. Any country cannot have two systems at a time.

5. Trade Ban: Because of the mentioned point 1,2,3 and 4, there is no business relations between Dhaka and Jerusalem. There is visibly no initiative from the government of Bangladesh in doing removing such bans.

Now it should be a straight question to international community, entrepreneurs, businessmen and especially the Jewish community around the world – should any action be not taken forthwith against Bangladesh for its wrong behavior with Israel? Bangladesh supports Hamas, Hezbollah and other Islamists terror groups. Although it openly pretends to be anti-Taliban and anti Al Qaeda, it is understood that, in heart, Bangladesh feels proud at every notorious crime committed by any of the mentioned groups. How the peace-loving international community can afford to patronize a nation against war on terror and a nation opposing existence of the State of Israel by doing business with it? Let us just remember one small point, while buying Bangladeshi goods, we are our hard-earned money to a nation, which will continue to appease Islamist terror, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah and will continue to oppose Israel, United States, West, Semitism and Christianity.

Global Politician - Bangladesh undermines WTO rules
Third party visa? Well,I have no idea if that is legal in Bangladesh or not. At least this was the primary charge against him.
they can do whatever sir but Pakistanis travel to israel via border crossing or sea air links from these sides . our mullahs most of the time go there for worship . i think israeli authorities write a paper on crossings .because they can't stamp on our passport .
they can do whatever sir but Pakistanis travel to israel via border crossing or sea air links from these sides . our mullahs most of the time go there for worship . i think israeli authorities write a paper on crossings .because they can't stamp on our passport .

Ok, that means Pakistani Government has silently accepted the to abolish the travel ban to Israel while officially it does not recognize Israel as a state.
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