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Bangladesh banning Jamaat-e-Islami

Md Akmal

Sep 22, 2010
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Ruling Bangladesh Awami League government is actively considering banning Jamaat-e-Islami from political activities in the country. It was disclosed by a number of highly placed sources in the ruling party. Top policymakers of the ruling party has lately taken up the issue of banning Jamaat very seriously following the recent muscle-flexing of this Islamist party on the street of the capital city as well as other parts of Bangladesh, which according to local intelligence sources is the "clear sign of Jamaat's gaining tremendous strength in staging any sort of destructive policies against the ruling party."

Muhammed Nasim, former home minister and a front ranking leader of Bangladesh Awami League said, the ruling party has taken up policy of putting Jamaat into horror. While deputy speaker in Bangladesh Parliament said, in 1974 under clause 20 of the Special Powers Act, activities of Jamaat-e-Islami were banned.

Commenting on ruling party's policy, analysts in Dhaka said, Bangladesh Awami League has clearly taken up the strategy of keeping Jamaat-e-Islami under political and otherwise pressure. They [Awami League] has already indicated that the trial of war criminals would be a "token" move, which is again seen as a bid of keeping Jamaat under run. The analysts believe that the rulers are non-serious about trying the war criminals and the pace of trial is extremely slow. On the other hand, they question the evidences collected by the prosecution, which would either not be able to get the accused convicted. It may be mentioned here that, anyone convicted for committing war crime will not get any remedy from the higher judiciary in the country and will not be able to challenge the verdicts of the War Crime Tribunal.

Some of the analysts feel that the ruling party is now trying to push Jamaat towards destructive and militant activities by not allowing it from holding any political programs in Bangladesh. "The ruling party clearly wants Jamaat to behave similarly as outlawed groups", the analysts said. Once Jamaat will be caught in any such subversive or outlawed group typed activities, the government will press the initiatives of banning Jamaat, which now has turned into a legitimate political party in Bangladesh, by registering itself with the Election Commission.

According to constitutional provisions of Bangladesh, Jamaat-e-Islami can only be banned if it gets into any activity of spoiling the religious harmony in the country. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina categorically though declared that religion-based politics won't be outlawed in Bangladesh.

National security experts in Dhaka told Weekly Blitz that after the recent "showdown" of Jamaat-e-Islami in Dhaka, the ruling party has visibly become afraid. It has become very clear that if the rulers will stop Jamaat from continuing its legal political activities, the party may go for applying force on the government through offensive programs similar as the one, which only took place in Dhaka.

A source in country's intelligence agencies said, the ruling party's acceptability and popularity has already declined to a great degree and top policymakers of Bangladesh Awami League are fully aware of it. It said, following the share market debacle as well as continuous trend of increasing prices of essentials etc, public anger against the government is continuously increasing. Political opponents of the ruling party may cash such situation in ultimately intensifying the political pressure on Bangladesh Awami League.
Banning will only make them go underground.

Bangladesh would do better by eliminating the poisonous mentality they derive their strength from.

Obliterate the tree from its roots.

My two cents.
Some of you are out of order and out of reality. Jamat is not just a sign board party rather a ideology that has been embedded in our socity. At least 10 to 15 percent people support Jamat in military to civil society. They are all over with strong position. Banning Jamat mean, Awami have to face a civil war within and outside the country. Very simple. Many Awami minded people thought that Jamat is no longer however few days ago, they have send a clear cut signal that Jamat will not go vanish in quiet night.

As much as I personally despise the AL, I'd support this move.


You must like la-Hasina's fat nose and supportive of their double standard and thuggish politics. Just a reminder that Hasina cooperated with Jamat in 96 to tackle BNP government. I hope you are not suffering from short time memory loss like others. :disagree:

The JI has become nothing but a party of jobless nutjobs who preferred to study religion other than...normal studying just because it is easier

You must be confusing with other. Jamat supporters and activist actually educated and more successful then your Awami thugs. ;)
As much as I personally despise the AL, I'd support this move.

The JI has become nothing but a party of jobless nutjobs who preferred to study religion other than...normal studying just because it is easier.

you are wrong!reality is quite opposite... they are better educated than awami and bnp people.. in case you dont know they spend heavily on educating their activists in Journalism and Law... i find them more organized, well behaved, helpful... their only problem is this Tag

Having less variables in the equation will not solve the problem faced !!

JI or in case any party that is not working against the state's existence through means of violence must have the right to continue their activities...
Some of you are out of order and out of reality. Jamat is not just a sign board party rather a ideology that has been embedded in our socity. At least 10 to 15 percent people support Jamat in military to civil society. They are all over with strong position. Banning Jamat mean, Awami have to face a civil war within and outside the country. Very simple. Many Awami minded people thought that Jamat is no longer however few days ago, they have send a clear cut signal that Jamat will not go vanish in quiet night.

Agreed on that.

You must like la-Hasina's fat nose and supportive of their double standard and thuggish politics.

That's AL's idea of 'democracy'. :lol:

Just a reminder that Hasina cooperated with Jamat in 96 to tackle BNP government. I hope you are not suffering from short time memory loss like others. :disagree:

During the mass movement for restoration of democracy in the 1980s and during the movement for Caretaker Government in the 1990s, the Awami League had no difficulty in working side by side with Jamaat leaders. A person is presumed innocent until he is proven guilty. It is really surprising that when the leadership of Jamaat was not listed among the 195 who were to be tried for war crimes, they have now been termed as war criminals. This is a violation the fundamental rights and human rights of the Jamaat leaders. Jamaat-e-Islami and Constitutionalism.

Articles | Free Jamaat Leaders

That was hard for me to find :P I was a kid back in 1996 happily dallying around Tokyo.

I agree, the current regime is increasingly becoming more and more fascist.

You must be confusing with other. Jamat supporters and activist actually educated and more successful then your Awami thugs. ;)

I don't know, I generally despise religion-based parties. They just don't go hand-in-hand these days.

Randomly smashing up cars and government property is not a very 'educated' thing to do. But then, the people who carried out the rampage were frustrated with the gas prices and pretty much prices of everything. Can't say I blame them. The AL can cause even more destruction when they are opposition :cheesy:

On second thoughts, lets ban Awami League first :P

I am sure our Bharot friends won't mind since they don't consider us as even 1% important to almighty India ;)

In fact, I believe the AL should have been disbanded right after Mujib's inevitable assassination. That party had nothing of political value to offer to the people of Bangladesh. Let alone things like vision, mission and most importantly wisdom. These are the things the AL seriously lacked from the very beginning. And they still do. They are/were nothing but thieves! I am surprised that this party still goes strong today, even if not many Bangladeshis support the party.
Religion and politics are two different things..the consequences of mixing the two has been disastrous. Mullahs should be limited to seminaries, there is no place for mullah in the parliaments!
Religious and ethical practices are interlinked, whereas adding poly with ethics to make it politics helps to open pandora boxes for special interest persuants. A religious man with understanding of matters even practices politics within the moral boundary that sets him apart from a secular/special interest pursuant. And finally Islam isn't a mere religion but a din, i.e. complete code of life.
As much as I personally despise the AL, I'd support this move.

The JI has become nothing but a party of jobless nutjobs who preferred to study religion other than...normal studying just because it is easier.
I didn't want to live to see conscienes of fellows would die like this. And are you kidding me to say that they have become party of jobless nuttjobs, BRO? They conduct much better jobs than probably you and I do. No one is probably better philanthropist than them in BD and after praying 5 times, conducting Dawati job, party job, global job what more jobs can someone do?
Religion and politics are two different things..the consequences of mixing the two has been disastrous. Mullahs should be limited to seminaries, there is no place for mullah in the parliaments!

Mullah has no place in parliament then who should be in Parliament a corrupt characterless politician ?:angry:
Any such move will pave the way for banning Awami League for their anti Bangladesh activities in last 40 years on be half of India. Awami leaders are just talking hot air blinded by power but power last less tha 15 minutes of fame. When power is gone none of these awami leaders including Hasian will be found in Bangladesh. You want to see proof?

During 1/11 regime, many Awami leaders sheltered by india. Hasina was dying to escape Bangladesh and finally was given payroll in the middle of the night.
As much as I personally despise the AL, I'd support this move.

The JI has become nothing but a party of jobless nutjobs who preferred to study religion other than...normal studying just because it is easier.

you really have no clear idea about jamate islami . jamat is the most probably only islamic party that has most modern educated people liem doctor engineer along with madrasa educated people . it is the moderate Islamic party who wants to build a moderate Islamic state which based on sharia.
you really have no clear idea about jamate islami . jamat is the most probably only islamic party that has most modern educated people liem doctor engineer along with madrasa educated people . it is the moderate Islamic party who wants to build a moderate Islamic state which based on sharia.

Then why were these educated people enforced hartals, burn buses, damaged property etc. Jamat aint angels, they are just as bad as the other political parties, cos this is bd politics. Even though most of the jamatis are ok, some of them are indeed rajakars, they must remove these people in order to get the people's confidence. Btw, get bnp in power if you want a moderate muslim country, they have experience and most of their members have a clean record during 1971
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